The application submits a Flink job via Flink's remote environment. The job is submitted once the spring boot server starts up.
See com.tenble.flink.streaming.springboot.FlinkStreamingSpringBootTest
as an example.
- Import this project as a dependency for another project.
- Add
to your spring boot app. - During spring's context loading phase, autowire the bean
StreamExecutionEnvironment flinkEnvironment
in another bean and add operations to the environment. - Copy the shade plugin step in
of this project to create an executable spring boot jar. See<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer" />
to specify a mainClass. - Run
mvn clean package
on your project, which will create an executable spring boot application, with all dependencies put onto the classpath. Can be found in thetarget
directory. - Run this jar using
java -jar ${JAR_FILE}
. Specify any spring property overrides as jvm or program arguments.
job-name: "FlinkStreamingSpringBoot" # flink job name
job-manager-url: "localhost" # hostname for the flink job manager
job-manager-port: 8081 # REST port of the flink job manager
remote-env-jar-files: # any jars to upload to the flink job manager alongside your job
- "target/flink-streaming-spring-boot-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar"
max-client-rest-request-size-bytes: 2000000000 # maximum job size for the REST request to restrict on the client in bytes
terminate: true # terminate application after the allocated time has passed
termination-grace-period-ms: 120000 # amount of time to wait before this spring boot application terminates
The files in the folder k8s/
are slightly modified files from Flink's Kubernetes Setup page.
They have been modified to increase the maximum allowable rest request size.
- Java API for Flink does not have an option to use detached mode, which is why the
is necessary.