
PHP client for Logux server

Primary LanguagePHP

Logux processor for php

This package allows to use Logux server as proxy between logux server and your php app.

Laravel adapter for this package

Version compatibility with logux backend protocol:

Package version Logux backend protocol version
< 4.0.0 2
^4.0.0 3
^5.0.0 4

Quick start

composer require tweet9ra/logux-processor


  • Load config
* password - logux controll password, that you specify in logux proxy
* control_url - logux proxy http endpoint (usually http://localhost:31338)
* protocol_version - version of protocol, default 2
$app = new tweet9ra\Logux\App('password', 'control_url', 'protocol_version');
  • Set routes
use \tweet9ra\Logux\ProcessableAction;

    * If your logux proxy does not authenticate itself, you must specify this action
    'auth' => function (array $loguxAuthCommand): bool {
        $userId = $loguxAuthCommand['userId'];
        $token = $loguxAuthCommand['token'];

        /* Anonymous login */
        if ($userId === 'false') {
            return true;

        return function_that_validates_token($userId, $token);

    * This action handle subscriptions to channels
    * You can use callback or match with assoative array
    'logux/subscribe' => function (ProcessableAction $action) {},
    'logux/subscribe' => [
        'chats/:chatId' => function (ProcessableAction $action, $chatId) {},
        'users/:userId/alert/:alertType' => function (ProcessableAction $action, $userId, $alertType) {}

    // Your app actions
    'ADD_CHAT_MESSAGE' => function (ProcessableAction $action) {
        if (!user_can_add_messages($action->userId())) {
            // If you have an error while processing action you can use error method
            $action->error('You are not allowed to sent messages!');

        /* Your logic */

    // Or instead of closures you can specify callback method
    'ADD_CHAT_MESSAGE' => 'App\Controllers\ChatController@addMessage',
    'auth' => 'App\Controllers\AuthController@loguxAuth'

All your callbacks takes \tweet9ra\Logux\ProcessableAction as first argument, but it can be replaced with child class:

 * @property int $text Message text content
 * @property int $chatId Chat room id
 * There is no useful features besides IDE autocompletion atm
class AddChatMessage extends \tweet9ra\Logux\ProcessableAction {}

    'ADD_CHAT_MESSAGE' => function (AddChatMessage $action) {
        create_chat_message($action->userId(), $action->text, $action->chatId);
        // Resend action to channels, users, clients or nodes
        $action->sendTo('channels', "chats/$action->chatId");

Process request from logux proxy

$input = file_get_contents('php://input');
$inputDecoded = json_decode($input, true);

$responseContent = $app->processRequest($inputDecoded);

echo json_encode($response);