
We provide the Matlab Implementation of Sparse-BSOS described in Weisser, Lasserre, Toh: Sparse-BSOS: a bounded degree SOS hierarchy for large scale polynomial optimization with sparsity, to be published in Mathematical Programming Computation.

Primary LanguageMatlab

Welcome to Sparse_BSOS!

In this repository we provide the Matlab code we used for our tests in Weisser, Lasserre, Toh: Sparse-BSOS: Sparse-BSOS: a bounded degree SOS hierarchy for large scale polynomial optimization with sparsity.

In  _certificates we provide implementations of different certificates:
- BSOS: code used for testings in Lasserre, Toh, Yang: "A bounded degree SOS hierarchy for polynomial optimization" EJCO 2017,
- Sparse-BSOS: our code as described in this paper
- Sparse-PUT: our code as described in the paper.

- SDPT3-4.0_modified_by_KCT: This is the version of sdpt3, we were using for our experiments.

- test_suite: This folder contains all examples mentioned in the paper

To use the code you need Matlab to be installed on your computer. Add this folder to you matlab path.
First use: navigate to SDPT3-4.0_modified_by_KCT and follow the instructions in the there placed README file to setup SDPT3 properly.
Once SDPT3 is set up examples can be run from the test_suite: see the README in this folder for more instructions

You can also run the file SBSOSdemo.m to get a very quick impression of this package.
