
Curated list of free and essential products

Domain name suggestion

  • domainwheel (generate different variations of your desired domain name)
  • domainhack (take advantage of different TLDs and hack your domain e.g
  • agiledomainsearch (generate domain names by adding some random but related word)
  • domaindart (Generate domain name by adding prefix or suffix)

Domain Name Booking

Create Logo

Create website by yourself

Create blog

  • wordpress (self hosted cms, you need to pay for server or hosting)
  • Managed wordpress hosting, free with sub domain
  • medium ( $75 on time for custom domain)
  • tumblr (use with your custom domain for free, limited features)
  • blogger (everything is free. use your domain, customize theme.)
  • jekyll-now (host your blog on github)

Create Ecommerce Website

You can use open source software and host on your server, but must have prior knowledge of server management and PHP & Mysql.

If you don’t have technical background you can start from these hosted version of e-commerce platforms.

Host for free


Lead Generation

Get Work done

Analytics & Tracking

Website Traffic Monitoring

Track Email

Track Link

Create Awesome Social media Posts

Manage Social Media Accounts

Create Promotional Video

Launching Startup

Note Taking

Project & Task management

File Hosting & Sharing

Work Automation

Create Forms

Transactional & Newsletter Emailing

Chat & Support

Get Payments

On Site Search

Track Competitors

  • mention (Starts from $29 / month)
  • alexa (most popular website ranking provider)
  • builtwith (check what third party technology powering a website. free , paid plans starts from $295)
  • whatruns (Discover what runs a website, when you open a website.)




Free Stock Photographs

Influencer Marketing
