
CLI tool for hakuna.ch time tracking app

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


CLI tools for hakuna.ch

Codeship Status for twhiston/hk Codacy Badge Go Report Card


go get -u github.com/twhiston/hk

or download the binary directly from the releases page for your architecture, rename it to hk and add it to your path


Before using hk you will need to create a .hk.yml config file in your home directory (or another dir but then you will need to set the --config option on startup)

This file must contain the following data

  token: your_api_access_token
  domain: your_hakuna_domain

Once these details are provided hk will be able to connect to Hakuna. Note that some commands will not be available unless you have an organization api key.

You can additionally add the top-level key (not nested under hakuna:)

vertical_print: true

to the config file to get vertical table printouts, which is useful if on a small monitor or viewing a very large set of data which breaks the terminal line.

Keys in the .hk.yml file can be set/overriden with environmental variables. Environmental variables should match the key names and be prefixed by HK_


Commands currently cover the entire api and are described in the manifest.yml file. Acting as other users are not supported currently

use hk --help or hk {command} --help to find out options and further sub-commands

Date Parsing

hk uses github.com/olebedev/when for date parsing allowing you to either parse the date as per the api format or to use natural language such as

hk time list --date "last wednesday" hk time create --start "today 1:15am" --end "2am" hk timer start --start "1 hour ago"

Additional Commands

In addition to the generated commands there are custom commands that don't only return the API functionality


using the hk today command you can see your total for today including any active timers, and it displays a sum of all times, this means that you can quickly use this command to get an overview of your day

timer new

Stops a current timer, if running, and starts a new one, takes all of the flags that can be parsed to timer start

timer running

Returns true or false depending on if a timer is currently running

Using with bitbar

If you want to use hk with bitbar to start and stop timers, and see your current days total you can use the following script

Make sure that you set your gopath and path properly so that hk can be found (thanks to Philippe Hässig for the idea for this)


export GOPATH=/Users/$(whoami)/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin

# If hk is not installed get it
which hk > /dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  go get -u github.com/twhiston/hk

function startTimer ()
	hk timer start --config=/Users/$(whoami)/.hk.yml
function stopTimer()
	hk timer stop --config=/Users/$(whoami)/.hk.yml

## This case statement captures what was passed to param1 and decides which function to call
case "$1" in

time=$(hk today | grep Today | cut -d "|" -f 3)

if [[ $(hk timer running) == "true" ]]; then
	echo "⏱ $time|trim=true"
	echo "   $time|trim=true"

echo "---"
echo "Start Timer | terminal=false bash=$0 param1=startTimer refresh=true"
echo "Stop Timer  | terminal=false bash=$0 param1=stopTimer  refresh=true"


All the commands are generated from the manifest.yml file using the code in the generator folder To generate the output simply run go generate in the root folder