Omnilock Supply Mode / XUDT with Max Supply

This project demos how to mint XUDT that has max supply in Nervos Network.

It uses the supply mode of Omnilock.


Use either npm or pnpm is OK.

$ pnpm i
$ pnpm i -g ts-node
$ cd src


1. Generating New Test Accounts

$ ts-node generate.ts

This will generate three test accounts (tom, bob, may) and write them to accounts.ts.

2. Claim Testnet CKB

Copy tom's address in accounts.ts and claim some Testnet CKB.


3. Create a Supply Mode Omnilock Cell

You can specify an optional max supply which defaults to 10,000.

$ ts-node omnilock.ts            // default max supply: 10,000
$ ts-node omnilock.ts 666666     // specify max supply: 666666

After running omnilock.ts, some related data will be written to omnilock_data.ts.

4. Mint XUDT with Max Supply

You can specify an optional mint amount which defaults to 1,000.

$ ts-node omnilock_mint.ts      // default mint amount: 1,000
$ ts-node omnilock_mint.ts 5000 // specify mint amount: 5,000

To keep things simple, all minted XUDT goes to may's address.

And CURRENT_SUPPLY in omnilock_data.ts will be updated after each successful minting.

5. View Transactions in Explorer

Every successful transaction will be logged in terminal.

Copy the transaction hash and view it in Testnet Explorer: .

A Full Example

$ ts-node generate.ts              // generate test accounts
// Go to the faucet page and claim some testnet CKB for tom
$ ts-node omnilock.ts              // use default max supply 10,000
$ ts-node omnilock_mint.ts 2000    // mint 2000 XUDT for may
$ ts-node omnilock_mint.ts 6000    // mint another 6000 XUDT for may
$ ts-node omnilock_mint.ts 3000    // Error 90: ERROR_EXCEED_SUPPLY
// 2000 + 6000 + 3000 = 11,000 > 10,000


    <vec> Omnilock Script Cell
    <vec> sUDT Script Cell
    <vec> Cell
        Data: <version> <current supply, 2,000>  <max supply: 10,000> <sUDT script hash, H1>
        Type: <Type ID script with hash H2>
            code_hash: Omnilock
            args: <flag: 0x0> <pubkey hash 1> <Omnilock flags: 8> <type script hash, H2>
    <... one of the input cell must have owner lock script as lock, to mint>

    <vec> Cell
        Data: <version> <current supply, 3,000>  <max supply: 10,000> <sUDT script hash, H1>
        Type: <Type ID script with hash H2>
            code_hash: Omnilock
            args: <flag: 0x0> <pubkey hash 1> <Omnilock flags: 8> <type script hash, H2>
    <vec> Minted sUDT Cell
        Data: <amount, 1,000>
        Type: <type script hash, H1>
    WitnessArgs structure:
        signature: <valid secp256k1 signature for pubkey hash 1>
        omni_identity: <EMPTY>
        preimage: <EMPTY>
