
The data processing portion of our project

Primary LanguageJava




jdk (7)

tomcat (7.0.42)

##Requirements for running it all locally

cloudera cdh4 (Impala 1.1, Hive 0.11, Hadoop 1 or greater)

##Getting Started

###1. Pull down the project

###2. Run mvn install, compile, and package

###3. Setup Tomcat:

a. Project Structure -> Artifacts

  1. add Web Application Exploded PolianaAPI
  1. Add WEB-INF top level directory
  • Add classes directory, drag data-manager compiled output to this directory
  • Add lib directory, drag all Maven dependencies to this directory

b. Edit Configurations -> Add Tomcat Server(local)

  • Add the PolianaAPI artifact to the server

GLOBAL PARAMETERS: ?format=json/csv


   ?congress=110  DEFAULT current




                 ?politician_id=XXXXXX *
                 ?politician_id=XXXXXX *
                 ?politician_id=XXXXXX *





          ?industry_id=XXX **
          ?category_id=XXXXX **




                 ?pac_id=XXX *

                 ?pac_id *


