
A simple project to demonstrates how to deploy a Kotlin + Javalin + Gradle application on Heroku

Primary LanguageKotlin


A simple project to demonstrates how to deploy a Kotlin + Javalin + Gradle application on Heroku

Build Status Code Climate


You should have Git, Java, Gradle and Heroku-cli installed.

Clone this repo

$ git clone https://github.com/lennonjesus/javalin-kotlin-gradle-heroku.git && cd javalin-kotlin-gradle-heroku 

Test on local machine

Run local tests (it will download dependencies, compile sources and run tests)

$ gradle clean test

Run on local machine

Start server (it will download dependencies, compile sources and start the server)

$ gradle run

Open your favorite browser...


...or use cURL on a terminal...

$ curl http://localhost:7000

...and you should get this response

Hello Javalin with Kotlin on Heroku!

Stop the server

$ gradle --stop

Deploy and test on heroku

Create new Heroku project

$ heroku create

Deploy to Heroku

$ git push heroku master

Scale up

$ heroku ps:scale web=1

Open your favorite browser...

$ heroku open

...or use cURL on a terminal...

$ curl https://[HEROKU-PROJECT-NAME-GOES-HERE].herokuapp.com

...and you should get this response

Hello Javalin with Kotlin on Heroku!