
Useful tools for developing REST services with django-tastypie

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Useful tools for developing REST services with django-tastypie



What iss It Look Like?

Asuming you have a tastypie implemented api, a basic example looks like:

# myapp/api/tools.py
# ============
from tastytools.api import Api
from resources import MyModelResource, AnotherResource, YetAnotherResource

api = Api()
api.register(resources=[AnotherResource, YetAnotherResource])

# urls.py
from tastypie.api import Api
from my_app.api.resources import MyModelResource

api_name = 'v1'
v1_api = Api(api_name=api_name)

urlpatterns = patterns('',
  # ...more URLconf bits here...
  # Then add:
  (r'^tastytools/', include('tastytools.urls'), {'api_name': api_name}),

That gets you a basic automatic documentation for your api at /tastytools/doc/

You can find more in the documentation at http://tastytools.readthedocs.org/.

What is tastytools?

Useful tools for developing REST services with django-tastypie