
WIP Entity/repository-based cache implementation for Twilight.

Primary LanguageRustISC LicenseISC

Twilight Cache

Twilight Cache is an entity/repository-based cache for the twilight-rs ecosystem. If you're not familiar with entities and repositories, Microsoft has an article about it. The idea is that entities - things like guilds, channels, or users - contain data about themselves, while repositories are for retrieving, removing, and modifying those entries at the data source.


Base Crate

The primary crate is twilight-cache, which is a generic abstraction over any datastore backend. It can be built on top of to write backends for things like Redis, CouchDB, SQLite, in-process-memory, or anything else.

This is largely a set of 3 traits and a collection of models. The models define efficient data structures for storage (utilising IDs where possible for optimised memory and query performance, similar to a foreign key).

The Entity trait is for common operations - such as getting an entity's unique ID - on resources such as users, guilds, or members.

The Repository trait defines common CRUD operations on entities: upserting, retrieving, and deleting entities (as well as bulk operations). There is also a repository for each entity for unique operations relevant to that entity, such as MessageRepository::author to get the author of a message by the message ID. This avoids having to query a backend twice: getting the message by ID, and then getting an author by the message's author_id field.

Lastly, the Backend trait includes methods and types for creating each backend's repository implementations.


Provided is the twilight-cache-inmemory implementation, which caches entities in the memory of the process. A Redis implementation is planned.


Get a message by its ID, and then get a different message's author, knowing only the ID of both messages:

use twilight_cache_inmemory::InMemoryCache;
use twilight_model::id::MessageId;

let cache = InMemoryCache::new();

if let Some(message) = cache.messages.get(MessageId(123)) {
    println!("the content of the message is: {}", message.content);
} else {
    println!("the message isn't in the cache");

if let Some(author) = cache.messages.author(MessageId(456)).await? {
    println!("the author of the message is {}#{}", author.name, author.discriminator);
} else {
    println!("the message or its author isn't in the cache");


Add the following to your Cargo.toml to install the twilight-cache-inmemory crate:

twilight-cache-inmemory = { branch = "main", git = "https://github.com/twilight-rs/cache" }
