Pinned issues
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Crash Issue in Twilio Conversation SDK v_4.0.3
#61 opened by mahima59 - 0
Bug: TwilioConversationsClient crashes on Initialize a new conversations client instance with an expired jwt token.
#60 opened by haithngn - 4
Intermittent: Completion handler not called in getTemporaryContentUrlsForAttachedMedia
#57 opened by kuchmiyalex - 2
Bug: synchronizationStatusUpdated Callback Stops Working Until Client Reconnection
#59 opened by kuchmiyalex - 1
Other: Apple PrivacyManifest
#58 opened by trevor-holliday-instacart - 16
Crashes on 4.0.2
#43 opened by brian-voong - 7
- 8
- 1
Unable to build with Xcode 15.1
#56 opened by rwaggoner-square - 5
- 10
- 1
Unable to add a 2nd participant to chat
#49 opened by alanscarpa - 5
[pre-4.0] Crash in TwilioConversationsClient initializeClientWithToken:completion:
#45 opened by vidriloco - 0
Bug: a test report
#53 opened by berkus - 0
Bug: a test issue
#52 opened by berkus - 1
Not existing dependency version for twilsock-ios
#50 opened by vladdorfman - 4
Crashing on device with XCode 15 archives
#48 opened by JanHalozan - 2
- 5
- 0
TCHMessageBuilder.addMedia() fails authentication
#47 opened by twoeven - 6
Carthage + xcframework
#12 opened by ealbizzati - 5
When TCHUser offline & online status update delegate method never been called
#22 opened by kalebupatan7 - 31
v4.0.1 breaks LLDB in Xcode
#42 opened by andyyhope - 2
Cant use LLDB after upgrading to 4.0.2
#44 opened by tomerhy - 5
3.0.0+ prevents LLDB from working
#36 opened by apoltix - 3
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buildAndSendWithCompletion returns the generic TCHError with Command timeout reached when device is online
#33 opened by sveinungkb - 2
CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "TwilioConversationsClient" 4.0
#39 opened by epyifany - 9
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New Crash after Integrating Library 3.1.0
#38 opened by epyifany - 2
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Error accessing remote repository while updating conversation-ios package to version 3.0.0
#34 opened by anish190 - 3
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Crash when accessing media URL,
#32 opened by Vaidios - 2
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Connection takes time iOS Swift
#13 opened by aiyub007 - 8
Crash [TwilioConversationsClient initializeClientWithConfig:token:properties:completion:]
#23 opened by khanhson47 - 4
[Crash] NSInvalidArgumentException: *** -[__NSDictionaryM setObject:forKeyedSubscript:]: key cannot be nil
#30 opened by AkshayAShah - 0
Quick consecutive calls to getUnreadMessagesCountWithCompletion returning different values
#27 opened by bmadaras - 2
Did you remove Cocoa Pods support?
#26 opened by jhicks-ddm - 2
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Media-typed messages created with TwilioChatSDK return an empty THMedia array with TwilioConversationsSDK
#20 opened by angi-betancourt - 2
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Crash on version 2.0.3
#17 opened by ryanisnhp - 5
TwilioConversationsClient via POD has been installed and working in 1 project but not working in an other project.
#18 opened by zahoorahmadgorsi - 8
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SPM installation unable to xcodebuild the app
#16 opened by dannyhertz - 1
2.0.0 Release
#15 opened by treyrich - 1
Xcode build fails in Azure DevOps Pipeline
#14 opened by jvigneshcs