- 0
- 3
[BUG] Can't create Plugin when running behind corp proxy
#1080 opened by phinzin - 3
[BUG] I am still facing CORS error with twilio functions.Is this solved?
#1077 opened by Krishna-najpk - 3
[BUG] Cannot deploy plugins using CICD
#1078 opened by kingofclarkston - 1
[FEATURE REQUEST] Upgrade React to latest version
#1071 opened by unt1tled - 1
How to Implement Tailwind CSS to Twilio Flex Plugins?
#798 opened by Mlfraga - 2
- 2
[BUG] Unbable to run this command twilio plugins:install @twilio-labs/plugin-flex
#1037 opened by iprates - 3
[BUG] "Unexpected argument: --bypass-validation" in the latest version
#1033 opened by marek-siemieniuk-morawski - 1
Mixed concept of `Region
#1023 opened by jonathon-wei-ohq - 1
- 2
[BUG] Flex Plugin isn't upgrading to the latest version
#1034 opened by rajanpam - 2
twilio-cli encountered an unexpected error. self signed certificate in certificate chain
#725 opened by Dad2scott - 6
- 2
- 1
[BUG] ##[error]Bash exited with code '254'.
#990 opened by scriptkd - 1
- 3
[BUG] Conflicting values for 'process.env' using dotenv-webpack for env variables.
#857 opened by mykle90 - 3
- 20
- 12
Not able to deploy plugin to flex [BUG]
#785 opened by agssiva1981 - 2
TaskCanvasTab Label is getting duplicated [BUG]
#802 opened by jagtappranjal - 7
#784 opened by rajrishi7817 - 3
- 1
- 1
[BUG] Unable to deploy Twilio plugin - "Request failed with status code 400"
#878 opened by bethfraser - 2
[FEATURE REQUEST] Vulnerable packages
#611 opened by david-amores-anz - 2
[BUG] Too Many Plugins
#621 opened by c1moore - 6
- 3
- 1
[BUG] Use a destructing import instead of * when giving advice on upgrading a given plugin
#691 opened by patlaughlin - 1
[BUG]The plugin plugin-chat-sms-transfer version (v4) is not compatible with this CLI command.
#700 opened by ShenghuaLuo - 1
[BUG] can not change logo for LoginView
#704 opened by ianzone - 1
Help Required - TaskCanvasTabs
#707 opened by devappsms - 2
[FEATURE REQUEST] Install plugin in project.json
#726 opened by brianlow - 1
[FEATURE REQUEST] Upgrade react-redux
#727 opened by feimosi - 1
[BUG]twilio-cli encountered an unexpected error. $ twilio flex:plugins:deploy --major --changelog "Notification sounds and more" --description "some sample plugins"
#728 opened by CO501 - 1
[BUG] twilio-cli encountered an unexpected error
#749 opened by Dad2scott - 2
- 1
- 3
Still using node-ipc instead of the fork
#822 opened by safe-oss - 1
[BUG] - twilio flex:plugins:create plugin-sample --install --flexui2 fails
#800 opened by jakexconniff - 1
[BUG] Error while starting twilio flex plugin
#836 opened by SHASHANK110 - 5
- 2
[BUG] Running `twilio flex:plugins:start` on `node@18.12.1` breaks the webpack dev server proxy
#803 opened by josh08h - 5
#687 opened by SnehaAggarwal0409 - 2
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