
Twinbit Drupal Metadata: Accessing the fields, the right way

Primary LanguagePHP

Twinbit entity frontend metadata classes

As written in the class documentation Provides an abstract metadata wrapper allowing easy usage of the entity metadata, but what does it means ?

Well, Drupal offers many ways to access entity fields data and attributes (ex: title attribute of a link field), one of them is based on MetadatWrapper object exposed by EntityAPI module, while it is very powerful, it is far from being easily used by frontend developers.

We create this wrapper in order to simplify, the fields handling.


Working with nodes

Access to field attributes

$wrapper = new TwinbitFrontendMetadata('node', $node);

// get the url attribute from link field
$url = $node_wrapper->get_field_value('field_link', 0, 'display_url'); 

// get the title attribute from link field
$link_title = $node_wrapper->get_field_value('field_link', 0, 'title');

// get the node title
$node_title = $node_wrapper->get_field_value('title');

Access to nested wrappers, for example file fields or taxonomy references

$files = $frontend->get_wrapper_field('field_files');
foreach ($files as $file) {
  $file_titles[] = $file->get_field_value('title'));
  $file = $file->getEntity(); // access the raw entity

Working with files

Render a set of file uploads from an Node as images using a style and some attributes

$image_renderers = new TwinbitFrontendFile('node', $file_ref, 'field_file_upload');
foreach ($image_renderers->renderers as $image_render) {
  $image_render->setAttributes(array('alt' => $alt, 'title' => $alt, 'attributes' => array('class' => 'test')));
  $html .= $image_render->render();
  // you can also pass custom theme functions, for example calling "theme_custom_image_formatter"
	  $html .= $image_render->render('image', array('#theme' => 'custom_image_formatter')); 

Render a set of file uploads from an Node as links using a style and some attributes

$file_renderers = new TwinbitFrontendFile('node', $file_ref, 'field_file_upload');
foreach ($file_renderers->renderers as $file_render) {
  $file_render->setAttributes(array('alt' => $alt, 'title' => $alt, 'attributes' => array('class' => 'test')));
  // please note that this function will use "theme_file_link" theme function (https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules!file!file.module/function/theme_file_link/7)
  $html .= $file_render->render('link'); 
  // you can also pass custom theme functions, for example calling "theme_custom_image_formatter"
  $html .= $file_render->render('link', array('#theme' => 'custom_link_formatter')); 	


If you need some help, feel free to use the issue tracker, we are more than happy to help you.