
The sample project is based on the Lumen Framework. Lumen is a paired-down version of the larger Laravel Framework. The Lumen Documentation covers the needed information for working on this project.


The requirements for this project are derived from the requirements of the Lumen project. They should all be available with most recent PHP installations. XAMPP is a self contained server package that can be used if needed to run the project.

  • PHP >= 5.6.4
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension


  1. Clone the tpt-sample repo
  2. Add the following record to the computers host file:
  3. Update local server settings to point a url at the /public directory
  4. You should see the following index page Screenshot

Project Structure

There are three main areas that are of interest.

  • routes/web.php - Routes defines the available endpoints that are exposed by the application
  • app/Http/Controllers - Controllers contains the controllers invoked by the routes
  • public - Public contains the files that are served to the end user
  • resources/views - Views contains the html files that are sent to the user

Schedule API Information

There is a single endpoint of the schedule API that is of interest:

POST /schedule/series

Gets the next upcoming airing of a series on a channel. Expects JSON post data.

For the purposes of this project, we will be using the "2" channel. Some sample series names that you can use are:

  • Almanac
  • Nova
  • Nature

A sample request to the API may look like:

Content-Type: application/json

{"title": "Almanac", "channel": "2"}

A response from this request would look something like:

        "id": 10650868,
        "ingest_id": 1024,
        "series_id": 1,
        "episode_id": 12369,
        "schedule_channel": "2",
        "schedule_start_time": "2016-10-14 19:00:00",
        "schedule_end_time": "2016-10-14 19:56:40",
        "schedule_duration_hour": 0,
        "schedule_duration_minute": 56,
        "schedule_duration_second": 40,
        "updated_at": "2016-08-29 16:29:52",
        "created_at": "2016-08-29 16:28:23",
        "series": {
            "id": 1,
            "wp_posts_id": 31501,
            "series_id": 4875,
            "series_code": "ALMC",
            "series_title": "Almanac",
            "series_desc": "Almanac is a weekly news and public affairs program produced by tpt and seen statewide.  Now in its 32nd season, Almanac is the longest-running primetime TV program in Minnesota history.  Almanac is hosted by Cathy Wurzer and Eric Eskola.  Mary Lahammer contributes political reporting on a weekly basis.",
            "series_url": "",
            "updated_at": "2016-08-29 16:27:59",
            "created_at": "2015-09-22 13:37:47"
        "episode": {
            "id": 12369,
            "series_id": 1,
            "program_id": 289901,
            "version_id": 327416,
            "episode_number": 3307,
            "episode_title": "",
            "episode_desc": "",
            "episode_url": "",
            "episode_language": "English",
            "episode_dvi": "NO",
            "episode_stereo": "STEREO",
            "episode_hdtv": "YES",
            "version_rating": "",
            "version_caption": "Yes",
            "package_type": "HDBA",
            "orig_broadcast_date": "2016-10-14",
            "updated_at": "2016-08-29 16:28:03",
            "created_at": "2016-08-29 16:28:03"