
clean, simple, single-page webapps.

Primary LanguageCSS

Build Status


  1. brooch is a utility for building smart single-page web apps.
  2. To get started, clone the repo, install dependencies (npm install), and then run the app (npm start).
  3. Change whatever you like. Github Issues and Pull Requests accepted.


  1. You can start writing LESS in app/assets/stylesheets. LESS files added here will be compiled to CSS by the app server – just be sure you reference the corresponding CSS file in a view template file.
  2. If you just want to start writing styling without creating any new stylesheets, base.less is a great place to start.
  3. The app takes advantage of a modified normalize.css stylesheet that gets included in base.less.


  1. The app is set up to use Jade templates by default. Follow the convention in app.js/app/views to serve up new templates.
  2. The base template (application.jade) includes Jade blocks for:
  • head (which will be appended to the document's <head> element),
  • main (appended to <body>, just before <footer>),
  • foot (appended to end of document immediately before </body>

UI-Building Niceties:

  1. The /ui route mapping exists and it is intended to be used to prove-out UI elements and as a sandbox for UI components.
  2. The app includes the 'Font Awesome' icon font by default.

Run App:

npm start

Run Test Suite:

npm test

Directory Structure:

|-- app
|   `-- assets
|   |   |-- fonts
|   |   |-- images
|   |   |-- javascripts
|   |   |-- stylesheets
|   `-- views
`-- config
`-- lib
`-- test
`-- vendor