
🔧🖨️ Set of procedural generation tools in Java that I reuse in a lot of projects.

Primary LanguageJava


This repository contains several procedural generation tools in Java that I reuse in a lot of projects. It is made public mainly due to it being a dependency in some of my other open-sourced software. I might add some more documentation for this repository when it grows larger.

Currently, it contains several diverse tools, such as:

  • Picker: To easily pick random numbers, random different indices in a list etc.
  • IGenerator: A functional interface to represent a generator that returns different results each time, and can result an Optional.empty() It has a lot of methods to manipulate the generator, some similar to the native Java Stream API.
  • IReactingGenerator, IStreamGenerator, IReactingStreamGenerator: Similar to IGenerator, but receiving a certain input and/or generating a stream instead of an optional.
  • ISelector: Various tools to select random values from a list, often using IFitnessFunction, inspired by genetic algorithms. There are several well-known variants provided in these utilities such as roulette wheel selection, tournament selection, uniform selection, sorted selection.