
⚙️🃏 Generator Of One-liners From Examples with Ratings: Framework for generating humour from examples.

Primary LanguageJava


= Generator Of One-liners From Examples with Ratings

This is a framework for generating humour from examples. It was created for my master's thesis "Automatic Joke Generation: Learning Humour from Examples".

An implementation of a system relying on this framework is also provided, namely GAG. GAG, Generalised Analogy Generator, generates "I like my X like I like my Y, Z" jokes from rated examples. The training data set was collected with our platform, JokeJudger.com. The implementation of JokeJudger as well as the collected data are also made available.

Citing this work

If you want to reference this work, you can use this BibTex file.

    issn = {0302-9743},
    journal = {Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions: Technologies and Contexts},
    pages = {360--377},
    volume = {10922 LNCS},
    publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
    isbn = {9783319911304},
    year = {2018},
    title = {Automatic joke generation: Learning humor from examples},
    language = {eng},
    author = {Winters, Thomas and Nys, Vincent and De Schreye, Danny},
    keywords = {Computational humor},
    organization = {Streitz, Norbert}

Deploy Generalised Analogy Generator

  1. Setting up Java environment: In order for GAG to work, Java 8 SE and JDK needs to be installed. We also recommend using IntellIJ for opening the code.

  2. Download required repositories: Aside from our Google Ngram to MySQL converter tool, this framework is also dependent on our text-util repository, our generator-util repository and our DatamuseAPI Java library. They should all be cloned and put in a folder next to the goofer folder.

  3. Setting up required Google N-gram databases: In order for GAG to work, Google Ngrams needs to be present in a MySQL database. More specifically, both English One Million 1-gram and 2-gram needs to be loaded in using our Java Google Ngram to MySQL tool in a database following database design specified in the repository. Loading this database will take several hours.

We recommend the following steps:

  • Create a database called ngram using a MySQL server such as WAMP.
  • Forward engineering the database-model.mwb-file to this database, e.g. using MySQL workbench.
  • Load the database using our google-ngrams-to-mysql tool using the following arguments (don't forget to add arguments to link to your database if this is different from a localhost database called ngram):

For 1-grams: -folder [FOLDER_OF_UNZIPPED_NGRAM_CSVS] -filePrefix googlebooks-eng-1M-1gram-20090715- -n 1 -allowedRegex lowercase -endIndex 10

For 2-grams: -folder [FOLDER_OF_UNZIPPED_NGRAM_CSVS] -filePrefix googlebooks-eng-1M-2gram-20090715- -n 2 -allowedRegex lowercase -endIndex 100 -constrainer adjectivenoun

  1. Install Gradle: You also need Gradle to download all dependencies from build.gradle. This is built-in in IntellIJ and thus should work out of the box when using that environment.

  2. Running GAG system: The GAG system can be executed by using Java to run the main method of the GeneralisedAnalogyGenerator.java class. It supports following arguments:

Argument Description
-outputModel Path where the program should output the training model file
-output Path where the program should output the training model file
-maxSimilarity If given, GAG will only output generations if it differs enough (no more words similar than this value) from previous generations
-outputWords Allow the template values in the training model file (classifiers have diffulty dealing with strings though)
-inputJokes Path to the input jokes file
-sortRating Whether or not the output should be sorted by their rating
-minScore Minimal score threshold to be considered a good joke
-sqlHost Host of the SQL database of the n-grams database
-sqlPost Port of the SQL database of the n-grams database
-sqlUser Username of the SQL database of the n-grams database
-sqlPassword Password of the SQL database of the n-grams database
-sqlDB Database name of the SQL database of the n-grams database
-dictionary Path to the WordNet dictionary
-posFile Path to the Stanford POS tagger
-classifier The classifier to use to learn from the input jokes
-aggregator The rating aggregator to combine the ratings with
-x First template value of an analogy joke
-y Second template value of an analogy joke
-z Third template value of an analogy joke
-generator, -g Type of template values generator: sql, datamuse or twogram