This file is used to list a few config items and recommendation. Also some basic Praeda syntax Required perl modules: LWP::Simple LWP::UserAgent HTML::TagParser URI::Fetch HTTP::Cookies IO::Socket HTML::TableExtract use Getopt::Std; also it is advised to install "Crypt::SSLeay or IO::Socket::SSL" for ssl support set root of praeda install in under my $dirpath ="."; Praeda version 0.02.0.b syntax: PRAEDA OPTIONS: -g GNMAP_FILE -t TARGET_FILE -p TCP_PORT -j PTOJECT_NAME -l OUTPUT_LOG_FILE -S SSL GNMAP_FILE = This is a .gnmap file output by a nmap scan. TARGET_FILE = List of IP addresses or Host names to enumerated TCP_PORT = port address of targets to scan " At present only one port can be specified. This is expected to be modified in future version" PROJECT_NAME = the name for this project. This will create a folder under the folder where Praeda was executed to contain logs and export info. OUTPUT_LOG_FILE = name of log file for data output SYNTAX FOR GNMAP FILE INPUT: -g GNMAP_FILE -j PROJECT_NAME -l OUTPUT_LOG_FILE SYNTAX FOR IP TARGET FILE LIST: -t TARGET_FILE -p TCP_PORT -j PROJECT_NAME -l OUTPUT_LOG_FILE -s SSL Examples: ./ -g scan1.gnmap -j acmewidget -l results ./ -t target.txt -p 80 -j project1 -l data-file ./ -t target.txt -p 443 -j project1 -l data-file -s SSL The results will create a folder called project1 and save all information in that folder. Also this will write out the following data. targetdata.txt : This is the parsed results of .gnmap file $LOGFILE-WebHost.txt : This is an output of all webservers querried listing IP:PORT:TITLE:SERVER $LOGFILE.log : This file will contain the results of the modules executed. RAW extract data including: Clones, Backups, Address Books ect... ****WARNING**** Also insure that your local firewall is turned off. Certain modules that require connection back to host system for the module to run correctly.