
Twitch bot written in Golang and TypeScript.

Primary LanguageGo





For MOST of project management tasks we use own written cli. You can use pnpm cli help for print cli usage

  • Run needed services (Postgres, Adminer, Redis, Minio)
docker compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up -d
  • Install dependencies
pnpm cli deps
  • Build libs
pnpm cli build libs

Configure project for development

Well, now we are almost ready for developing project, just few steps.

  • Create twitch application https://dev.twitch.tv/console/apps
  • Set http://localhost:3005/login and https://tokens-generator.twir.app as your redirect url's for twitch application
  • Go to https://tokens-generator.twir.app, set clientID and clientSecret from your app and generate initial token WITH ALL SCOPES
  • cp .env.example .env and fill required envs

Run project

  • Start dev mode
pnpm cli dev

Writing migrations

  • Use command for create new migration
pnpm cli migrations create
  • Navigate to folder and edit new migration file
cd libs/migrations/migrations
  • Run new created migrations (optional, because it's running when you execute pnpm dev)
pnpm cli migrations run
Write go models
  • Go to libs/gomodels
  • Create new file and describe the go schema
  • Do not forget about TableName() for struct

Https on localhost (optional)

We'll use dev.twir.app domain, but you can use any other domain.

  • Add https://dev.twir.app/login to your twitch application redirect url's

  • Edit .env entries:

  • Add to your /etc/hosts or C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts file new entry: dev.twir.app
  • Start caddy:
pnpm cli proxy