Pinned Repositories
ESP8266 core for Arduino
An Arduino library for the INA219 I2C current monitor
This is a 3rd stage bootloader for the ESP8266. The 2nd stage bootloader from the SDK is needed for running, too. The different partition can be flashed over Wifi with this bootloader. Many parts are copied from the esp-link project.
MediaSorter contains many tools for automatically renaming music fles, remove duplicated songs, sort music files by genre, copy favorite songs to a mp3 player for example, automatically change the gain and the id3 tag of songs and sort videos by genre.
A DTN implementation for the STM32F4-Discovery with IEEE 802.15.4 and UDP convergence layer
Maximum Power Point Tracking Charge Controller for ESP8266
The ESP8266 is used as an Art-Net-Node and the 3 output pins will be used as PWM outputs. So a RGB-LED could be directly connected and controlled over WLAN.
twischer's Repositories
Tomahawk, the social music player app (Qt / C++). This fork includes some features which I am missing for set up a PC with this player on a party and let anyone choose its favorite tracks. These are things like crossfading, a party mode to lock all possibillities to skip a track from the queue, a preview player for a second sound card, a web front end for voting tracks with a smartphone.
A DTN implementation for the STM32F4-Discovery with IEEE 802.15.4 and UDP convergence layer
Converts a xml structure to latex tikz commants which describes a family tree
LWIP for ESP8266 with IP_ROUTING
Q Light Controller Plus
Reads an iCal file from an calender, finds the next event in this calender file and sets the BIOS timer with the help of nvram-wakeup to this date. So the PC will start on this event. I use it to build an alarm clock which is playing music.
MediaSorter contains many tools for automatically renaming music fles, remove duplicated songs, sort music files by genre, copy favorite songs to a mp3 player for example, automatically change the gain and the id3 tag of songs and sort videos by genre.
MPDCtrl is a tcp server which can be used to control MPD over network. A song will be automatically sorted out, if it was twice skipped. There is an extra command for moving songs to an error directory to move songs, if its defect.
Party MPC is a client for the Music Player Daemon. The many goal is to set up a computer for a party so that everyone could vote his song. There are some features like the charts lists from and a preview player which can be used in combination with a second sound card.
This is an 1-bit logic analyzer for an 8-bit RISC AVR. The sample rate is the half of the system clock. For example if you using a 24MHz system clock you can collect the data with a sampling rate of 12MHz. The only limitation is that only 256 samples (all 32 registers) could be collected.
This J2ME Midlet could be used to observe a place. The midlet take pictures in a given inverval and saves this pictures on the sd card of the mobile phone. If there is no free space available on the sd card the pictures of the oldest day will be deleted.