
Various scripts for use with RunUo/ServUo/PlayUo

Primary LanguageC#


Various scripts for use with RunUO and ServUO

Rune Chisel

  • Rune Chisel is an item with charges that allows players to remove selected properties from an item. This would typically be done as a means to further enhance the item via the Imbuing skill.
  • NOTE: This has never been tested in a live setting due poor reception during testing with select players.

SOS Decoder

  • The SOS Decoder will teleport a player and their boat (plus any other players or pets on the boat) to the location of a SOS/Message-in-a-Bottle chest.

Treasure Map Decoder

  • Similar to the SOS Decoder, it will teleport a player to the location of the Treasure Map chest. This is wildly popular with players.

Map Charter

  • Altered version of the Map Charter, it will give a Treasure Map every (X) amount of time. The timer will stop once the Map Charter reaches it max cached amount of Treasure Maps and will start again once a player redeems one from it's cache.

Stealable Signs

  • Superclass BaseStealableSign.cs
  • A stealable sign is something that players can steal and then lock down in their house. Once locked down, they can double click it to set a custom message.
  • The sign also tracks who edited the message for tracking purposes in case an inappropriate message is added - then staff will know who. This property is only viewable to staff.

AIO Vendor Stone

  • Needs a little work. It's a "vending machine" that can be used to summon almost any Vendor from it.
  • Once the summoner walks away, the vendor self-deletes.

Animation Locator

  • Original script by Father Time / vermillion2083.
  • I added options for FreezeFrame viewing to help with my Mobile Statues code.
  • Also did a little work in the original gump to make it a little easier to see and use.

Crystal Portals

  • Added to repos for Serv and Justuo with edits to improve functionality

Item Of Light

  • A light source that's truely equipable and moves with you naturally.

Living Statue

  • I edited the BaseDesItem script by Vorspire so the mobile attached to the item can move (but cannot be seen) and making it appear as though the item is walking.

  • The Mobile corpse almost instantly self-deletes OnDeath and can drop loot on the ground.

  • One downfall to this is that the static item won't turn to face the direct it's moving, so the fake animation can seem...pretty sloppy.

  • You'll also notice that mobile bleeds, I have a commented out line to show how I handled it to prevent the mobile from bleeding.

//public override bool DoesNotBleed{ get{ return true;}} under IDamageableItem2 - the mobile

then in BaseWeapon find the AddBlood method and edit like below
public virtual void AddBlood(Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, int damage)
       if (defender is BaseCreature) {
         if( ((BaseCreature)defender).DoesNotBleed ) {

Mobile Statues

  • An idea presented to me by Talow...
  • This is kind of a twist to the LivingStatue code, the Mobile IS the statue, with "frozen" animation. It stands on a pedastal until you get too close to it, then it comes alive and starts to attack you until you kill it.
  • Once animated, if there are no players within a certain range, it will go back to it's pedastal and "freeze" again.

Monster In A Box
Currently under development This code, when completed, is intended to allow you to script custom mobiles in game ( within limitations ) Allowing you to create custom Mobs for events without writing a full script and restarting.

  • Eventually intended to have a system to save and spawn mobiles via XML as well.
  • Also intended to eventually expand on to create items, weapons, armor, etc.


  • This allows players to "Pause" - not literally since it's an online game - making them frozen, hidden, and invulnerable.
  • It also puts them in Peace Mode and auto stables pets to prevent afk hunting.
  • Cannot be used near Champion areas, or while involved in a PVP match.
  • System has an option to allow Staff to change the settings of certain to stop them from using it if they are abusing it via the [getxmlatt and target the player and select the Pause attachment and then change the propert "CanPause" *Intended to allow players to go afk randomly when life takes priority.

Shame Revamp

  • Various mobiles and items to be used for the Shame Dungeon revamp.
  • Probably needs some tweaking.


I need of a major redo on this system. With use of for loops and major clearn the length of this system can be reduced down to approx. a few hundred lines.

  • A gump based hotbar to add spells and allows players to cast them via the hotbar with a single click.
  • Players must have the corresponding book with spell in their pack to cast them.
  • The hotbar can be locked to prevent movement/closing.
  • Can be minimized when you need more screen room
  • Can be flipped horizontally or vertically
  • Additional edits are needed to fully work with Ninjitsu/Bushido spells ( will post later )


  • Exactly what it sounds like. Needs some editing to add tiles around it OnCreate. ** ToDo List **


  • Platform that raises and lowers on a timer. Players and step on it and it will carry them up with it.

Freeze Tile
Incomplete - Needs editing to only work with certain mobiles

  • Intended to be used with XML Waypoints ( with edits ) to make mobiles pause at a certain spot before carrying on down the waypoint path.

Guardian Knight
Needs more work

  • A Knight that certain parts of armor "fall Off" depending on how much damage has been taken.

Moving Trap

  • A block that moves back and forth and will damage you if you're in it's path ( like those spiked blocks from Zelda )


  • Intended to be used to allow Players to sell anything to any NPC Vendor, instead of sellable items being split amongst 20 to 30 different vendors.
  • Takes some of the tediousness out of selling loot.

Smart Item
Needs a liitle work but functional. Has not been tested in a live setting.

  • Items with OnThink and OnCreate similar to Mobiles.
  • Inherit from this to prevent needing to create timers all the time.

Speaking Sign

  • Sign that speaks it's name when a player is nearby.
  • To add use [add Speakingsign "This is the signs name in quotes" Future work intended to prevent the sign from showing up in player's joural as " SpeakingSign says SpeakingSign "

WayStone DungeonVersion
A spinoff from Talow's WayStone.

  • This is a Stone ( as often used for Stone Vendors, etc ) that sits on the ground instead of being in their pack.
  • When double-clicked, if the player is in a party, it sends a request via gump/UI to each member of the party.
  • If the member accepts, they are teleported to the Summoner's position.
  • If they decline, a message is sent to the summoner.