
Dynamic blog website. Final project for an Intro to Web Programming course in 2020.

Primary LanguagePHP

IMPORTANT: This codebase should not be used in a production environment without major refactoring. It contains sensitive server information in various files, and the database queries do not use prepared statements, making them vulnerable to SQL injection. This was a group project for an intro to web programming course, and thus it was not heavily focused on web security.


IndieQuest - Title Card
A Dynamic Website Project

IndieQuest is a mobile-responsive, dynamic blog website that sends users on a quest to read all of its articles - powered by PHP, SQL, JavaScript, and CSS.

Table of Contents


The homepage features an introduction blurb, current events, an about us blurb, and a section asking you to sign in. Clicking "The Journey" link in the navigation bar will always redirect you to the homepage if you are logged out, and clicking the profile icon in the top right corner will open a prompt asking you to log in.

Full Home Logged Out

After logging in, the homepage will update the login blurb to display your name.

Full Home Logged In

In addition, clicking the profile icon will now display a customized popup showing you which articles you have read and which you have not yet read.

Full Popup Home

The Journey Page

The main application of the IndieQuest website is to take its users on a journey through the history of indie games. This is achieved by a chronologically ordered set of articles pertaining to some of the best-known indie games. On each indie game article page, the middle column provides a game trailer, and discusses the game in detail. At the bottom of each article, a button with the words "Collect Gaming History Piece" can be found. When the user clicks this button, their profile popup stats are updated to show that they have read the article.

On the right sidebar, relevant links for the game can be found. On the left sidebar, users can access any of the articles on IndieQuest, displayed in the order that the games were released in.

Full Journey Page

Contact Page

The contact page features images, blurbs, and relevant links pertaining to the project contributors. In addition, an AJAX Contact Us form provides immediate user feedback on submissions, with backend PHP validation to ensure feedback comes from users with an account. This page, unlike the "The Journey" page, can be accessed before a user logs in.

Full Contact Page

Responsive Design

Throughout the design process, IndieQuest was geared towards mobile-responsiveness. As such, the website is able to scale down to mobile screens, all with the same CSS code that caters to desktop users.


Full Home Logged In Medium Home

The Journey Page

Full Journey Page Small Journey Page

Contact Page

Full Contact Page Small Contact Page

Profile Popup

Even the profile popup was designed to accommodate mobile screens, as it is responsive to mobile screens in portrait and landscape mode.

Full Popup Small Profile Portrait Small Profile Landscape

Project Contributors

Alexia CarmonaCooper FryarTyler Wittig