- adragomirBucharest
- akr4Tokyo, Japan
- albertoperdomoPrisma
- amullinsTX, USA
- bciceron
- bcurrenGreenbits
- bretthoernerPostHog
- candersonmillerIf you are a recruiter I don't want to work for you.
- charlenopiresIFPI
- charleseffSan Francisco, CA
- credmpAlmere, The Netherlands
- darraghIntercom
- digicycUtah
- eric@fancybits
- felipehummel
- fizx
- hoffrocketAnomaly
- jmhodgesDarkish Green
- jorgeortiz85New York, NY
- jpbougieQuébec, Canada
- jrimmerInternational Rescue
- jrudolphFreiburg, Germany
- jugyoThe League
- loganjSquare, Inc.
- mcroydonAustin, Texas
- memeletSystem Insights
- n8agrinSan Francisco, CA
- rteccoPhiladelphia
- ryankingColor
- sebnowKraków, Poland
- shinzuiLos Angeles / San Francisco
- stigkj@finn-no
- thoasUlule
- timgreenSydney, Australia
- timperrett@nvidia