- 2
my account is closed
#2001 opened by Monneraldo - 0
Bump Avro to 1.8.2
#1898 opened by bjornbak - 1
duplicate tags in pom files
#1998 opened by daniel-sudz - 1
Scalding on Beam discussion about Joins
#1958 opened by tlazaro - 6
Automatic code formatting modifying a lot of code
#1950 opened by tlazaro - 3
Re-enable code coverage
#1977 opened by johnynek - 1
flake on optimization test
#1971 opened by johnynek - 0
- 4
push new tags
#1995 opened by daniel-sudz - 0
make codecov not suck
#1993 opened by daniel-sudz - 8
Support CounterPipe in spark-backend
#1989 opened by daniel-sudz - 0
[bug/nit] code format enforcement lost
#1990 opened by daniel-sudz - 1
- 16
Set up automatic publishing
#1973 opened by johnynek - 12
- 1
copy dagon into this tree
#1978 opened by johnynek - 0
Beam backend is missing some pipes
#1979 opened by johnynek - 4
- 2
changes to continuous integration
#1956 opened by juliaferraioli - 10
migrate to github CI
#1961 opened by johnynek - 7
Optimizing KyroCoder in beam backend
#1955 opened by nownikhil - 0
Use cats PairingHeap for PriorityQueueMonoid
#1952 opened by nownikhil - 7
Solving `sortedTake` in beam runner
#1947 opened by nownikhil - 0
Change license to be compatible with license of com.hadoop.gplcompression:hadoop-lzo:jar
#1933 opened by kortemik - 0
flakey test: writepartitionertest
#1929 opened by johnynek - 2
Broken Tutorial Link in Wiki
#1928 opened by akan72 - 0
Broken link for scaladocs
#1917 opened by jdanbrown - 1
Cannot run scalding-repl
#1910 opened by transistor - 5
- 0
TypedTSV overwrite existing folder on hdfs
#1893 opened by vsacheti - 1
Design doc on static evidence for grouping/serialization
#1886 opened by johnynek - 1
- 6
partitioner sometimes violates the n + 1 rule
#1804 opened by johnynek - 2
None.get in AsyncFlowDefRunner
#1851 opened by fwbrasil - 7
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in Cascading
#1794 opened by fwbrasil - 0
- 0
planner exception with merge
#1837 opened by johnynek - 2
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in MapTask
#1834 opened by johnynek - 4
- 14
Not serializable function in `MapGroup`
#1795 opened by fwbrasil - 1
Nested mutation bug
#1819 opened by fwbrasil - 0
Sketched should have an implicit to TypedPipe.Keyed
#1820 opened by johnynek - 0
- 1
WritePartitioner step count law fails sometimes
#1817 opened by johnynek - 1
scalding (not cascading) memory platform potential issue
#1802 opened by johnynek - 0
- 0
- 0
Another example of an unplannable graph
#1801 opened by johnynek - 1
Potential planner bug in develop branch
#1786 opened by johnynek - 1
Fix timeout issues in OptimizationRulesTest
#1787 opened by johnynek