
Study and/or build tools for automatic correction of exams (mcq and more)

Primary LanguagePython


Study and/or build tools for automatic correction of exams (mcq and more)

List of projects


Much used, active, in perl+c+glade.


  • from the authoring to the grading,
  • latex or simplified source,
  • randomization of blocks/questions/answers,
  • generate different sheets,
  • rule for grading,
  • checking and correcting the automatic box-checked process,
  • produce reference correction,
  • produce corrected individual sheets

Pain points:

  • editing (not any latex), sometimes
  • getting the same number of pages for each sheet (at least a warning would be good)
  • making it compact
  • not 100% trust in the interface etc
  • cannot install cleanly 2 versions
  • adding out-of-amc exercices need some hack (fake question)

Process: general

  • data in .sqlite files (mostly one per step)
  • layout.sqlite contains the position of most elements (boxes, corners, name field, ...)

Process: generating pdf and finding box positions

  • gui entry is calcule_mep that calls "auto-multiple-choice","meptex" (which runs AMC-meptex.pl) and after detecte_mep
  • it actually relies on latex generating a DOC-calage.xy file (which is kind of easy to parse)
  • the name of this file is decided when running AMC-prepare.pl
  • """unit is sp, such that 65536 × 72.27 sp is one inch).""" (in the doc of the automultiplechoice latex package, doc/sty/automultiplechoice.pdf)
  • data access in layout.pm
    • e.g. table layout_box, column xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax
    • saved to layout.sqlite
    • it checks for instance that marks are at the same place in all pages

Things about latex: how it generates the xy file

  • using /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/AMC/automultiplechoice.sty
  • wrongchoice{inanswer}{content} # inanswer = what to show in answer box for separateanswersheet
  • … AMC@box{#1}{}
  • … AMC@box{inanswer}{}
  • …… AMC@answerBox@{}{#2}{1}{case:\AMCid@name:\the\AMCid@quest,\the\AMCrep@count}
  • …… AMC@answerBox@{}{}{1}{case:\AMCid@name:\the\AMCid@quest,\the\AMCrep@count}
  • ……… draw the box, and,
  • ……… build a commandname based on the \AMC@shapename (can plug new ones...)
  • ……… compute Z = AMCchoiceLabelFormat{#1} = AMCchoiceLabelFormat{}
  • ……… AMC@shape@square{Z}{#2}{#3}{#4}
  • ……… AMC@shape@square{Z}{}{1}{case:...}

The scanned box content now ends up in the db, in capture.sqlite.

How does it get the blue and pink boxes.

In AMC-detect.cc, "pink", due to illustr_mode==ILLUSTR_BOX, itself due to the main() (or the pixel version with the -k option). The AMC-detect is the default called when Subprocess.pm is used with overriding "mode", so in AMC-analyse.pl:402. Then the process (pl) gets $process->command that is parsed in .cc (via IPC) sscanf(commande,

In the end the only real solution seem to need to patch AMC-detect.cc, so we can set the default to not drawing anything (e.g., illustr_mode = 0), and after a backup of AMC-detect, do

diff AMC-detect{-ori,}.cc
>     if (illustr_mode == ILLUSTR_DEFAULT) delta = 0;
<   int illustr_mode=ILLUSTR_BOX;
>   int illustr_mode=ILLUSTR_DEFAULT;

make AMC-detect && sudo cp AMC-detect /usr/lib/AMC/exec/AMC-detect

now consolidated in a custom Dockerfile

Alternative, prototypes etc

In Python, single file using opencv:


  • uses cv2.HoughCircles
  • get the extreme coordinates of these
  • rectify with cv2.getRotationMatrix2D and cv2.warpAffine
  • crop, blur
  • uses 3 different crops (not sur what regions they are)
  • then cv2.adaptiveThreshold
  • then it seems a little ad'hoc

Helping building AMC questionaires




