Welcome to Weather Foreacast!

This app allowes you to search for a 5 day weather foreacast by given eaither city name or it's zip code address.


Home Page



How to run?


  1. Have linux docker daemon up and running.
  2. Make sure that API_URL in file 'WeatherForecast\WeatherForecast.Web\ClientApp\src' is empty:
    • export const API_HOST_URL = "";
  3. Navigate to folder WeatherForecast which contains the file docker-compose.yaml and run commands:
    • docker-compose build
    • docker-compose up
  4. In the browser go to: https://localhost:8080

From source

  1. Have ASP.Net Core 2.2 SDK and Node installed
  2. Make sure that API_URL in file 'WeatherForecast\WeatherForecast.Web\ClientApp\src' is pointing to correct api url:
    • export const API_HOST_URL = "https://localhost:5001";
  3. In folder ClientApp run commands: - yarn - yarn serve
  4. From WeatherForecast.sln run WeatherForecast.Web project as self hosted.