
An employee directory built with React that allows the user to have quick access to their employee's information. The user is able to filter the employees by name, email, and phone number. The Random User API was used to populate the table with dummy data.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Pyramid Employee Directory

An employee directory built with React that allows the user to have quick access to their employee's information. The user is able to filter the employees by name, email, phone number, etc. The Random User API was utilized to populate the table with dummy users.

License: MIT Frontend:React Framework:Material UI API:Random User API HTTP Client:Axios

screenshot of pyramid

View the deployed application here

Table of Contents


If you would like to use the application in your local environment:

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Install required dependencies by running command npm i
  3. Run command npm start

Otherwise, visit the deployed application here


Users are sorted in alphabetical order by default

screenshot of pyramid

Filtered by Name

screenshot of pyramid

Filtered by Email

screenshot of pyramid

Filtered by Phone Number

screenshot of pyramid

Filtered by ID

screenshot of pyramid

Users are able to sort all categories in ascending and descending order

screenshot of pyramid


Random User API
Material UI
React Moment/Moment
Google Fonts


All contributions to this project are welcome! Clone down the repo to your local machine, commit changes, push to GitHub, and open a pull request!


No tests are set up for Pyramid at this time. Feel free to write tests or search the application for bugs.


If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to me!


Usage is provided under the MIT license.