A Java API for accessing JeuxDeMots's graph and lexical models. The API offers a low level access abstraction that supports loading JDM from the dump files (high memory requirement) or from an SQL database (see instruction to load JDM into MySQL here).
The Graph API let's one manipulate nodes and edges (the basic graph model of JDM) and the LexicalAspect allows access to the graph at a higher-level from the perspective of lexical semantics (like Diko), following the LMF/Ontolex model.
JDMLoader loader = new JDMLoaderFromDump(new FileInputStream("/path/to/jdm.txt"));
final JeuxDeMots jeuxDeMots = loader.load();
final String jdbcUrl = "jdbc://...";
final Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl);
final Connection streamConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl);
final JeuxDeMots jeuxDeMots = new SQLJeuxDeMots(connection, streamConnection);
Here are some example of how to use the graph level API:
Optional<JDMNode> voiture = jeuxDeMots.getNode("voiture");
Optional<JDMRelationType> synonym = jeuxDeMots.findType("r_syn");
if (voiture.isPresent() && synonym.isPresent()){
Collection<JDMRelation> synonyms = jeuxDeMots.getOutgoingRelations(synonym.get(), voiture.get());
for (JDMRelation relation : synonyms){
int target = relation.getTarget();
Optional<JDMNode> targetNode = jeuxDeMots.getNode(target);
tagetNode.ifPresent(n -> System.out.println("SYN:"+n.getName());
Collection<JDMRelation> isSynonymOf = jeuxDeMots.getIncomingRelations(voiture.get(), synonym.get());
for (JDMRelation relation : isSynonymOf){
int source = relation.getSource();
Optional<JDMNode> sourceNode = jeuxDeMots.getNode(source);
sourceNode.ifPresent(n -> System.out.println("SYN OF:"+n.getName());
JDMRelationType raff = jeuxDeMots.findType("r_raff_sem");
Collection<JDMRelation> senseRelations = jeuxDeMots.getOutgoingRelations(voiture, raff);
System.out.println("Senses of "+voiture.getName())
for (JDMRelation relation : senseRelations){
int target = relation.getTarget();
JDMNode senseNode = jeuxDeMots.getNode(target);
System.out.println("\t>SENSE :"+senseNode.getName())
final JDMLexicalAspect lexicalAspect = new DefaultJDMLexicalAspect(jeuxDeMots);