
A module for Discord Webhooks written in JavaScript.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A module for Discord Webhooks written in JavaScript.


What's New?

  • Supports Discord.js colors [ RANDOM, INVISIBLE, DARK..., #RRGGBB, [255, 0, 255], 123456, 0xFFFFFF ] etc.
  • Bugs fixed
  • Added DiscordEmbed
  • Added events


npm i --save discord.hook


const Hook = require('discord.hook');
const client = new Hook.Client('webhook-id', 'webhook-token');

Sending Message

const Hook = require('discord.hook');
const client = new Hook.Client('webhook-id', 'webhook-token');

let message = "Hello, I'm a webhook."

client.send({ content: message });

Sending Embed

const Hook = require('discord.hook');
const client = new Hook.Client('webhook-id', 'webhook-token');

const Embed = new Hook.DiscordEmbed()
    .setTitle("This is your title, it can hold 256 characters")
    .setAuthor("Author Name", "https://i.imgur.com/lm8s41J.png", "https://discordapp.com")
    .setDescription("This is the main body of text, it can hold 2048 characters.")
    .setFooter("This is the footer text, it can hold 2048 characters", "http://i.imgur.com/w1vhFSR.png")
    .addField("This is a field title, it can hold 256 characters", "This is a field value, it can hold 1024 characters.")
    .addField("Inline Field", "They can also be inline.", true)
    .addField("Inline Field 3", "You can have a maximum of 25 fields.", true);


Sending Embed And Message

const Hook = require('discord.hook');
const client = new Hook.Client('webhook-id', 'webhook-token');

const message = "Hello, this is a webhook";

const Embed = new Hook.DiscordEmbed()
    .setTitle("This is your title, it can hold 256 characters")
    .setAuthor("Author Name", "https://i.imgur.com/lm8s41J.png", "https://discordapp.com")
    .setDescription("This is the main body of text, it can hold 2048 characters.")
    .setFooter("This is the footer text, it can hold 2048 characters", "http://i.imgur.com/w1vhFSR.png")
    .addField("This is a field title, it can hold 256 characters", "This is a field value, it can hold 1024 characters.")
    .addField("Inline Field", "They can also be inline.", true)
    .addField("Inline Field 3", "You can have a maximum of 25 fields.", true);

client.send({ content: message, embeds: Embed.embeds }); // here we send embed with message


const Webhook = require("discord.hook");
const client = new Webhook.Client("671266166299426816", "93O0GmqOWLbaE_YFrrGlZC2bF1fwBgXN3uJccmOd4YAUR43DX3yWLYSWCnL-abvBZRY2");

client.on("CONNECTED", (c) => {
    console.log(`Connected!\nUsername: ${c.user.tag}`);

client.on("MESSAGE", (m) => {
    console.log("Message sent!\n"+JSON.stringify(m));

const embed = new Webhook.DiscordEmbed()
    .setTitle("This is your title, it can hold 256 characters")
    .setAuthor("Author Name", "https://i.imgur.com/lm8s41J.png", "https://discordapp.com")
    .setDescription("This is the main body of text, it can hold 2048 characters.")
    .setFooter("This is the footer text, it can hold 2048 characters", "http://i.imgur.com/w1vhFSR.png")
    .addField("This is a field title, it can hold 256 characters", "This is a field value, it can hold 1024 characters.")
    .addField("Inline Field", "They can also be inline.", true)
    .addField("Inline Field 2", "You can have a maximum of 25 fields.", true)
    .addField("Field", "~~Hot~~ **Cool** __Right?__");

client.send({ embeds: embed.embeds, content: 'Hello World!', avatar_url: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/480933736276426763/a_73d44cd1aea26f51ca96febf07fb0019.png?size=1024", username: "INEX07" });


Client Options

client.send({ content, embeds, avatar_url, username });


  • "CONNECTED" : Whenever the webhook is connected!
  • "MESSAGE" : Whenever send() function is used!


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