
This is an opinionated setup to develop Alexa skills

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is an opinionated template for Alexa skill development. It provides everything you need to start professional, test driven development right away.



This is a NodeJS Lambda function using serverless and the AWS CLI and skill defintion to be used by ASK CLI.

You need to install and initialize ASK CLI as a first step with

$ ask init

You need an AWS account and an Amazon developer account to create an Alexa Skill.

Now you can create a new skill project in the current directory.

$ ask new --template GettingStarted --url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Pindar/alexa-template/master/templates.json --skill-name my_new_skill

You need to download NodeJS dependencies:

$ npm install

This repository requires a BASH command line interface.

Deploy to AWS


Create your .env.[test|dev|prod].yml files based on lambda/custom/.env.example.yml. You can add more configuration there and reference it in serverless.yml or in your js function.

First: Deploy Lambda

  1. deploy to specified environment with
$ npm run deploy --prefix=custom/lambda -- --stage [green|blue] --config [dev|production]
  1. From the provided output of the last command copy the value of SkillLambdaFunctionQualifiedArn stripping off colon plus number (e.g., :1) and paste it as URI value in .ask/config.

Second: Deploy Skill

$  npm run deploy

Deployment Strategy: Blue / Green

To have a seamless blue/green deployment experience with Alexa skills all three layers are independently managed.

  1. Alexa models and skill definition is deployed with ask-cli/Alexa Skill Management API (SMAPI)
  2. Lambda function is deployed with serverless framework
  3. Storage is deployed with aws-cli cloudformation templates

V1: GREEN is Live, BLUE is in development

+--------------------+      +----------------+                +-----------------+
|                    |      |                |                |                 |
| Alexa Development  +------> Skill BLUE     +----------------> DynamoDB DEV    |
|   models           |      |                |                |                 |
|   skill            +----+ |                |                |                 |
+-+------------------+    | +----------------+                +-----------------+
+--------------------+    | +----------------+                +-----------------+
|                    |    | |                |                |                 |
| Alexa Live         +------> Skill GREEN    +----------------> DynamoDB Prod   |
|   models           |    | |                |                |                 |
|   skills           +-+  | |                |                |                 |
+--------------------+ |  | +----------------+                +-----------------+
                       |  |
                       |  |                                   +-----------------+
                       |  |                                   |                 |
                       |  +-----------------------------------> S3 Assets Store |
                       |                                      |                 |
                       +-------------------------------------->                 |

CERTIFICATION: BLUE connected to production database

+--------------------+      +----------------+                +-----------------+
|                    |      |                |                |                 |
| Alexa Development  +------> Skill BLUE     +----------+     | DynamoDB DEV    |
|  models            |      |                |          |     |                 |
|  skill             +----+ |                |          |     |                 |
+--------------------+    | +----------------+          |     +-----------------+
                          |                             |
                          |                             |
+--------------------+    | +----------------+          |     +-----------------+
|                    |    | |                |          +----->                 |
| Alexa Live         +------> Skill GREEN    +----------------> DynamoDB PROD   |
|  models            |    | |                |                |                 |
|  skills            +-+  | |                |                |                 |
+--------------------+ |  | +----------------+                +-----------------+
                       |  |
                       |  |                                   +-----------------+
                       |  |                                   |                 |
                       |  +-----------------------------------> S3 Assets Store |
                       |                                      |                 |
                       +-------------------------------------->                 |

V2: BLUE is Live, GREEN is in development

+--------------------+      +----------------+                +-----------------+
|                    |      |                |                |                 |
| Alexa Live         +------> Skill BLUE     +----------+     | DynamoDB DEV    |
|   models           |      |                |          |     |                 |
|   skill            +----+ |                |     +---------->                 |
+--------------------+    | +----------------+     |    |     +-----------------+
                          |                        |    |
                          |                        |    |
+--------------------+    | +----------------+     |    |     +-----------------+
|                    |    | |                |     |    +----->                 |
| Alexa Development  +------> Skill GREEN    +-----+          | DynamoDB PROD   |
|   models           |    | |                |                |                 |
|   skills           +-+  | |                |                |                 |
+--------------------+ |  | +----------------+                +-----------------+
                       |  |
                       |  |                                   +-----------------+
                       |  |                                   |                 |
                       |  +-----------------------------------> S3 Assets Store |
                       |                                      |                 |
                       +-------------------------------------->                 |