
FastLEDServer aims to be a starting point for remote control of your leds. It makes use the libraries Arduino JSON, and ESPAsyncWebServer to demonstrate the essentials for asynchronous ( no blocking code ) control over your lights. That means control inputs are delay free and animations are smooth. It is ready for your expansion - the addition of more animations and modes.

Primary LanguageHTML


image https://youtu.be/JiqsUggyYz0

FastLEDServer aims to be a starting point for remote control of your leds. It makes use the libraries Arduino JSON, and ESPAsyncWebServer to demonstrate the essentials for asynchronous ( no blocking code ) control over your lights. That means control inputs are delay free and animations are smooth. It is ready for your expansion - the addition of more animations and modes.

The one feature I implemented heavily relies on the FastLED Palette. The webpage allows for easy creation and real-time viewing of palettes. Check out the palette documentation: https://github.com/FastLED/FastLED/wiki/Gradient-color-palettes

The webpage JavaScript is done with KnockoutJs in TypeScript. Other tooling for it is done via npm. See the web folder. An overview of the web portion is featured in the youtube video.

Wifi Config

Rename the example.wifi.config.json in the SPIFFS data folder to wifi.config.json and fill in your access point credentials.

Useful Tutorials and Docs:

Getting aquainted with the nodemcu esp8266

fastled 8266 notes:

fasteLed palette:

starter tutorial for asynchronous webserver

github docs for ESPAsyncWebServer

arduino json:

Using spiffs file system on the esp8266

example of spiffs on esp32:

esp8266 multiwifi library:

Arduino programming with Vscode: