
The file content replacer: Replaces any placeholder text in a template file in bulk. Useful for bulk changing environment variables in many files.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Boilerplate CLI


A tool that replaces any placeholder text in a template file in bulk.

  • Do not run with root / sudo privileges

Replacement definition

To use it, prepare a replacement definition file:

startSigil: "{{"         # placeholder starts with this sign
endSigil: "}}"           # placeholder ends with this sign
templateDir: ./templates # base input directory
outDir: ./               # base output directory

    -   template: "./config.template.xml" # input file (templateDir + template)
        out: "./config.xml"               # output file (outDir + out)
        placeholders:                     # replacement key:value
            name: ZOC
            CFBundleDisplayName: ZOC
            APP_NAME: ZOC

    -   template: "./GoogleService-Info.template.plist"
        out: "./GoogleService-Info.plist"
            CLIENT_ID: xxx.apps.googleusercontent.com
            API_KEY: AIzaxxxxxxxxxxxx
            GCM_SENDER_ID: 123
            BUNDLE_ID: com.example.zoc
            PROJECT_ID: xxx.appspot.com
            GOOGLE_APP_ID: 1:123123123:ios:123123123
            DATABASE_URL: https://xxxxxxxx.firebaseio.com
            mobilesdk_app_id: xxx
            package_name: com.example.zoc

The following is the format with replaces[].out and replaces[].placeholders omitted.

startSigil: "{{"
endSigil: "}}"
templateDir: .
outDir: ../../tmp

    # Since you didn't write out `../../tmp/depth1/d1-move-only.txt`, it is simply copied because there are no placeholders.
    - template: "depth1/d1-move-only.txt"

    # Since you didn't write out `... /... /tmp/path/to/template.txt`.
    # The placeholder of "{{ ENV }}" is replaced by "development".
    - template: "path/to/template.txt"
          ENV: development

⚠️ Common Mistakes ⚠️


startSigil: "{{"
endSigil: "}}"
templateDir: .
outDir: .

    - template: "1.png"
      out: out.png


startSigil: "{{"
endSigil: "}}"
templateDir: .
outDir: .

    - template: "1.png"
    - out: out.png # ❌ WRONG!

Confirm YAML syntax.

If something wrong is found with syntax, the boilerplate-cli will crash with a Replacement Definition Syntax Error.


Sigil is attached before and after each placeholder. For example, if you define a placeholder called PLACEHOLDER, with sigil defined with {{ }}, write {{PLACEHOLDER}}.

In that case, the replacement definition file would be :

startSigil: "{{"
endSigil: "}}"
# ...
    # ...
        PLACEHOLDER: '...'

Path resolution

The path definition is resolved as follows

  • template
    • templateDirreplaces[].template
  • output location
    • outDirreplaces[].out

It's a good idea to squeeze out the common parts with templateDir or outDir and define only the differences with template or out of each replaces.

If everything is a relative path, it will be resolved with the relative path from the replacement definition file.

If you fix the relative positions of the replacement definition file, template, and output destination, the path of the replacement definition file will be used regardless of the current working directory.

Note that outDir can be omitted. If omitted, a directory with the same structure as template will be created and output in that directory.


Placeholders are done with regular expression substitution like startSigil + \s*? + placeholderText + \s*? + endSigil.

So you can write {{ PLACEHOLDER }} not only {{PLACEHOLDER}}.

Can't use regular expression in startSigil, endSigil, placeholder text.

If you do not write replaces[].placeholders, the replacement process will not be performed and the copy will be made as is.


After writing the replacement definition file, specify the path and execute boilerplate-cli.

npx @twogate/boilerplate path/to/replacement.yml

If you pass a path as the second argument, that path will be the output destination (outDir).

npx @twogate/boilerplate path/to/replacement.yml path/to/outDir