
A bit more complex docker-compose example with Java, Tomcat, PostgreSQL and a SMTP.

Primary LanguageJava


Advance use of Docker-Compose

This Docker-Compose example will let you send emails thanks to a REST service provided by a JAVA web application running over a Tomcat server and logging the emails sent on a Postgres database. All three containers deployed separately thanks to Docker-Compose.


Webapp Container: Java & Tomcat

To build each container on their folders we use build tag. First folder to search a Dockerfile and build it will be 'server', in that Dockerfile we are going to pull an image with Tomcat and Java JDK ready.

FROM tomcat:8-jre8

Then for deploying JAVA application we copy the .war file inside Tomcat's webapps folder.

COPY /webapp/emailboot.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT.war

Finally it will build db and smtp containers.

   build: server
     - "8080:8080"
     - db
     - smtp


Database Container: Postgres

For the database container we include emailboot.sql initial script.

  log_id            SERIAL                      NOT NULL,
  log_serial        VARCHAR(100)                NOT NULL,
  log_subject       VARCHAR(100)                NOT NULL,
  log_delivered     BOOL                        NOT NULL DEFAULT 'false',
  log_content       VARCHAR(2500)               NOT NULL,
  log_timestamp     TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp
ALTER TABLE email_logger OWNER TO emailboot;

It will we run on Postgres start thanks to this command in the Dockerfile.

ADD script/emailboot.sql /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/

To setup properties and ports we are going to use Docker-Compose as is follows:

  build: database
  restart: always
      - "5432:5432"
      - DEBUG=true
      - POSTGRES_USER=testusr
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=testpwd


SMTP Container: Postfix

Finally we add a simple Postfix SMTP TLS relay docker image with no local authentication enabled (to be run in a secure LAN). To setup properties and ports we are going to use Docker-Compose as is follows:

  build: smtp
    - "25:25"
    - maildomain=mailboot.net
    - smtp_user=user:pwd
    - messageSizeLimit=40960000
    - mailboxSizeLimit=40960000

Original Image: SMTP catatnight/postfix/

Testing REST services

Initial test service

Once the docker-compose up command is finished you can test the webapp by accessing:


If it was deployed correctly the output should be like this:

EmailBoot Rest Service - Test Succeeded! 

Send an email

Once the docker-compose up command is finished you can test the webapp by accessing:

POST rest service

    "subject" Suject of the email, it will be used on email inbox. Example: Hello I'm here!
    "content" Text content, please do not add javascript in this filed, mailboxs validate javascript conent and they will reject the email. 
    "recipients" List of emails addresses to send the email, if they are more that one separate them with ';'. Example: test@mail.com; test2@mail.com;.

If the request was process correctly the output should be like this:

  "code": 202,
  "status": "ACCEPTED",
  "url": "[POST] http://localhost:8080/v1/emails?subject=Subject%20test&content=Testing%20content%20on%20email&recipients=mail@mail.com;",
  "message": "Email task was accepted and sent to SMTP",
  "data": {
    "serial": 1491218659389,
    "from": "",
    "mailsList": "test@mail.com;",
    "subject": "Subject test",
    "content": "Testing content on email",
    "warnings": null,
    "malformedDirectEmails": null

List of emails logged

Another REST service include in the JAVA app is list all delivered emails

GET rest service
    http://localhost:8080/v1/logger?startDate=&endDate=2017-12-01 00:00&onlyDelivered=false

    "startDate" Initial date to search. Example: 2017-01-01 00:00
    "endDate" Final date to search. Example: 2017-12-01 00:00
    "onlyDelivered" It will filter the results by only deliverd emails. Example: false *To return all emails on log.

This is the expected output:

  "code": 200,
  "status": "OK",
  "url": "[GET] http://localhost:8080/v1/logger?startDate=2017-01-01%2000:00&endDate=2017-12-01%2000:00&onlyDelivered=false",
  "message": "EmailBoot request response.",
  "data": [
      "serial": "1491359400489",
      "subject": "Hello EmailBoot",
      "delivered": true,
      "content": "Working as a charm!",
      "versionDate": "04/03/2017 05:08:51"

List of emails logged by Serial or Subject

Search REST services included: By Serial or Subject. Filter by subject will return all the emails that contains the keywords sent.

GET rest services
    http://localhost:8080/v1/logger/suject/Docker Test

    "subject" Text to filter by. Example: Docker Test
    "serial" Generated id to filter by. Example: 1491359396709

This is the expected output:

  "code": 200,
  "status": "OK",
  "url": "[GET] http://localhost:8080/v1/logger/subject/Docker%20Test",
  "message": "EmailBoot request response.",
  "data": [
      "serial": "1491359396709",
      "subject": "Docker Test",
      "delivered": true,
      "content": "Email build and send to SMTP",
      "versionDate": "04/05/2017 02:29:56"
      "serial": "1491359400486",
      "subject": "Docker Test 1",
      "delivered": true,
      "content": "Email build and send to SMTP",
      "versionDate": "04/05/2017 02:30:00"
      "serial": "1491359403198",
      "subject": "Docker Test 2",
      "delivered": true,
      "content": "Email build and send to SMTP",
      "versionDate": "04/05/2017 02:30:03"