
This is code used for managing keyboard and mouse input using a NSView / MTKView

Primary LanguageSwift


1) Download the files and drag them into your project.

I put them in a folder called "Input".

  • Keyboard.swift
  • Mouse.swift
  • Keycodes.swift
  • ViewInputExtension.swift


  • Common keycodes based on ascii characters. Primarily used with keyboard.swift


  • This file is used to keep track of current keys that are pressed


  • This file is used to track mouse movement and mouse clicks


  • This file is used to extend your NSView with mouse/keyboard input reading.

2) Fix the file ViewInputExtension.swift

  • Each extension is based of of the NSView / MTKView that you are extending so all you need to do is replace GameView with your views name.

  • Example: class MyViewName: NSView {}

    extension MyViewName { ... }