
CLI base for foundry release commands

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CLI base for foundry release commands

This was built to make creating foundry-release-spec integrations as easy as possible.

Getting Started

Install the module with: npm install foundry-release-base

// Inside of `my-release-command.js`
// Define our command
var FoundryReleaseBase = require('foundry-release-base');
var pkg = require('./package.json');
var myReleaseCommand = new FoundryReleaseBase({
    // Define action to run on `my-release-plugin update-files`
    updateFiles: function (params) { // params = {version, message}
        // Update files for release
    // Define action to run on `my-release-plugin commit`
    commit: function (params) { // params = {version, message}
        // Commit changes to files
    // Define action to run on `my-release-plugin register`
    register: function (params) { // params = {version, message}
        // Register our package to its repository
    // Define action to run on `my-release-plugin publish`
    publish: function (params) { // params = {version, message}
        // Publish our package to its repository

// Parse CLI arguments

Usage from CLI:

# Invoke each of the respective functions from above
node my-release-command.js update-files "1.0.0" "Release 1.0.0"
node my-release-command.js commit "1.0.0" "Release 1.0.0"
node my-release-command.js register "1.0.0" "Release 1.0.0"
node my-release-command.js publish "1.0.0" "Release 1.0.0"


foundry-release-base exposes FoundryReleaseBase via its module.exports.


FoundryReleaseBase is a constructor that inherits from Command from commander.js.

  • params Object - Container for methods and options
    • updateFiles Function - Optional function that updates package's files as part of its release
      • For example, this could update package.json for an npm release
      • Function signature should match function (params, cb)
        • params Object - Container for release information
          • version String - Semantic version for the current release
          • message String - Subject giving information about release
        • cb Function - Error-first callback to notify FoundryReleaseBase of when task is complete
          • Function signature will be function (err) where err is either an Error or null
          • Upon non-error callback, we will exit with a 0 exit code
          • Upon error callback, we will throw the Error which leads to a non-zero exit code
    • updateFilesDescription String - Optional description to use for update-files command in --help
    • commit Function - Optional function that saves changes to files as part of its release
      • For example, this could run git commit for a git release
      • Function signature will be the same as updateFiles
    • commitDescription String - Optional description to use for commit command in --help
    • register Function - Optional function that register package to its repository as part of its release
      • For example, this could run bower register for a bower release
      • Function signature will be the same as updateFiles
    • registerDescription String - Optional description to use for register command in --help
    • publish Function - Optional function that publish package to its repository as part of its release
      • For example, this could run npm publish for an npm release
      • Function signature will be the same as updateFiles
    • publishDescription String - Optional description to use for publish command in --help


FoundryReleaseBase inherits from Command from commander.js. As a result, we support all of the methods provided by commander.js. This include .version(), .parse(). Please see commander.js' documentation for more information.

// Add support for running `--version` on CLI
var pkg = require('./package.json');

// Interpret CLI argument

Documentation: https://github.com/tj/commander.js


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint via npm run lint and test via npm test.


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As of Sep 26 2015, Todd Wolfson has released this repository and its contents to the public domain.

It has been released under the UNLICENSE.