Project 1 for the Upenn Data Analytics Class By: Meredith Hopkins, Michael McAneny-Binetsky, Vyshnavi Nalluri, and Cliff Ouma
Relationships of Fine Wine and Good Spirits sales
The four questions our group intends to answer:
What is the relationship between alcohol sales and DUI related crashes?
What is the relationship between alcohol sales and unemployment?
What is the relationship between alcohol sales and high school dropouts?
What is the relationship between alcohol sales and COVID19 cases?
Alcohol_vs_unemployment --> Alcohol vs unemployment relationship Analysis Folder
Final_Submission --> Dropout and Crash Analysis Folder
Project_Analysis --> Covid-19 Analysis fikder,
BLS_Data --> BLS API for monthly PA Unemployment rates
Cleaned Unemployment Data --> PA department of Labor data
Covid-19 Data --> PA govnt. COVID data
Crash_Data --> Crash data cleaned to use
Crash_Data_2019 --> Crash data for 2019
Data Sources --> Alcohol Sales Data
Dropout_data --> High School Dropout Data
Raw Unemployment Data --> Uncleaned unemployment data from Labor Department
setup_files --> 2018 Crash Data
Unemployment_Data --> Clean unemployment data (We used this one)