
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Connecting the Frontend and the Backend

By the end of this lesson. You should be able to set up two separate servers that will speak with each other -- one with frontend code and the other with react code.

Core Learning Objective

  • Communicate with an application server using a front-end client


  • Login a user via an external API and store a token in LocalStorage
  • Logout a user locally
  • Signup a user via an external API and store a token in LocalStorage
  • Authorize routes on the frontend
  • Populate information from an external API
  • Delete records through an external API
  • Create new records through an external API
  • Update existing records through an external API


  1. Fork & clone this repository

  2. npm install

  3. npm start

Instructions & Guiding Questions

  • Start both your frontend server and your backend server. Then try copying the code below into the web console.
      .then(res => res.json())
  • Question: What error do you get? Why?

  • Your Answer: Getting an CORS error, or Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing, which is a web industry standard for accessing web resources on different domains. We get this error because we are currently only configured to make requests on on port 3000. Making a request to port 5000 for the api has not been setup yet and so CORS prevents the servers from sharing resources.

We're also getting a 401 error, because are aren't authorized to make the above request. Looks like there is also an issue with the Promise being made on the .fetch().

  • To get around this issue, we need to explicitly allow for requests to come from localhost:3000. To do so, we will use the cors package. Install cors on the backend server and whitelist localhost:5000.
  • Question: Try your request again. What error do you get? Why?

  • Your Answer: The CORS and Promises errors are gone. The only one that remains is the 401, which makes sense because I haven't logged in yet.

  • In App.js, we have created our loginUser() method. Try invoking that function through the frontend, inspecting what is outputted.

  • We now want to try and login the user when they hit submit. Add the following to your loginUser() method:
    fetch("http://localhost:5000/api/login", {
      body: JSON.stringify(user),
      headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
      method: "POST"
      .then(res => res.json())
  • Question: Why do we need to include the "Content-Type" in the headers?

  • Your Answer: I think it's because we have to identify the web resource type or data type for the client, in this case, JSON.

  • Question: How could you convert this method to an async method?

  • Your Answer: We could do a async/await and place the aysnc before the method name.

  • Let's move our requests to a better place. Create a new file at ./src/api/auth.js. Add the following inside of it:

    const { NODE_ENV } = process.env;
    const BASE_URL = NODE_ENV === "development" ? "http://localhost:5000" : "tbd"; // Once we deploy, we need to change this
    export const login = async user => {
      const response = await fetch(`${BASE_URL}/api/login`, {
        body: JSON.stringify(user),
        headers: {
          "Content-Type": "application/json"
        method: "POST"
      const json = await response.json();
      return json;

    Update App.js to use the login() function, logging out the response from it.

  • Question: What is happening on the first couple of lines of the new file you've created?

  • Your Answer: We are using the global process.env variable and setting it to NODE_ENV. We then use this to help the app determine the correct environment URL to use. If it is "development" then we will use "http://localhost:5000", otherwise we will use a production URL later for when we are ready to deploy the app.

  • Let's store the token in LocalStorage with a key of journal-app.
  • Question: Why are we storing the token?

  • Your Answer: We are storing the token so that if the user refreshes the page, they will still be logged into the app.

  • We now have the token, but we don't have any of the user information. Add a new function to our ./src/api/auth.js called profile() that sends over the token in order to retrieve the user information. Then, log that information.
  • Question: Where did you write your code to manipulate LocalStorage? Why?

  • Your Answer: We assigned the current user's token available in localStorage to a constant variable. This is then used in the fetch response headers authorization.

  • Now that we have the user's information, let's store the user's ID in state. Set currentUserId to the user ID you've retrieved.
  • Question: What changes on the page after you successfully login? Why?

  • Your Answer: After the user has successfully logged in, the navigation links update with the authenticated content. This is the because the user has successfully logged in and has the right permissions to view the new UI content.

  • Question: What happens if you enter in the incorrect information? What should happen?

  • Your Answer: We get an unhandled rejection error. What should happen is that we gracefully handle authentication errors and provide the user some sort of feedback via the UI that something went wrong.

  • Try refreshing the page. You'll notice it looks like you've been logged out, although your token is still stored in LocalStorage. To solve this, we will need to plug in to the component life cycle with componentDidMount(). Try adding the following code to App.js:
    async componentDidMount () {
      const token = window.localStorage.getItem('journal-app')
      if (token) {
        const profile = await auth.profile()
        this.setState({ currentUserId: profile.user._id })
  • Question: Describe what is happening in the code above.

  • Your Answer: We are getting the value of journal-app that is currently available in localStorage and assigning it to a constant variable. We then have some conditional logic to handle whether or not the toke is avaialble. If there is a token, then we have React this.setState() for the current user's profile via currentUserId: profile.user._id.

  • Now when you refresh the page, it looks as though you are logged in. Next, try clicking the logout button.
  • Question: When you click "Logout", nothing happens unless you refresh the page. Why not?

  • Your Answer: Because we are not currently using this.setState() to set null for the currentUserID and also we are not removing the token from localStorage().

  • Update the logout() method to appropriately logout the user.
  • Question: What did you have to do to get the logout() function to work? Why?

  • Your Answer: I did the following solution. This grabs the current token and removes it when the logoutUser() function is called and then used this.setState() to set the currentUserId to be null.

logoutUser = () => {
  this.setState({ currentUserId: null });

  • Following the patterns we used above, build the Signup feature.

  • When a user logs in or signs up, we should bring them to the /users route. Update both features so that the user is moved to that route after a successful login/signup.

  • Try logging out and then go directly to the /users route.
  • Question: What happens? What should happen?

  • Answer: I'm able to access the /users route when I shouldn't because I've logged out of the app.

  • Try replacing the /users Route in App.js with the following:
      render={() => {
        return this.state.currentUserId ? (
          <UsersContainer />
        ) : (
          <Redirect to="/login" />
  • Question: Describe what is happening in the code above.

  • Your Answer: It's checking state via a ternary to make sure there is a valid currentUserId. If there is, then it will direct the user to the /users route and display the <UsersContainer />, otherwise, it will redirect the user to the /login route.

  • Now try logging in. Then, when you're on the /users page, refresh the page.
  • Question: What happens and why?

  • Your Answer: It is redirecting the user to the /login route. I think this is happening because we need to setup something to handle a page refresh in componentDidMount. Might be able to solve this also by adding some conditional check in react router, but not sure if that's best practice or not.

  • To solve this problem, let's add a loading key to our App's state, with the default value set to true. When componentDidMount() finishes, set the loading key to equal false. Using this key, solve the issue of refreshing on the /users page. Make sure everyting continues to work whether you are logged in or out.
  • Question: What did you do to solve this problem?

  • Your Answer: I was able to solve this by adding some conditional logic to the React Router setup. This probably isn't the best way to handle the fix because it would mean applying that to each route.

  • We will have the same problem on the /users/<userId>/posts page. Use the same strategy to have this page load correctly on refresh.
  • Question: In what component did you add the loading property and why?

  • Your Answer:

  • Using the same principals as above, make it so that if the user is logged in, they cannot go to the /login or /signup routes. Instead, forward them to /users.

  • Right now, the data inside of users/Container.js is static. Using componentDidMount(), update this code so that we pull our data from our API.

    _NOTE: You may want to create a new file in ./src/api/ to organize these requests.

  • Let's get our "Delete" link working. On the backend, create a DELETE Post route with the path of:
    DELETE /users/:userId/posts/:postId
    This request should only be able to be made if the user is logged in and it's the user's post.

  • On the frontend, create a new function in your src/api folder that will delete a post. Use that function inside of the src/components/posts/Container file. Upon successful deletion, send the user back to the /users/<userId>/posts route.

  • Try deleting a post using the link.
  • Question: Why did the number of posts not change when you were redirected back to the /users route?

  • Your Answer: Whenever we modify our data with a Create, Update, or Delete, we have a few options on how to make our frontend reflect those changes. What options can you think of?

  • Question:

  • Using your preferred method, update your code so that the frontend will reflect the changes made to the backend.

  • Right now it looks like we can Edit and Delete posts for other users. Hide/display those actions to only be available on a post if it's the user's post.

  • Let's get our "Create a New Post" form to work. On the backend, create a CREATE Post route with the path of:
    POST /users/:userId/posts
    This request should only be able to be made if the user is logged in and it's from the same user as the one specified in the route.

  • On the frontend, build a function that will POST to the database. Connect that function to the onSubmit functionality for the creation form. Finally, use your preferred method to update the state of our frontend. Upon successful creation, send the user back to the /users/<user-id>/posts page.

  • Our final step is to get our Update form to work. Follow the steps from above to finish this final feature.


We got a lot done but there's still a lot to do to make this app fully functional. Complete the following features on this application.

  • If there are no posts for a user, show a message on their /users/<userId>/posts page that encourages them to create a new post.

  • If there is no emotion for a post, hide the associated message on each post.

  • Show the user's username on the navigation when they are logged in as a link. When clicked, go to a new page: /users/<userId>/edit

  • Create a page at /users/<userId>/edit that allows a user to update their name. On save, redirect them to their /users/<userId>/posts page.

  • If the user has a name, show that on the Navigation, /users page, and /users/<userId>/posts page instead.

  • On the login page, appropriately handle errors so that the user has a chance to correct their username/password combination. Display some kind of helpful message.

  • On the signup page, appropriately handle errors so that the user has a chance to correct their username/password combination. Display some kind of helpful message.

  • On the create post page, appropriately handle errors so that the user has a chance to correct their post. Display some kind of helpful message.

  • On the update post page, appropriately handle errors so that the user has a chance to correct their post. Display some kind of helpful message.

  • Create a new frontend route at /users/<userId>/posts/<postId> that shows a single post. Update your Create and Edit forms to redirect here instead of to the general /posts page.