Project Name: Product Management Sample Application Objective: Development of a product management panel used in a web-based e-commerce site. This panel will be able to add, update and delete products with sample data. Preferably you can obtain sample data via a third party API.

Technologies to be used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Next.js, SASS/LESS, Git

Main Features: - Product Listing - Product Add (Form for adding a new product. The data model about the product can be extended; that is, additional information such as brand, model, color can be added.) - Product Update - Product Delete - Mobile Compatible Design

Optional Features: - Server-side rendering application with Next.js. - Sorting Feature (Sorting products by price, popularity or date added.) - Multi-Language Support - Dark Mode

Evaluation Criteria: - Cleanliness and organization of code structure - Design principles and user experience - Effective and correct use of technologies - Successful integration of optional features

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