- 0
Support for job group submission in the python client
#1875 opened by rmanyari - 0
State summary to cs show for group UUIDs
#1871 opened by rmanyari - 1
The usage CLI subcommand should only show information about pools currently being used
#1870 opened by rmanyari - 0
Add sidecar authentication scheme for k8s progress updates
#1367 opened by DaoWen - 2
Require in components.clj cause compile time error
#1370 opened by DaoWen - 1
- 0
Consolidate to /mnt/cook/sandbox as the sandbox directory for both mesos and k8s
#1369 opened by shamsimam - 1
`/unscheduled_jobs` falsely states "You are currently rate limited on how many jobs you launch per minute."
#1356 opened by dposada - 5
Is there an official docker image?
#1026 opened by Spritekin - 2
Fully document the REST API using Swagger annotations
#797 opened by DaoWen - 0
- 0
- 3
Support Docker containers in the spark client
#951 opened by pschorf - 0
Scheduler silently fails on malformed ZK URLs
#950 opened by PerilousApricot - 0
Switch cahces to be initialized with mount
#779 opened by scrosby - 3
Unable to build docker image.
#942 opened by PerilousApricot - 1
/unscheduled_jobs inaccurately reports "You have 1 other jobs ahead in the queue."
#908 opened by dposada - 6
Spark job dynamic resource allocation with Cook
#905 opened by DatPhanTien - 2
README is poorly formatted for mobile
#902 opened by dposada - 0
Batch writes of instance exit codes
#901 opened by shamsimam - 0
- 3
- 2
docker force-pull-image ignored
#728 opened by mneagul - 0
Add support for searching jobs by labels
#899 opened by shamsimam - 0
Local healthchecks for services via Cook Executor
#898 opened by shamsimam - 0
Add support for secure environment variables
#897 opened by shamsimam - 0
- 3
Avoid round trips from job-entities -> uuids -> job-entities in generating /list API endpoint.
#790 opened by scrosby - 0
- 0
Make quota check on job submission be pool-specific
#802 opened by dposada - 0
- 0
test_user_usage tests fail with no pools configured
#817 opened by pschorf - 0
Cook pools design
#755 opened by dposada - 5
Gpu support in CLI needed
#793 opened by dPeS - 0
- 1
Replace the Cook Roadmap wiki page with Projects
#751 opened by dposada - 1
Bring up the minimesos environment frommesos 1.3 (based on JDK7) to a newer version
#786 opened by scrosby - 5
- 1
test_kill_task_terminate_with_sigterm sometimes fails
#737 opened by dposada - 1
test-start-host-sandbox-syncer is flaky
#733 opened by pschorf - 3
test-prepare-sandbox-publisher sometimes fails
#726 opened by dposada - 1
test_balanced_host_constraint sometimes fails
#788 opened by dposada - 1
Minimesos setup was broken by new JVM flags
#777 opened by dposada - 0
Fix bad metrics --- laziness, and badly scoped.
#780 opened by scrosby - 2
- 12
cook gpu support don't work?
#765 opened by dPeS - 0
Report metrics on guava cache hit rates
#739 opened by scrosby - 0
/info endpoint "start-time" value is wrong
#711 opened by DaoWen - 0
test_unique_host_constraint sometimes fails on travis
#713 opened by dposada - 0
Migrate Cook Executor tests from nose to pytest
#699 opened by DaoWen