What’s new in Swift 5.6?

This is an Xcode playground that demonstrates the new features introduced in Swift 5.6:

  • Introduce existential any
  • Type placeholders
  • Allow coding of non String/Int keyed Dictionary into a KeyedContainer
  • Unavailability condition
  • More concurrency changes
  • Plugins for Swift Package Manager

This is designed to complement my existing article What’s New in Swift 5.6. You might also want to read previous articles about the evolution of Swift 5:

Alternatively, you can find a complete breakdown of all Swift changes from 1.0 through 5.6, including downloadable playgrounds, here: what's new in Swift.

If you hit problems or have questions, you're welcome to tweet me @twostraws or email paul@hackingwithswift.com.

Screenshot of Xcode 13.3 running this playground.