
Search Shutterstock with node and return a random image based on a query term

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node Shutter Search

Search Shutterstock with node and return a random image based on a query term


Install the package from npm, then require the package, like so:

const shutterSearch = require('shutter-search');

Then call it like:

new shutterSearch('fun').then((data) => {

which should return something like:

	src: 'https://thumb9.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/1412440/292297256/stock-photo-group-of-friends-having-fun-together-292297256.jpg',
	alt: 'Group of friends having fun together'

which you can use however you'd like.


There is a command line test js file, command-line-test.js, which you can run by either doing

npm run test


node command-line-test.js

You can alter this file to search for whatever you like.