
a collection of good stuff over time


a collection of good stuff over time

Keep SSH Session Alive (place code in ~/.ssh/config)

Host *
ServerAliveInterval 120\

switching gcc compiler versions

gcc –v or g++ -v # will tell you the currently active gcc version module avail gcc# This will show you the list of all available modules module load gcc-6.3.0 # loads indicated gcc version (must be in avail list) module unload gcc-6.3.0 # reverts back to default one

If you want to load a different version - first unload otherwise they stack


Add export statements to /etc/profile for system wide application Otherwise, ~/.profile i.e. export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin

tar -C -xcf

Ionic Tips

after initial installation:

npm uninstall ws npm install @ionic/app-scripts@latest

Loading an Image onto SD Card (for Raspberry Pi)

xz -d "image_of_os.img.xz" // unpack image diskutil list diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk sudo dd if= of=/dev/disk bs=1