- 2
Multi-system support config
#4135 opened by shnaps - 1
- 0
- 6
Support for keepassxc-cli from Flatpak
#4110 opened by lwbt - 3
Apply hooks not run by or edit.apply
#4119 opened by non-bin - 12
- 6
Add an HTTP download fallback mechanism to avoid proxy authentication failures
#4072 opened by JasonGantner - 3
- 2
Provide scripts with the destination directory
#4122 opened by DianaNites - 2
Ignore a file after initial deployment
#4125 opened by wzzrd - 10
Offline install bundle external
#4090 opened by Nova38 - 5
Regression in v2.55.0
#4116 opened by joshuaspence - 2
Set `sourceDir` to a path relative to home dir?
#4117 opened by darkfeline - 9
External with authentication
#4120 opened by inquisitev - 6
`chezmoi edit` doesn't do anything (since recently)
#4107 opened by freswa - 4
`--follow` flag for `chezmoi apply`
#4102 opened by leonfeng - 3
- 1
After adding few files from a directory chezmoi silently replaced the directory content completely on another machine after 'apply'
#4101 opened by gajdusek - 4
User Interface for managed files
#4099 opened by qrooel - 3
Chezmoi diff does not show who has what change
#4095 opened by alper - 2
template filename convention that doens't change file extension (i.e. `tmpl.filename.toml` over `filename.toml.tmpl`)
#4094 opened by elkowar - 2
- 11
Set VScodium flatpak as default diff tool
#4085 opened by laguill - 9
Difficult to figure out where changes are coming from
#4056 opened by alper - 1
New blog featuring chezmoi
#4068 opened by mmartial - 4
Add option for "chezmoi managed" to display the matching source or target path.
#4054 opened by andre-kotake - 5
- 4
- 3
Template function for "default value" (but preserve local "destination" value if set)
#4051 opened by scruloose - 4
Upgrading to 2.53.1 breaks encryption
#4042 opened by aleprovencio - 4
- 1
`chezmoi secret keyring` throws error
#4038 opened by twio142 - 3
- 1
- 2
- 2
`chezmoi init` does not respect existing `.chezmoiroot` for `includeTemplate`
#4002 opened by halostatue - 1
chezmoi crashes with --keep-going
#4027 opened by KapJI - 5
Organizing chezmoiexternals by OS
#4014 opened by goarano - 1
Make `chezmoi status` more helpful if template can't be rendered or file decrypted
#3994 opened by KapJI - 4
docs: `.chezmoidata/` is undocumented
#3991 opened by sysadmiral - 2
Template function `quote` doesn't work for pointers
#4007 opened by KapJI - 1
- 2
Template function `include` should support tilde slash (`~/`) as the beginning of a path
#4005 opened by LoHertel - 4
Pipe Config Values together for Templates
#4008 opened by RayJW - 2
- 4
Templating with `.chezmoidata`
#3998 opened by Ra2-IFV - 1
issue after converting config from toml to yaml
#3993 opened by sysadmiral - 13
`chezmoi edit` doesn't handle case insensitive path
#3990 opened by KapJI - 1
`chezmoi apply [target]` does not create directories
#3987 opened by MunifTanjim - 6
Builtin age doesn't work
#3980 opened by KapJI