
Add `chezmoi ssh` command to ssh into a machine with your personal configuration

twpayne opened this issue · 0 comments

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

I'm always frustrated when I log into a machine that I've never logged into before and don't have my personal environment set up, even if that machine is shared with other people.

Describe the solution you'd like

I would like to run

$ chezmoi ssh

and SSH into with my personal setup activated on For example, I should be in my favorite shell with my personal config files active.

Describe alternatives you've considered

#1410 describes installing dotfiles remotely over ssh.

#3675 describes wanting your own configuration on a machine shared with other people.

Additional context

This is a stretch goal for chezmoi. Go has excellent support for ssh, and this is mostly possible by setting environment variables like $XDG_CONFIG_HOME for the ssh session.

It's technically possible, but please don't expect anything soon.

cc @old-pigeon