Creator of Gopher, paraglider pilot, and geospatial developer.
Zürich, Switzerland
twpayne's Followers
- 2659170494ZhangPu
- AdamLiWroteThischangsha
- alan14alashti
- andoludoLeuven, Belgium
- asifmCharlottesville, VA, USA
- clemludwNiedersächsisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege
- devWvedGermany
- Esmize007
- Ggl000Brazil
- GiacomoBonomelliMilan,Italy
- GLEF1X@parkdna
- kielmarjOhio
- lanmurithi
- lizzi8624
- lucasmodrichAustralia
- lunemoe
- Metlina11
- netops2devops@esnet
- Nguyen-Trong-Long
- nhat416WeCloudData, Beamdata, Elegant by Design
- NiceStitchManche, France
- Pius257
- rezkywmFrontend Engineer
- ser-arthur
- shavkatovff
- theIanCalicaPhilippines
- tin-ton-intelAmerica
- troy1eighty29th Circle, Vim
- Vahidquliyev4849
- varunsh17Futures First
- VipassanaCoder
- wednar
- XiaomingXuhaka
- zachcoleman
- zsthimself