
Node.js interface to LND

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Lightning Network Service

npm version


The core of this project is a gRPC interface for node.js projects, available through npm.

Supported LND versions:

  • v0.13.0-beta to v0.13.1-beta
  • v0.12.0-beta to v0.12.1-beta
  • v0.11.0-beta to v0.11.1-beta

For typescript-ready methods, check out https://github.com/alexbosworth/lightning#readme

Installing LND

There is a guide to installing LND on the LND repository: https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/blob/master/docs/INSTALL.md

Example LND configuration options (~/.lnd/lnd.conf)

[Application Options]


If you are interacting with your node remotely, make sure to set (in [Application Options])


If you're adding TLS settings, regenerate the cert and key by stopping lnd, deleting the tls.cert and tls.key - then restart lnd to regenerate.

If you're going to use extended gRPC APIs, make sure to add the APIs to make tags.

make && make install tags="autopilotrpc chainrpc invoicesrpc routerrpc signrpc walletrpc watchtowerrpc wtclientrpc"

Using gRPC

You can install ln-service service via npm

npm install ln-service

To use authenticated methods you will need to provide LND credentials.

To export the credentials via a command, you can install balanceofsatoshis: npm install -g balanceofsatoshis and export via bos credentials --cleartext

Or you can export them manually:

Run base64 on the tls.cert and admin.macaroon files to get the encoded authentication data to create the LND connection. You can find these files in the LND directory. (~/.lnd or ~/Library/Application Support/Lnd)

base64 tls.cert
base64 data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/admin.macaroon

Be careful to avoid copying any newline characters in creds. To exclude them:

base64 ~/.lnd/tls.cert | tr -d '\n'
base64 ~/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/admin.macaroon | tr -d '\n'

You can then use these to interact with your LND node directly:

const lnService = require('ln-service');

const {lnd} = lnService.authenticatedLndGrpc({
  cert: 'base64 encoded tls.cert',
  macaroon: 'base64 encoded admin.macaroon',
  socket: '',

// Callback syntax
lnService.getWalletInfo({lnd}, (err, result) => {
  const nodeKey = result.public_key;

// Promise syntax
const nodePublicKey = (await lnService.getWalletInfo({lnd})).public_key;

An unauthenticatedLndGrpc function is also available for unlocker methods.

All Methods

Additional Libraries


Add a peer if possible (not self, or already connected)

Requires peers:write permission

timeout is not supported in LND 0.11.1 and below

  [is_temporary]: <Add Peer as Temporary Peer Bool> // Default: false
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  public_key: <Public Key Hex String>
  [retry_count]: <Retry Count Number>
  [retry_delay]: <Delay Retry By Milliseconds Number>
  socket: <Host Network Address And Optional Port String> // ip:port
  [timeout]: <Connection Attempt Timeout Milliseconds Number>

@returns via cbk or Promise


const {addPeer} = require('ln-service');
const socket = hostIp + ':' + portNumber;
await addPeer({lnd, socket, public_key: publicKeyHexString});


Initiate a gRPC API Methods Object for authenticated methods

Both the cert and macaroon expect the entire serialized LND generated file

  [cert]: <Base64 or Hex Serialized LND TLS Cert>
  [macaroon]: <Base64 or Hex Serialized Macaroon String>
  [socket]: <Host:Port String>


  lnd: {
    autopilot: <Autopilot API Methods Object>
    chain: <ChainNotifier API Methods Object>
    default: <Default API Methods Object>
    invoices: <Invoices API Methods Object>
    router: <Router API Methods Object>
    signer: <Signer Methods API Object>
    tower_client: <Watchtower Client Methods Object>
    tower_server: <Watchtower Server Methods API Object>
    wallet: <WalletKit gRPC Methods API Object>
    version: <Version Methods API Object>


const lnService = require('ln-service');
const {lnd} = lnService.authenticatedLndGrpc({
  cert: 'base64 encoded tls.cert',
  macaroon: 'base64 encoded admin.macaroon',
  socket: '',
const wallet = await lnService.getWalletInfo({lnd});


Publish a raw blockchain transaction to Blockchain network peers

Requires LND built with walletrpc tag

  [description]: <Transaction Label String>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  transaction: <Transaction Hex String>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  id: <Transaction Id Hex String>


const {broadcastChainTransaction} = require('ln-service');
const transaction = hexEncodedTransactionString;

// Broadcast transaction to the p2p network
const {id} = await broadcastChainTransaction({lnd, transaction});


Cancel an invoice

This call can cancel both HODL invoices and also void regular invoices

Requires LND built with invoicesrpc

Requires invoices:write permission

  id: <Payment Preimage Hash Hex String>
  lnd: <Authenticated RPC LND API Object>


const {cancelHodlInvoice} = require('ln-service');
const id = paymentRequestPreimageHashHexString;
await cancelHodlInvoice({id, lnd});


Cancel an external funding pending channel

  id: <Pending Channel Id Hex String>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise


const {cancelPendingChannel, openChannels} = require('ln-service');

const channelsToOpen = [{capacity: 1e6, partner_public_key: publicKey}];

const {pending} = await openChannels({lnd, channels: channelsToOpen});

const [id] = pending;

// Cancel the pending channel open request
await cancelPendingChannel({id, lnd});


Change wallet password

Requires locked LND and unauthenticated LND connection

  current_password: <Current Password String>
  lnd: <Unauthenticated LND API Object>
  new_password: <New Password String>

@returns via cbk or Promise


const {changePassword} = require('ln-service');
await changePassword({lnd, current_password: pass, new_password: newPass});


Close a channel.

Either an id or a transaction id / transaction output index is required

If cooperatively closing, pass a public key and socket to connect

Requires info:read, offchain:write, onchain:write, peers:write permissions

  [address]: <Request Sending Local Channel Funds To Address String>
  [id]: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
  [is_force_close]: <Is Force Close Bool>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  [public_key]: <Peer Public Key String>
  [socket]: <Peer Socket String>
  [target_confirmations]: <Confirmation Target Number>
  [tokens_per_vbyte]: <Tokens Per Virtual Byte Number>
  [transaction_id]: <Transaction Id Hex String>
  [transaction_vout]: <Transaction Output Index Number>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  transaction_id: <Closing Transaction Id Hex String>
  transaction_vout: <Closing Transaction Vout Number>


const {closeChannel} = require('ln-service');
const closing = await closeChannel({id, lnd});


Connect to a watchtower

This method requires LND built with wtclientrpc build tag

Requires offchain:write permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  public_key: <Watchtower Public Key Hex String>
  socket: <Network Socket Address IP:PORT String>


const {connectWatchtower, getTowerServerInfo} = require('ln-service');

const {tower} = await getTowerServerInfo({lnd: towerServerLnd});

const [socket] = tower.sockets;

await connectWatchtower({lnd, socket, public_key: tower.public_key});


Create a new receive address.

Requires address:write permission

  format: <Receive Address Type String> // "np2wpkh" || "p2wpkh"
  [is_unused]: <Get As-Yet Unused Address Bool>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>


const {createChainAddress} = require('ln-service');
const format = 'p2wpkh';
const {address} = await createChainAddress({format, lnd});


Create HODL invoice. This invoice will not settle automatically when an HTLC arrives. It must be settled separately with the secret preimage.

Warning: make sure to cancel the created invoice before its CLTV timeout.

Requires LND built with invoicesrpc tag

Requires address:write, invoices:write permission

  [cltv_delta]: <Final CLTV Delta Number>
  [description]: <Invoice Description String>
  [description_hash]: <Hashed Description of Payment Hex String>
  [expires_at]: <Expires At ISO 8601 Date String>
  [id]: <Payment Hash Hex String>
  [is_fallback_included]: <Is Fallback Address Included Bool>
  [is_fallback_nested]: <Is Fallback Address Nested Bool>
  [is_including_private_channels]: <Invoice Includes Private Channels Bool>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  [mtokens]: <Millitokens String>
  [tokens]: <Tokens Number>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  [chain_address]: <Backup Address String>
  created_at: <ISO 8601 Date String>
  description: <Description String>
  id: <Payment Hash Hex String>
  mtokens: <Millitokens Number>
  request: <BOLT 11 Encoded Payment Request String>
  [secret]: <Hex Encoded Payment Secret String>
  tokens: <Tokens Number>


const {createHash, randomBytes} = require('crypto');
const {createHodlInvoice, settleHodlInvoice} = require('ln-service');
const {subscribeToInvoice} = require('ln-service');

const randomSecret = () => randomBytes(32);
const sha256 = buffer => createHash('sha256').update(buffer).digest('hex');

// Choose an r_hash for this invoice, a single sha256, on say randomBytes(32)
const secret = randomSecret();

const id = sha256(secret);

// Supply an authenticatedLndGrpc object for an lnd built with invoicesrpc tag
const {request} = await createHodlInvoice({id, lnd});

// Share the request with the payer and wait for a payment
const sub = subscribeToInvoice({id, lnd});

sub.on('invoice_updated', async invoice => {
  // Only actively held invoices can be settled
  if (!invoice.is_held) {

  // Use the secret to claim the funds
  await settleHodlInvoice({lnd, secret: secret.toString('hex')});


Create a Lightning invoice.

Requires address:write, invoices:write permission

payment is not supported on LND 0.11.1 and below

  [cltv_delta]: <CLTV Delta Number>
  [description]: <Invoice Description String>
  [description_hash]: <Hashed Description of Payment Hex String>
  [expires_at]: <Expires At ISO 8601 Date String>
  [is_fallback_included]: <Is Fallback Address Included Bool>
  [is_fallback_nested]: <Is Fallback Address Nested Bool>
  [is_including_private_channels]: <Invoice Includes Private Channels Bool>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  [secret]: <Payment Preimage Hex String>
  [mtokens]: <Millitokens String>
  [tokens]: <Tokens Number>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  [chain_address]: <Backup Address String>
  created_at: <ISO 8601 Date String>
  [description]: <Description String>
  id: <Payment Hash Hex String>
  [mtokens]: <Millitokens String>
  [payment]: <Payment Identifying Secret Hex String>
  request: <BOLT 11 Encoded Payment Request String>
  secret: <Hex Encoded Payment Secret String>
  [tokens]: <Tokens Number>


const {createInvoice} = require('ln-service');

// Create a zero value invoice
const invoice = await createInvoice({lnd});


Create a wallet seed

Requires unlocked lnd and unauthenticated LND API Object

  lnd: <Unauthenticated LND API Object>
  [passphrase]: <Seed Passphrase String>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  seed: <Cipher Seed Mnemonic String>


const {createSeed, createWallet} = require('ln-service');
const {seed} = await createSeed({lnd});

// Use the seed to create a wallet
await createWallet({lnd, seed, password: '123456'});


Assemble a signed payment request

  destination: <Destination Public Key Hex String>
  hrp: <Request Human Readable Part String>
  signature: <Request Hash Signature Hex String>
  tags: [<Request Tag Word Number>]


  request: <BOLT 11 Encoded Payment Request String>


const {createSignedRequest} = require('ln-service');

// Get hrp and signature from createUnsignedRequest
// Get signature via standard private key signing, or LND signBytes
const {request} = createSignedRequest({
  destination: nodePublicKey,
  hrp: amountAndNetworkHrp,
  signature: signedPreimageHash,
  tags: paymentRequestTags,


Create an unsigned payment request

  [chain_addresses]: [<Chain Address String>]
  [cltv_delta]: <CLTV Delta Number>
  [created_at]: <Invoice Creation Date ISO 8601 String>
  [description]: <Description String>
  [description_hash]: <Description Hash Hex String>
  destination: <Public Key String>
  [expires_at]: <ISO 8601 Date String>
  features: [{
    bit: <BOLT 09 Feature Bit Number>
  id: <Preimage SHA256 Hash Hex String>
  [mtokens]: <Requested Milli-Tokens Value String> (can exceed Number limit)
  network: <Network Name String>
  [payment]: <Payment Identifier Hex String>
  [routes]: [[{
    [base_fee_mtokens]: <Base Fee Millitokens String>
    [channel]: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
    [cltv_delta]: <Final CLTV Expiration Blocks Delta Number>
    [fee_rate]: <Fees Charged in Millitokens Per Million Number>
    public_key: <Forward Edge Public Key Hex String>
  [tokens]: <Requested Chain Tokens Number> (note: can differ from mtokens)

  hash: <Payment Request Signature Hash Hex String>
  hrp: <Human Readable Part of Payment Request String>
  preimage: <Signature Hash Preimage Hex String>
  tags: [<Data Tag Number>]


const {createUnsignedRequest} = require('ln-service');

const unsignedComponents = createUnsignedRequest({
  destination: nodePublicKey,
  id: rHashHexString,
  network: 'bitcoin',
// Use createSignedRequest and a signature to create a complete request


Create a wallet

Requires unlocked lnd and unauthenticated LND API Object

  lnd: <Unauthenticated LND API Object>
  [passphrase]: <AEZSeed Encryption Passphrase String>
  password: <Wallet Password String>
  seed: <Seed Mnemonic String>

@returns via cbk or Promise


const {createWallet} = require('ln-service');
const {seed} = await createSeed({lnd});
await createWallet({lnd, seed, password: 'password'});


Get decoded payment request

Requires offchain:read permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  request: <BOLT 11 Payment Request String>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  chain_address: <Fallback Chain Address String>
  [cltv_delta]: <Final CLTV Delta Number>
  created_at: <Payment Request Created At ISO 8601 Date String>
  description: <Payment Description String>
  description_hash: <Payment Longer Description Hash Hex String>
  destination: <Public Key Hex String>
  expires_at: <ISO 8601 Date String>
  features: [{
    bit: <BOLT 09 Feature Bit Number>
    is_known: <Feature is Known Bool>
    is_required: <Feature Support is Required To Pay Bool>
    type: <Feature Type String>
  id: <Payment Hash Hex String>
  is_expired: <Invoice is Expired Bool>
  mtokens: <Requested Millitokens String>
  [payment]: <Payment Identifier Hex Encoded String>
  routes: [[{
    [base_fee_mtokens]: <Base Routing Fee In Millitokens String>
    [channel]: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
    [cltv_delta]: <CLTV Blocks Delta Number>
    [fee_rate]: <Fee Rate In Millitokens Per Million Number>
    public_key: <Forward Edge Public Key Hex String>
  safe_tokens: <Requested Tokens Rounded Up Number>
  tokens: <Requested Tokens Rounded Down Number>


const {decodePaymentRequest} = require('ln-service');
const request = 'bolt11EncodedPaymentRequestString';
const details = await decodePaymentRequest({lnd, request});


Delete failed payment attempt records

Requires offchain:write permission

Method not supported on LND 0.12.1 or below

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise


const {deleteFailedPayAttempts} = require('ln-service');

// Eliminate all the records of past failed payment attempts
await deleteFailedPayAttempts({lnd});


Delete failed payment records

Requires offchain:write permission

Method not supported on LND 0.12.1 or below

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise


const {deleteFailedPayments} = require('ln-service');

// Eliminate all the records of past failed payments
await deleteFailedPayments({lnd});


Delete all forwarding reputations

Requires offchain:write permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise


const {deleteForwardingReputations} = require('ln-service');

// Delete all routing reputations to clear pathfinding memory
await deleteForwardingReputations({});


Delete all records of payments

Requires offchain:write permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise


const {deletePayments} = require('ln-service');

// Eliminate all the records of past payments
await deletePayments({lnd});


Derive a shared secret

Key family and key index default to 6 and 0, which is the node identity key

Requires LND built with signerrpc build tag

Requires signer:generate permission

  [key_family]: <Key Family Number>
  [key_index]: <Key Index Number>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  partner_public_key: <Public Key Hex String>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  secret: <Shared Secret Hex String>


Mark a channel as temporarily disabled for outbound payments and forwards

Note: this method is not supported in LND versions 0.12.1 and below

Requires offchain:write permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  transaction_id: <Channel Funding Transaction Id Hex String>
  transaction_vout: <Channel Funding Transaction Output Index Number>

@returns via cbk or Promise


const {disableChannel} = await require('ln-service');

const [channel] = (await getChannels({lnd})).channels;

// Disable outgoing traffic via the channel
await disableChannel({
  transaction_id: channel.transaction_id,
  transaction_vout: channel.transaction_vout,


Disconnect a watchtower

Requires LND built with wtclientrpc build tag

Requires offchain:write permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  public_key: <Watchtower Public Key Hex String>

@returns via cbk or Promise
const {disconnectWatchtower, getConnectedWatchtowers} = require('ln-service');

const [tower] = (await getConnectedWatchtowers({lnd})).towers;

await disconnectWatchtower({lnd, public_key: tower.public_key});


Mark a channel as enabled for outbound payments and forwards

Setting is_force_enable will prevent future automated disabling/enabling

Note: this method is not supported in LND versions 0.12.1 and below

Requires offchain:write permission

  [is_force_enable]: <Force Channel Enabled Bool>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  transaction_id: <Channel Funding Transaction Id Hex String>
  transaction_vout: <Channel Funding Transaction Output Index Number>

@returns via cbk or Promise


const {enableChannel} = await require('ln-service');

const [channel] = (await getChannels({lnd})).channels;

// Enable outgoing traffic via the channel
await enableChannel({
  transaction_id: channel.transaction_id,
  transaction_vout: channel.transaction_vout,


Fund pending channels

Requires offchain:write, onchain:write permissions

  channels: [<Pending Channel Id Hex String>]
  funding: <Signed Funding Transaction PSBT Hex String>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
const {fundPendingChannels, openChannels} = require('ln-service');

const channelsToOpen = [{capacity: 1e6, partner_public_key: publicKey}];

const {pending} = await openChannels({lnd, channel: channelsToOpen});

const channels = pending.map(n => n.id);

// Fund the pending open channels request
await fundPendingChannels({channels, lnd, funding: psbt});


Lock and optionally select inputs to a partially signed transaction

Specify outputs or PSBT with the outputs encoded

If there are no inputs passed, internal UTXOs will be selected and locked

Requires onchain:write permission

Requires LND built with walletrpc tag

This method is not supported in LND 0.11.1 and below

Specifying 0 for min_confirmations is not supported in LND 0.13.0 and below

  [fee_tokens_per_vbyte]: <Chain Fee Tokens Per Virtual Byte Number>
  [inputs]: [{
    transaction_id: <Unspent Transaction Id Hex String>
    transaction_vout: <Unspent Transaction Output Index Number>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  [min_confirmations]: <Spend UTXOs With Minimum Confirmations Number>
  [outputs]: [{
    address: <Chain Address String>
    tokens: <Send Tokens Tokens Number>
  [target_confirmations]: <Confirmations To Wait Number>
  [psbt]: <Existing PSBT Hex String>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  inputs: [{
    [lock_expires_at]: <UTXO Lock Expires At ISO 8601 Date String>
    [lock_id]: <UTXO Lock Id Hex String>
    transaction_id: <Unspent Transaction Id Hex String>
    transaction_vout: <Unspent Transaction Output Index Number>
  outputs: [{
    is_change: <Spends To a Generated Change Output Bool>
    output_script: <Output Script Hex String>
    tokens: <Send Tokens Tokens Number>
  psbt: <Unsigned PSBT Hex String>


const {fundPsbt} = require('ln-service');

const address = 'chainAddress';
const tokens = 1000000;

// Create an unsigned PSBT that sends 1mm to a chain address
const {psbt} = await fundPsbt({lnd, outputs: [{address, tokens}]});

// This PSBT can be used with signPsbt to sign and finalize for broadcast


Get outstanding access ids given out

Note: this method is not supported in LND versions 0.11.1 and below

Requires macaroon:read permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  ids: [<Root Access Id Number>]


const {getAccessIds, grantAccess} = require('ln-service');

// Create a macaroon that can be used to make off-chain payments
const {macaroon} = await grantAccess({lnd, id: '1', is_ok_to_pay: true});

// Get outstanding ids
const {ids} = await getAccessIds({lnd});

// The specified id '1' will appear in the ids array


Get Autopilot status

Optionally, get the score of nodes as considered by the autopilot. Local scores reflect an internal scoring that includes local channel info

Permission info:read is required

  lnd: <Authenticated LND Object>
  [node_scores]: [<Get Score For Public Key Hex String>]

@returns via cbk or Promise
  is_enabled: <Autopilot is Enabled Bool>
  nodes: [{
    local_preferential_score: <Local-adjusted Pref Attachment Score Number>
    local_score: <Local-adjusted Externally Set Score Number>
    preferential_score: <Preferential Attachment Score Number>
    public_key: <Node Public Key Hex String>
    score: <Externally Set Score Number>
    weighted_local_score: <Combined Weighted Locally-Adjusted Score Number>
    weighted_score: <Combined Weighted Score Number>


const {getAutopilot} = require('ln-service');
const isAutopilotEnabled = (await getAutopilot({lnd})).is_enabled;


Get the static channel backup for a channel

Requires offchain:read permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  transaction_id: <Funding Transaction Id Hex String>
  transaction_vout: <Funding Transaction Output Index Number>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  backup: <Channel Backup Hex String>


const {getBackup, getChannels} = require('ln-service');
const [channel] = (await getChannels({lnd})).channels;
const {backup} = await getBackup({
  transaction_id: channel.transaction_id,
  transaction_vout: channel.transaction_vout,


Get all channel backups

Requires offchain:read permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  backup: <All Channels Backup Hex String>
  channels: [{
    backup: <Individualized Channel Backup Hex String>
    transaction_id: <Channel Funding Transaction Id Hex String>
    transaction_vout: <Channel Funding Transaction Output Index Number>


const {getBackups} = require('ln-service');
const {backup} = await getBackups({lnd});


Get balance on the chain.

Requires onchain:read permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  chain_balance: <Confirmed Chain Balance Tokens Number>


const {getChainBalance} = require('ln-service');
const chainBalance = (await getChainBalance({lnd})).chain_balance;


Get a chain fee estimate for a prospective chain send

Requires onchain:read permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  send_to: [{
    address: <Address String>
    tokens: <Tokens Number>
  [target_confirmations]: <Target Confirmations Number>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  fee: <Total Fee Tokens Number>
  tokens_per_vbyte: <Fee Tokens Per VByte Number>


const {getChainFeeEstimate} = require('ln-service');
const sendTo = [{address: 'chainAddressString', tokens: 100000000}];
const {fee} = await getChainFeeEstimate({lnd, send_to: sendTo});


Get chain fee rate estimate

Requires LND built with walletrpc tag

Requires onchain:read permission

  [confirmation_target]: <Future Blocks Confirmation Number>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  tokens_per_vbyte: <Tokens Per Virtual Byte Number>


const {getChainFeeRate} = require('ln-service');
const fee = (await getChainFeeRate({lnd, confirmation_target: 6})).tokens_per_vbyte;


Get chain transactions.

Requires onchain:read permission

  [after]: <Confirmed After Current Best Chain Block Height Number>
  [before]: <Confirmed Before Current Best Chain Block Height Number>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  transactions: [{
    [block_id]: <Block Hash String>
    [confirmation_count]: <Confirmation Count Number>
    [confirmation_height]: <Confirmation Block Height Number>
    created_at: <Created ISO 8601 Date String>
    [description]: <Transaction Label String>
    [fee]: <Fees Paid Tokens Number>
    id: <Transaction Id String>
    is_confirmed: <Is Confirmed Bool>
    is_outgoing: <Transaction Outbound Bool>
    output_addresses: [<Address String>]
    tokens: <Tokens Including Fee Number>
    [transaction]: <Raw Transaction Hex String>


const {getChainTransactions} = require('ln-service');
const {transactions} = await getChainTransactions({lnd});


Get balance across channels.

Requires offchain:read permission

channel_balance_mtokens is not supported on LND 0.11.1 and below

inbound and inbound_mtokens are not supported on LND 0.11.1 and below

pending_inbound is not supported on LND 0.11.1 and below

unsettled_balance is not supported on LND 0.11.1 and below

unsettled_balance_mtokens is not supported on LND 0.11.1 and below

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  channel_balance: <Channels Balance Tokens Number>
  [channel_balance_mtokens]: <Channels Balance Millitokens String>
  [inbound]: <Inbound Liquidity Tokens Number>
  [inbound_mtokens]: <Inbound Liquidity Millitokens String>
  pending_balance: <Pending On-Chain Channels Balance Tokens Number>
  [pending_inbound]: <Pending On-Chain Inbound Liquidity Tokens Number>
  [unsettled_balance]: <In-Flight Tokens Number>
  [unsettled_balance_mtokens]: <In-Flight Millitokens Number>


const {getChannelBalance} = require('ln-service');
const balanceInChannels = (await getChannelBalance({lnd})).channel_balance;


Get graph information about a channel on the network

Requires info:read permission

  id: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  capacity: <Maximum Tokens Number>
  id: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
  policies: [{
    [base_fee_mtokens]: <Base Fee Millitokens String>
    [cltv_delta]: <Locktime Delta Number>
    [fee_rate]: <Fees Charged Per Million Millitokens Number>
    [is_disabled]: <Channel Is Disabled Bool>
    [max_htlc_mtokens]: <Maximum HTLC Millitokens Value String>
    [min_htlc_mtokens]: <Minimum HTLC Millitokens Value String>
    public_key: <Node Public Key String>
    [updated_at]: <Policy Last Updated At ISO 8601 Date String>
  transaction_id: <Transaction Id Hex String>
  transaction_vout: <Transaction Output Index Number>
  [updated_at]: <Last Update Epoch ISO 8601 Date String>


const {getChannel} = await require('ln-service');
const id = '0x0x0';
const channelDetails = await getChannel({id, lnd});


Get channels

Requires offchain:read permission

in_channel, in_payment, is_forward, out_channel, out_payment, payment are not supported on LND 0.11.1 and below

  [is_active]: <Limit Results To Only Active Channels Bool> // false
  [is_offline]: <Limit Results To Only Offline Channels Bool> // false
  [is_private]: <Limit Results To Only Private Channels Bool> // false
  [is_public]: <Limit Results To Only Public Channels Bool> // false
  lnd: <Authenticated LND gRPC API Object>
  [partner_public_key]: <Only Channels With Public Key Hex String>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  channels: [{
    capacity: <Channel Token Capacity Number>
    commit_transaction_fee: <Commit Transaction Fee Number>
    commit_transaction_weight: <Commit Transaction Weight Number>
    [cooperative_close_address]: <Coop Close Restricted to Address String>
    [cooperative_close_delay_height]: <Prevent Coop Close Until Height Number>
    id: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
    is_active: <Channel Active Bool>
    is_anchor: <Channel Supports Anchor Outputs Bool>
    is_closing: <Channel Is Closing Bool>
    is_opening: <Channel Is Opening Bool>
    is_partner_initiated: <Channel Partner Opened Channel Bool>
    is_private: <Channel Is Private Bool>
    is_static_remote_key: <Remote Key Is Static Bool>
    is_variable_remote_key: <Remote Key Is Variable Bool>
    local_balance: <Local Balance Tokens Number>
    [local_csv]: <Local CSV Blocks Delay Number>
    [local_dust]: <Remote Non-Enforceable Amount Tokens Number>
    [local_given]: <Local Initially Pushed Tokens Number>
    [local_max_htlcs]: <Local Maximum Attached HTLCs Number>
    [local_max_pending_mtokens]: <Local Maximum Pending Millitokens String>
    [local_min_htlc_mtokens]: <Local Minimum HTLC Millitokens String>
    local_reserve: <Local Reserved Tokens Number>
    partner_public_key: <Channel Partner Public Key String>
    pending_payments: [{
      id: <Payment Preimage Hash Hex String>
      [in_channel]: <Forward Inbound From Channel Id String>
      [in_payment]: <Payment Index on Inbound Channel Number>
      [is_forward]: <Payment is a Forward Bool>
      is_outgoing: <Payment Is Outgoing Bool>
      [out_channel]: <Forward Outbound To Channel Id String>
      [out_payment]: <Payment Index on Outbound Channel Number>
      [payment]: <Payment Attempt Id Number>
      timeout: <Chain Height Expiration Number>
      tokens: <Payment Tokens Number>
    received: <Received Tokens Number>
    remote_balance: <Remote Balance Tokens Number>
    [remote_csv]: <Remote CSV Blocks Delay Number>
    [remote_dust]: <Remote Non-Enforceable Amount Tokens Number>
    [remote_given]: <Remote Initially Pushed Tokens Number>
    [remote_max_htlcs]: <Remote Maximum Attached HTLCs Number>
    [remote_max_pending_mtokens]: <Remote Maximum Pending Millitokens String>
    [remote_min_htlc_mtokens]: <Remote Minimum HTLC Millitokens String>
    remote_reserve: <Remote Reserved Tokens Number>
    sent: <Sent Tokens Number>
    [time_offline]: <Monitoring Uptime Channel Down Milliseconds Number>
    [time_online]: <Monitoring Uptime Channel Up Milliseconds Number>
    transaction_id: <Blockchain Transaction Id String>
    transaction_vout: <Blockchain Transaction Vout Number>
    unsettled_balance: <Unsettled Balance Tokens Number>


const {getChannels} = require('ln-service');

// Get the channels and count how many there are
const channelsCount = (await getChannels({lnd})).length;


Get closed out channels

Multiple close type flags are supported.

Requires offchain:read permission

  [is_breach_close]: <Only Return Breach Close Channels Bool>
  [is_cooperative_close]: <Only Return Cooperative Close Channels Bool>
  [is_funding_cancel]: <Only Return Funding Canceled Channels Bool>
  [is_local_force_close]: <Only Return Local Force Close Channels Bool>
  [is_remote_force_close]: <Only Return Remote Force Close Channels Bool>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND gRPC API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  channels: [{
    capacity: <Closed Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
    [close_balance_spent_by]: <Channel Balance Output Spent By Tx Id String>
    [close_balance_vout]: <Channel Balance Close Tx Output Index Number>
    close_payments: [{
      is_outgoing: <Payment Is Outgoing Bool>
      is_paid: <Payment Is Claimed With Preimage Bool>
      is_pending: <Payment Resolution Is Pending Bool>
      is_refunded: <Payment Timed Out And Went Back To Payer Bool>
      [spent_by]: <Close Transaction Spent By Transaction Id Hex String>
      tokens: <Associated Tokens Number>
      transaction_id: <Transaction Id Hex String>
      transaction_vout: <Transaction Output Index Number>
    [close_confirm_height]: <Channel Close Confirmation Height Number>
    [close_transaction_id]: <Closing Transaction Id Hex String>
    final_local_balance: <Channel Close Final Local Balance Tokens Number>
    final_time_locked_balance: <Closed Channel Timelocked Tokens Number>
    [id]: <Closed Standard Format Channel Id String>
    is_breach_close: <Is Breach Close Bool>
    is_cooperative_close: <Is Cooperative Close Bool>
    is_funding_cancel: <Is Funding Cancelled Close Bool>
    is_local_force_close: <Is Local Force Close Bool>
    [is_partner_closed]: <Channel Was Closed By Channel Peer Bool>
    [is_partner_initiated]: <Channel Was Initiated By Channel Peer Bool>
    is_remote_force_close: <Is Remote Force Close Bool>
    partner_public_key: <Partner Public Key Hex String>
    transaction_id: <Channel Funding Transaction Id Hex String>
    transaction_vout: <Channel Funding Output Index Number>


const {getClosedChannels} = require('ln-service');
const breachCount = await getClosedChannels({lnd, is_breach_close: true});


Get a list of connected watchtowers and watchtower info

Requires LND built with wtclientrpc build tag

Requires offchain:read permission

Includes previously connected watchtowers

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  max_session_update_count: <Maximum Updates Per Session Number>
  sweep_tokens_per_vbyte: <Sweep Tokens per Virtual Byte Number>
  backups_count: <Total Backups Made Count Number>
  failed_backups_count: <Total Backup Failures Count Number>
  finished_sessions_count: <Finished Updated Sessions Count Number>
  pending_backups_count: <As Yet Unacknowledged Backup Requests Count Number>
  sessions_count: <Total Backup Sessions Starts Count Number>
  towers: [{
    is_active: <Tower Can Be Used For New Sessions Bool>
    public_key: <Identity Public Key Hex String>
    sessions: [{
      backups_count: <Total Successful Backups Made Count Number>
      max_backups_count: <Backups Limit Number>
      pending_backups_count: <Backups Pending Acknowledgement Count Number>
      sweep_tokens_per_vbyte: <Fee Rate in Tokens Per Virtual Byte Number>
    sockets: [<Tower Network Address IP:Port String>]


const {getConnectedWatchtowers} = require('ln-service');

const {towers} = (await getConnectedWatchtowers({lnd}));


Get a rundown on fees for channels

Requires offchain:read permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  channels: [{
    base_fee: <Base Flat Fee Tokens Rounded Up Number>
    base_fee_mtokens: <Base Flat Fee Millitokens String>
    id: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
    transaction_id: <Channel Funding Transaction Id Hex String>
    transaction_vout: <Funding Outpoint Output Index Number>


const {getFeeRates} = require('ln-service');
const {channels} = await getFeeRates({lnd});


Get the confidence in being able to send between a direct pair of nodes

  from: <From Public Key Hex String>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND gRPC API Object>
  mtokens: <Millitokens To Send String>
  to: <To Public Key Hex String>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  confidence: <Success Confidence Score Out Of One Million Number>


const {getForwardingConfidence} = require('ln-service');
const from = nodeAPublicKey;
const mtokens = '10000';
const to = nodeBPublicKey;

// Given two nodes, get confidence score out of 1,000,000 in forwarding success
const {confidence} = await getForwardingConfidence({from, lnd, mtokens, to});


Get the set of forwarding reputations

Requires offchain:read permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  nodes: [{
    peers: [{
      [failed_tokens]: <Failed to Forward Tokens Number>
      [forwarded_tokens]: <Forwarded Tokens Number>
      [last_failed_forward_at]: <Failed Forward At ISO-8601 Date String>
      [last_forward_at]: <Forwarded At ISO 8601 Date String>
      to_public_key: <To Public Key Hex String>
    public_key: <Node Identity Public Key Hex String>
const {getForwardingReputations} = require('ln-service');
const {nodes} = await getForwardingReputations({lnd});


Get forwarded payments, from oldest to newest

When using an "after" date a "before" date is required.

If a next token is returned, pass it to get additional page of results.

Requires offchain:read permission

  [after]: <Get Only Payments Forwarded At Or After ISO 8601 Date String>
  [before]: <Get Only Payments Forwarded Before ISO 8601 Date String>
  [limit]: <Page Result Limit Number>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  [token]: <Opaque Paging Token String>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  forwards: [{
    created_at: <Forward Record Created At ISO 8601 Date String>
    fee: <Fee Tokens Charged Number>
    fee_mtokens: <Approximated Fee Millitokens Charged String>
    incoming_channel: <Incoming Standard Format Channel Id String>
    mtokens: <Forwarded Millitokens String>
    outgoing_channel: <Outgoing Standard Format Channel Id String>
    tokens: <Forwarded Tokens Number>
  [next]: <Contine With Opaque Paging Token String>


const {getForwards} = require('ln-service');
const {forwards} = await getForwards({lnd});


Lookup the current best block height

LND with chainrpc build tag and onchain:read permission is suggested

Otherwise, info:read permission is required

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  current_block_hash: <Best Chain Hash Hex String>
  current_block_height: <Best Chain Height Number>


const {getHeight} = require('ln-service');

// Check for the current best chain block height
const height = (await getHeight({lnd})).current_block_height;


Lookup the identity key for a node

LND with walletrpc build tag and address:read permission is suggested

Otherwise, info:read permission is required

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  public_key: <Node Identity Public Key Hex String>


const {getIdentity} = require('ln-service');

// Derive the identity public key of the backing LND node
const nodePublicKey = (await getIdentity({lnd})).public_key;


Lookup a channel invoice.

The received value and the invoiced value may differ as invoices may be over-paid.

Requires invoices:read permission

payment is not supported on LND 0.11.1 and below

  id: <Payment Hash Id Hex String>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  [chain_address]: <Fallback Chain Address String>
  cltv_delta: <CLTV Delta Number>
  [confirmed_at]: <Settled at ISO 8601 Date String>
  created_at: <ISO 8601 Date String>
  description: <Description String>
  [description_hash]: <Description Hash Hex String>
  expires_at: <ISO 8601 Date String>
  features: [{
    bit: <BOLT 09 Feature Bit Number>
    is_known: <Feature is Known Bool>
    is_required: <Feature Support is Required To Pay Bool>
    type: <Feature Type String>
  id: <Payment Hash String>
  [is_canceled]: <Invoice is Canceled Bool>
  is_confirmed: <Invoice is Confirmed Bool>
  [is_held]: <HTLC is Held Bool>
  is_private: <Invoice is Private Bool>
  [is_push]: <Invoice is Push Payment Bool>
  mtokens: <Millitokens String>
  [payment]: <Payment Identifying Secret Hex String>
  payments: [{
    [confirmed_at]: <Payment Settled At ISO 8601 Date String>
    created_at: <Payment Held Since ISO 860 Date String>
    created_height: <Payment Held Since Block Height Number>
    in_channel: <Incoming Payment Through Channel Id String>
    is_canceled: <Payment is Canceled Bool>
    is_confirmed: <Payment is Confirmed Bool>
    is_held: <Payment is Held Bool>
    messages: [{
      type: <Message Type Number String>
      value: <Raw Value Hex String>
    mtokens: <Incoming Payment Millitokens String>
    [pending_index]: <Pending Payment Channel HTLC Index Number>
    timeout: <HTLC CLTV Timeout Height Number>
    tokens: <Payment Tokens Number>
  received: <Received Tokens Number>
  received_mtokens: <Received Millitokens String>
  [request]: <Bolt 11 Invoice String>
  secret: <Secret Preimage Hex String>
  tokens: <Tokens Number>


const {getInvoice} = require('ln-service');
const invoiceDetails = await getInvoice({id, lnd});


Get all created invoices.

If a next token is returned, pass it to get another page of invoices.

Requires invoices:read permission

Invoice payment is not supported on LND 0.11.1 and below

  [limit]: <Page Result Limit Number>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  [token]: <Opaque Paging Token String>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  invoices: [{
    [chain_address]: <Fallback Chain Address String>
    cltv_delta: <Final CLTV Delta Number>
    [confirmed_at]: <Settled at ISO 8601 Date String>
    [confirmed_index]: <Confirmed Index Number>
    created_at: <ISO 8601 Date String>
    description: <Description String>
    [description_hash]: <Description Hash Hex String>
    expires_at: <ISO 8601 Date String>
    features: [{
      bit: <BOLT 09 Feature Bit Number>
      is_known: <Feature is Known Bool>
      is_required: <Feature Support is Required To Pay Bool>
      type: <Feature Type String>
    id: <Payment Hash Hex String>
    index: <Index Number>
    [is_canceled]: <Invoice is Canceled Bool>
    is_confirmed: <Invoice is Confirmed Bool>
    [is_held]: <HTLC is Held Bool>
    is_private: <Invoice is Private Bool>
    [is_push]: <Invoice is Push Payment Bool>
    mtokens: <Millitokens String>
    [payment]: <Payment Identifying Secret Hex String>
    payments: [{
      [canceled_at]: <Payment Canceled At ISO 8601 Date String>
      [confirmed_at]: <Payment Settled At ISO 8601 Date String>
      created_at: <Payment Held Since ISO 860 Date String>
      created_height: <Payment Held Since Block Height Number>
      in_channel: <Incoming Payment Through Channel Id String>
      is_canceled: <Payment is Canceled Bool>
      is_confirmed: <Payment is Confirmed Bool>
      is_held: <Payment is Held Bool>
      messages: [{
        type: <Message Type Number String>
        value: <Raw Value Hex String>
      mtokens: <Incoming Payment Millitokens String>
      [pending_index]: <Pending Payment Channel HTLC Index Number>
      timeout: <HTLC CLTV Timeout Height Number>
      tokens: <Payment Tokens Number>
      [total_mtokens]: <Total Millitokens String>
    received: <Received Tokens Number>
    received_mtokens: <Received Millitokens String>
    [request]: <Bolt 11 Invoice String>
    secret: <Secret Preimage Hex String>
    tokens: <Tokens Number>
  [next]: <Next Opaque Paging Token String>


const {getInvoices} = require('ln-service');
const {invoices} = await getInvoices({lnd});


Get locked unspent transaction outputs

Requires onchain:read permission

Requires LND built with walletrpc build tag

This method is not supported on LND 0.12.1 and below

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  utxos: [{
    lock_expires_at: <Lock Expires At ISO 8601 Date String>
    lock_id: <Locking Id Hex String>
    transaction_id: <Transaction Id Hex String>
    transaction_vout: <Transaction Output Index Number>


const {getLockedUtxos} = require('ln-service');

const numLockedUtxos = (await getLockedUtxos({lnd})).utxos.length;


Get the list of all methods and their associated requisite permissions

Note: this method is not supported in LND versions 0.11.1 and below

Requires info:read permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  methods: [{
    endpoint: <Method Endpoint Path String>
    permissions: <Entity:Action String>]


const {getMethods} = require('ln-service');
const perrmissions = ['info:read'];

const {methods} = await getMethods({lnd});

// Calculate allowed methods for permissions set
const allowedMethods = methods.filter(method => {
  // A method is allowed if all of its permissions are included
  return !method.permissions.find(n => !permissions.includes(n));


Get the graph centrality scores of the nodes on the network

Scores are from 0 to 1,000,000.

Requires info:read permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  nodes: [{
    betweenness: <Betweenness Centrality Number>
    betweenness_normalized: <Normalized Betweenness Centrality Number>
    public_key: <Node Public Key Hex String>
const {getNetworkCentrality} = require('ln-service');

// Calculate centrality scores for all graph nodes
const centrality = await getNetworkCentrality({lnd});


Get the network graph

Requires info:read permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  channels: [{
    capacity: <Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
    id: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
    policies: [{
      [base_fee_mtokens]: <Bae Fee Millitokens String>
      [cltv_delta]: <CLTV Height Delta Number>
      [fee_rate]: <Fee Rate In Millitokens Per Million Number>
      [is_disabled]: <Edge is Disabled Bool>
      [max_htlc_mtokens]: <Maximum HTLC Millitokens String>
      [min_htlc_mtokens]: <Minimum HTLC Millitokens String>
      public_key: <Public Key String>
      [updated_at]: <Last Update Epoch ISO 8601 Date String>
    transaction_id: <Funding Transaction Id String>
    transaction_vout: <Funding Transaction Output Index Number>
    [updated_at]: <Last Update Epoch ISO 8601 Date String>
  nodes: [{
    alias: <Name String>
    color: <Hex Encoded Color String>
    features: [{
      bit: <BOLT 09 Feature Bit Number>
      is_known: <Feature is Known Bool>
      is_required: <Feature Support is Required Bool>
      type: <Feature Type String>
    public_key: <Node Public Key String>
    sockets: [<Network Address and Port String>]
    updated_at: <Last Updated ISO 8601 Date String>


const {getNetworkGraph} = require('ln-service');
const {channels, nodes} = await getNetworkGraph({lnd});


Get network info

Requires info:read permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  average_channel_size: <Tokens Number>
  channel_count: <Channels Count Number>
  max_channel_size: <Tokens Number>
  median_channel_size: <Median Channel Tokens Number>
  min_channel_size: <Tokens Number>
  node_count: <Node Count Number>
  not_recently_updated_policy_count: <Channel Edge Count Number>
  total_capacity: <Total Capacity Number>


const {getNetworkInfo} = require('ln-service');
const {networkDetails} = await getNetworkInfo({lnd});


Get information about a node

Requires info:read permission

  [is_omitting_channels]: <Omit Channels from Node Bool>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  public_key: <Node Public Key Hex String>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  alias: <Node Alias String>
  capacity: <Node Total Capacity Tokens Number>
  channel_count: <Known Node Channels Number>
  [channels]: [{
    capacity: <Maximum Tokens Number>
    id: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
    policies: [{
      [base_fee_mtokens]: <Base Fee Millitokens String>
      [cltv_delta]: <Locktime Delta Number>
      [fee_rate]: <Fees Charged Per Million Millitokens Number>
      [is_disabled]: <Channel Is Disabled Bool>
      [max_htlc_mtokens]: <Maximum HTLC Millitokens Value String>
      [min_htlc_mtokens]: <Minimum HTLC Millitokens Value String>
      public_key: <Node Public Key String>
      [updated_at]: <Policy Last Updated At ISO 8601 Date String>
    transaction_id: <Transaction Id Hex String>
    transaction_vout: <Transaction Output Index Number>
    [updated_at]: <Channel Last Updated At ISO 8601 Date String>
  color: <RGB Hex Color String>
  features: [{
    bit: <BOLT 09 Feature Bit Number>
    is_known: <Feature is Known Bool>
    is_required: <Feature Support is Required Bool>
    type: <Feature Type String>
  sockets: [{
    socket: <Host and Port String>
    type: <Socket Type String>
  [updated_at]: <Last Known Update ISO 8601 Date String>


const {getNode} = require('ln-service');
const publicKey = 'publicKeyHexString';
const nodeDetails = await getNode({lnd, public_key: publicKey});


Get current pathfinding settings

Requires offchain:read permission

Method not supported on LND 0.12.1 or below

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  baseline_success_rate: <Assumed Forward Fail Chance In 1 Million Number>
  max_payment_records: <Maximum Historical Payment Records To Keep Number>
  node_ignore_rate: <Avoid Node Due to Failure Rate In 1 Million Number>
  penalty_half_life_ms: <Millisecs to Reduce Fail Penalty By Half Number>


const {getPathfindingSettings} = require('ln-service');
const settings = await getPathfindingSettings({lnd});


Get the status of a past payment

Requires offchain:read permission

  id: <Payment Preimage Hash Hex String>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  [failed]: {
    is_insufficient_balance: <Failed Due To Lack of Balance Bool>
    is_invalid_payment: <Failed Due to Payment Rejected At Destination Bool>
    is_pathfinding_timeout: <Failed Due to Pathfinding Timeout Bool>
    is_route_not_found: <Failed Due to Absence of Path Through Graph Bool>
  [is_confirmed]: <Payment Is Settled Bool>
  [is_failed]: <Payment Is Failed Bool>
  [is_pending]: <Payment Is Pending Bool>
  [payment]: {
    fee_mtokens: <Total Fee Millitokens To Pay String>
    hops: [{
      channel: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
      channel_capacity: <Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
      fee: <Routing Fee Tokens Number>
      fee_mtokens: <Fee Millitokens String>
      forward: <Forwarded Tokens Number>
      forward_mtokens: <Forward Millitokens String>
      public_key: <Public Key Hex String>
      timeout: <Timeout Block Height Number>
    id: <Payment Hash Hex String>
    mtokens: <Total Millitokens Paid String>
    safe_fee: <Payment Forwarding Fee Rounded Up Tokens Number>
    safe_tokens: <Payment Tokens Rounded Up Number>
    secret: <Payment Preimage Hex String>
    timeout: <Expiration Block Height Number>
    tokens: <Total Tokens Paid Number>


const {getPayment} = require('ln-service');
const id = 'paymentHashHexString';
const payment = await getPayment({id, lnd});


Get payments made through channels.

Requires offchain:read permission

  [limit]: <Page Result Limit Number>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  [token]: <Opaque Paging Token String>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  payments: [{
    attempts: [{
      [failure]: {
        code: <Error Type Code Number>
        [details]: {
          [channel]: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
          [height]: <Error Associated Block Height Number>
          [index]: <Failed Hop Index Number>
          [mtokens]: <Error Millitokens String>
          [policy]: {
            base_fee_mtokens: <Base Fee Millitokens String>
            cltv_delta: <Locktime Delta Number>
            fee_rate: <Fees Charged Per Million Tokens Number>
            [is_disabled]: <Channel is Disabled Bool>
            max_htlc_mtokens: <Maximum HLTC Millitokens Value String>
            min_htlc_mtokens: <Minimum HTLC Millitokens Value String>
            updated_at: <Updated At ISO 8601 Date String>
          [timeout_height]: <Error CLTV Timeout Height Number>
          [update]: {
            chain: <Chain Id Hex String>
            channel_flags: <Channel Flags Number>
            extra_opaque_data: <Extra Opaque Data Hex String>
            message_flags: <Message Flags Number>
            signature: <Channel Update Signature Hex String>
        message: <Error Message String>
      is_confirmed: <Payment Attempt Succeeded Bool>
      is_failed: <Payment Attempt Failed Bool>
      is_pending: <Payment Attempt is Waiting For Resolution Bool>
      route: {
        fee: <Route Fee Tokens Number>
        fee_mtokens: <Route Fee Millitokens String>
        hops: [{
          channel: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
          channel_capacity: <Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
          fee: <Fee Number>
          fee_mtokens: <Fee Millitokens String>
          forward: <Forward Tokens Number>
          forward_mtokens: <Forward Millitokens String>
          [public_key]: <Forward Edge Public Key Hex String>
          [timeout]: <Timeout Block Height Number>
        mtokens: <Total Fee-Inclusive Millitokens String>
        [payment]: <Payment Identifier Hex String>
        timeout: <Timeout Block Height Number>
        tokens: <Total Fee-Inclusive Tokens Number>
        [total_mtokens]: <Total Millitokens String>
    created_at: <Payment at ISO-8601 Date String>
    destination: <Destination Node Public Key Hex String>
    fee: <Paid Routing Fee Rounded Down Tokens Number>
    fee_mtokens: <Paid Routing Fee in Millitokens String>
    hops: [<First Route Hop Public Key Hex String>]
    id: <Payment Preimage Hash String>
    [index]: <Payment Add Index Number>
    is_confirmed: <Payment is Confirmed Bool>
    is_outgoing: <Transaction Is Outgoing Bool>
    mtokens: <Millitokens Sent to Destination String>
    [request]: <BOLT 11 Payment Request String>
    safe_fee: <Payment Forwarding Fee Rounded Up Tokens Number>
    safe_tokens: <Payment Tokens Rounded Up Number>
    secret: <Payment Preimage Hex String>
    tokens: <Rounded Down Tokens Sent to Destination Number>
  [next]: <Next Opaque Paging Token String>


const {getPayments} = require('ln-service');
const {payments} = await getPayments({lnd});


Get connected peers.

Requires peers:read permission

LND 0.11.1 and below do not return last_reconnected or reconnection_rate

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  peers: [{
    bytes_received: <Bytes Received Number>
    bytes_sent: <Bytes Sent Number>
    features: [{
      bit: <BOLT 09 Feature Bit Number>
      is_known: <Feature is Known Bool>
      is_required: <Feature Support is Required Bool>
      type: <Feature Type String>
    is_inbound: <Is Inbound Peer Bool>
    [is_sync_peer]: <Is Syncing Graph Data Bool>
    [last_reconnected]: <Peer Last Reconnected At ISO 8601 Date String>
    ping_time: <Ping Latency Milliseconds Number>
    public_key: <Node Identity Public Key String>
    [reconnection_rate]: <Count of Reconnections Over Time Number>
    socket: <Network Address And Port String>
    tokens_received: <Amount Received Tokens Number>
    tokens_sent: <Amount Sent Tokens Number>


const {getPeers} = require('ln-service');
const {peers} = await getPeers({lnd});


Get pending chain balance in simple unconfirmed outputs.

Pending channels limbo balance is not included

Requires onchain:read permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  pending_chain_balance: <Pending Chain Balance Tokens Number>


const {getPendingChainBalance} = require('ln-service');
const totalPending = (await getPendingChainBalance({lnd})).pending_chain_balance;


Get pending channels.

Both is_closing and is_opening are returned as part of a channel because a channel may be opening, closing, or active.

Requires offchain:read permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  pending_channels: [{
    [close_transaction_id]: <Channel Closing Transaction Id String>
    is_active: <Channel Is Active Bool>
    is_anchor: <Channel Is Anchor Channel Type Bool>
    is_closing: <Channel Is Closing Bool>
    is_opening: <Channel Is Opening Bool>
    [is_partner_initiated]: <Channel Partner Initiated Channel Bool>
    local_balance: <Channel Local Tokens Balance Number>
    local_reserve: <Channel Local Reserved Tokens Number>
    partner_public_key: <Channel Peer Public Key String>
    [pending_balance]: <Tokens Pending Recovery Number>
    [pending_payments]: [{
      is_incoming: <Payment Is Incoming Bool>
      timelock_height: <Payment Timelocked Until Height Number>
      tokens: <Payment Tokens Number>
      transaction_id: <Payment Transaction Id String>
      transaction_vout: <Payment Transaction Vout Number>
    received: <Tokens Received Number>
    [recovered_tokens]: <Tokens Recovered From Close Number>
    remote_balance: <Remote Tokens Balance Number>
    remote_reserve: <Channel Remote Reserved Tokens Number>
    sent: <Send Tokens Number>
    [timelock_expiration]: <Pending Tokens Block Height Timelock Number>
    [transaction_fee]: <Commit Transaction Fee Tokens Number>
    transaction_id: <Channel Funding Transaction Id String>
    transaction_vout: <Channel Funding Transaction Vout Number>
    [transaction_weight]: <Commit Transaction Weight Number>


const {getPendingChannels} = require('ln-service');
const pendingChannels = (await getPendingChannels({lnd})).pending_channels;


Get a public key in the seed

Omit a key index to cycle to the "next" key in the family

Requires LND compiled with walletrpc build tag

Requires address:read permission

  family: <Key Family Number>
  [index]: <Key Index Number>
  lnd: <Authenticated API LND Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  index: <Key Index Number>
  public_key: <Public Key Hex String>


const {getPublicKey} = require('ln-service');

// Get the public version of a key in the LND wallet HD seed
const publicKey = (await getPublicKey({family: 1, index: 1, lnd}).public_key);


Get routing confidence of successfully routing a payment to a destination

If from is not set, self is default

Requires offchain:read permission

  [from]: <Starting Hex Serialized Public Key>
  hops: [{
    forward_mtokens: <Forward Millitokens String>
    public_key: <Forward Edge Public Key Hex String>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  confidence: <Confidence Score Out Of One Million Number>


const {getRouteConfidence, getRouteToDestination} = require('ln-service');
const destination = 'destinationPublicKeyHexString';

const {route} = await getRouteToDestination({destination, lnd, tokens: 80085});

// Confidence in payment success
const {confidence} = (await getRouteConfidence({lnd, hops: route.hops}));


Get an outbound route that goes through specific hops

Requires offchain:read permission

  [cltv_delta]: <Final CLTV Delta Number>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  [mtokens]: <Millitokens to Send String>
  [outgoing_channel]: <Outgoing Channel Id String>
  [messages]: [{
    type: <Message Type Number String>
    value: <Message Raw Value Hex Encoded String>
  [payment]: <Payment Identifier Hex String>
  public_keys: [<Public Key Hex String>]
  [tokens]: <Tokens to Send Number>
  [total_mtokens]: <Payment Total Millitokens String>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  route: {
    fee: <Route Fee Tokens Number>
    fee_mtokens: <Route Fee Millitokens String>
    hops: [{
      channel: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
      channel_capacity: <Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
      fee: <Fee Number>
      fee_mtokens: <Fee Millitokens String>
      forward: <Forward Tokens Number>
      forward_mtokens: <Forward Millitokens String>
      public_key: <Forward Edge Public Key Hex String>
      timeout: <Timeout Block Height Number>
    [messages]: [{
      type: <Message Type Number String>
      value: <Message Raw Value Hex Encoded String>
    mtokens: <Total Fee-Inclusive Millitokens String>
    [payment]: <Payment Identifier Hex String>
    safe_fee: <Payment Forwarding Fee Rounded Up Tokens Number>
    safe_tokens: <Payment Tokens Rounded Up Number>
    timeout: <Route Timeout Height Number>
    tokens: <Total Fee-Inclusive Tokens Number>
    [total_mtokens]: <Payment Total Millitokens String>


const {getRouteThroughHops, payViaRoutes} = require('ln-service');
const destination = 'destinationPublicKeyHexString';
const mtokens = '1000';
const peer = 'peerPublicKeyHexString';
const {route} = await getRouteThroughHops({lnd, public_keys: [peer, destination]});
await payViaRoutes({lnd, routes: [route]});


Get a route to a destination.

Call this iteratively after failed route attempts to get new routes

Requires info:read permission

  [cltv_delta]: <Final CLTV Delta Number>
  destination: <Final Send Destination Hex Encoded Public Key String>
  [features]: [{
    bit: <Feature Bit Number>
  [ignore]: [{
    [channel]: <Channel Id String>
    from_public_key: <Public Key Hex String>
    [to_public_key]: <To Public Key Hex String>
  [incoming_peer]: <Incoming Peer Public Key Hex String>
  [is_ignoring_past_failures]: <Ignore Past Failures Bool>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  [max_fee]: <Maximum Fee Tokens Number>
  [max_fee_mtokens]: <Maximum Fee Millitokens String>
  [max_timeout_height]: <Max CLTV Timeout Number>
  [messages]: [{
    type: <Message To Final Destination Type Number String>
    value: <Message To Final Destination Raw Value Hex Encoded String>
  [mtokens]: <Tokens to Send String>
  [outgoing_channel]: <Outgoing Channel Id String>
  [payment]: <Payment Identifier Hex Strimng>
  [routes]: [[{
    [base_fee_mtokens]: <Base Routing Fee In Millitokens String>
    [channel]: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
    [channel_capacity]: <Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
    [cltv_delta]: <CLTV Delta Blocks Number>
    [fee_rate]: <Fee Rate In Millitokens Per Million Number>
    public_key: <Forward Edge Public Key Hex String>
  [start]: <Starting Node Public Key Hex String>
  [tokens]: <Tokens Number>
  [total_mtokens]: <Total Millitokens of Shards String>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  [route]: {
    [confidence]: <Route Confidence Score Out Of One Million Number>
    fee: <Route Fee Tokens Number>
    fee_mtokens: <Route Fee Millitokens String>
    hops: [{
      channel: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
      channel_capacity: <Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
      fee: <Fee Number>
      fee_mtokens: <Fee Millitokens String>
      forward: <Forward Tokens Number>
      forward_mtokens: <Forward Millitokens String>
      public_key: <Forward Edge Public Key Hex String>
      timeout: <Timeout Block Height Number>
    [messages]: [{
      type: <Message Type Number String>
      value: <Message Raw Value Hex Encoded String>
    mtokens: <Total Fee-Inclusive Millitokens String>
    safe_fee: <Payment Forwarding Fee Rounded Up Tokens Number>
    safe_tokens: <Payment Tokens Rounded Up Number>
    timeout: <Route Timeout Height Number>
    tokens: <Total Fee-Inclusive Tokens Number>


const {getRouteToDestination, payViaRoutes} = require('ln-service');
const destination = 'destinationPublicKeyHexString';
const tokens = 1000;
const {route} = await getRouteToDestination({destination, lnd, tokens});
await payViaRoutes({lnd, routes: [route]});


Get self-transfer spend transactions related to channel closes

Requires onchain:read permission

Requires LND built with walletrpc build tag

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  transactions: [{
    [block_id]: <Block Hash String>
    [confirmation_count]: <Confirmation Count Number>
    [confirmation_height]: <Confirmation Block Height Number>
    created_at: <Created ISO 8601 Date String>
    [fee]: <Fees Paid Tokens Number>
    id: <Transaction Id String>
    is_confirmed: <Is Confirmed Bool>
    is_outgoing: <Transaction Outbound Bool>
    output_addresses: [<Address String>]
    spends: [{
      [tokens]: <Output Tokens Number>
      transaction_id: <Spend Transaction Id Hex String>
      transaction_vout: <Spend Transaction Output Index Number>
    tokens: <Tokens Including Fee Number>
    [transaction]: <Raw Transaction Hex String>


const {getSweepTransactions} = require('ln-service');

const {transactions} = await getSweepTransactions({lnd});


Get watchtower server info.

This method requires LND built with watchtowerrpc build tag

Requires info:read permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  [tower]: {
    public_key: <Watchtower Server Public Key Hex String>
    sockets: [<Socket String>]
    uris: [<Watchtower External URI String>]


const {getTowerServerInfo} = require('ln-service');
const towerInfo = await getTowerServerInfo({lnd});


Get unspent transaction outputs

Requires onchain:read permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  [max_confirmations]: <Maximum Confirmations Number>
  [min_confirmations]: <Minimum Confirmations Number>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  utxos: [{
    address: <Chain Address String>
    address_format: <Chain Address Format String>
    confirmation_count: <Confirmation Count Number>
    output_script: <Output Script Hex String>
    tokens: <Unspent Tokens Number>
    transaction_id: <Transaction Id Hex String>
    transaction_vout: <Transaction Output Index Number>


const {getUtxos} = require('ln-service');
const {utxos} = await getUtxos({lnd});


Get overall wallet info.

Requires info:read permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND gRPC API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  active_channels_count: <Active Channels Count Number>
  alias: <Node Alias String>
  chains: [<Chain Id Hex String>]
  color: <Node Color String>
  current_block_hash: <Best Chain Hash Hex String>
  current_block_height: <Best Chain Height Number>
  features: [{
    bit: <BOLT 09 Feature Bit Number>
    is_known: <Feature is Known Bool>
    is_required: <Feature Support is Required Bool>
    type: <Feature Type String>
  is_synced_to_chain: <Is Synced To Chain Bool>
  latest_block_at: <Latest Known Block At Date String>
  peers_count: <Peer Count Number>
  pending_channels_count: <Pending Channels Count Number>
  public_key: <Public Key String>


const {getWalletInfo} = require('ln-service');
const walletInfo = await getWalletInfo({lnd});


Get wallet version

Tags are self-reported by LND and are not guaranteed to be accurate

Requires info:read permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  build_tags: [<Build Tag String>]
  commit_hash: <Commit SHA1 160 Bit Hash Hex String>
  is_autopilotrpc_enabled: <Is Autopilot RPC Enabled Bool>
  is_chainrpc_enabled: <Is Chain RPC Enabled Bool>
  is_invoicesrpc_enabled: <Is Invoices RPC Enabled Bool>
  is_signrpc_enabled: <Is Sign RPC Enabled Bool>
  is_walletrpc_enabled: <Is Wallet RPC Enabled Bool>
  is_watchtowerrpc_enabled: <Is Watchtower Server RPC Enabled Bool>
  is_wtclientrpc_enabled: <Is Watchtower Client RPC Enabled Bool>
  [version]: <Recognized LND Version String>
const {getWalletVersion} = require('ln-service');

// Determine if the invoices rpc build tag was used with the running LND
const hasInvoicesRpc = (await getWalletVersion({lnd})).is_invoicesrpc_enabled;


Give access to the node by making a macaroon access credential

Specify id to allow for revoking future access

Requires macaroon:generate permission

Note: access once given cannot be revoked. Access is defined at the LND level and version differences in LND can result in expanded access.

Note: id is not supported in LND versions 0.11.0 and below

  [id]: <Macaroon Id Positive Numeric String>
  [is_ok_to_adjust_peers]: <Can Add or Remove Peers Bool>
  [is_ok_to_create_chain_addresses]: <Can Make New Addresses Bool>
  [is_ok_to_create_invoices]: <Can Create Lightning Invoices Bool>
  [is_ok_to_create_macaroons]: <Can Create Macaroons Bool>
  [is_ok_to_derive_keys]: <Can Derive Public Keys Bool>
  [is_ok_to_get_access_ids]: <Can List Access Ids Bool>
  [is_ok_to_get_chain_transactions]: <Can See Chain Transactions Bool>
  [is_ok_to_get_invoices]: <Can See Invoices Bool>
  [is_ok_to_get_wallet_info]: <Can General Graph and Wallet Information Bool>
  [is_ok_to_get_payments]: <Can Get Historical Lightning Transactions Bool>
  [is_ok_to_get_peers]: <Can Get Node Peers Information Bool>
  [is_ok_to_pay]: <Can Send Funds or Edit Lightning Payments Bool>
  [is_ok_to_revoke_access_ids]: <Can Revoke Access Ids Bool>
  [is_ok_to_send_to_chain_addresses]: <Can Send Coins On Chain Bool>
  [is_ok_to_sign_bytes]: <Can Sign Bytes From Node Keys Bool>
  [is_ok_to_sign_messages]: <Can Sign Messages From Node Key Bool>
  [is_ok_to_stop_daemon]: <Can Terminate Node or Change Operation Mode Bool>
  [is_ok_to_verify_bytes_signatures]: <Can Verify Signatures of Bytes Bool>
  [is_ok_to_verify_messages]: <Can Verify Messages From Node Keys Bool>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND gRPC API Object>
  [permissions]: [<Entity:Action String>]

@returns via cbk or Promise
  macaroon: <Base64 Encoded Macaroon String>
  permissions: [<Entity:Action String>]
const {createInvoice, grantAccess} = require('ln-service');

// Make a macaroon that can only create invoices
const {macaroon} = await grantAccess({lnd, is_ok_to_create_invoices: true});

// LND connection using the node cert and socket, with the restricted macaroon
const createInvoices = authenticatedLndGrpc({cert, macaroon, socket});

// Payment requests can be made with this special limited LND connection
const {request} = await createInvoice({lnd: createInvoices.lnd, tokens: 1});


Get a gRPC proxy server

  [bind]: <Bind to Address String>
  [cert]: <LND Cert Base64 String>
  log: <Log Function>
  path: <Router Path String>
  port: <Listen Port Number>
  socket: <LND Socket String>
  stream: <Log Write Stream Object>

  app: <Express Application Object>
  server: <Web Server Object>
  wss: <WebSocket Server Object>
const {getWalletInfo} = require('ln-service');
const {lndGateway} = require('lightning');
const request = require('@alexbosworth/request');
const websocket = require('ws');
const {Writable} = require('stream');

const log = output => console.log(output);
const path = '/lnd/';
const port = 8050;

const {app, server, wss} = grpcProxyServer({
  cert: base64Encoded64TlsCertFileString,
  socket: 'localhost:10009',
  stream: new Writable({write: (chunk, encoding, cbk) => cbk()}),

// Create an authenticated LND for the gRPC REST gateway
const {lnd} = lndGateway({
  macaroon: base64EncodedMacaroonFileString,
  url: `http://localhost:${port}${path}`,

// Make a request to a gRPC method through the REST proxy
const nodeInfo = await getWalletInfo({lnd});


Determine if a payment destination is actually payable by probing it

Requires offchain:write permission

  [cltv_delta]: <Final CLTV Delta Number>
  destination: <Pay to Node with Public Key Hex String>
  [incoming_peer]: <Pay Through Specific Final Hop Public Key Hex String>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  [max_fee]: <Maximum Fee Tokens To Pay Number>
  [max_timeout_height]: <Maximum Expiration CLTV Timeout Height Number>
  [outgoing_channel]: <Pay Out of Outgoing Standard Format Channel Id String>
  [pathfinding_timeout]: <Time to Spend Finding a Route Milliseconds Number>
  [routes]: [[{
    [base_fee_mtokens]: <Base Routing Fee In Millitokens String>
    [channel]: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
    [cltv_delta]: <CLTV Blocks Delta Number>
    [fee_rate]: <Fee Rate In Millitokens Per Million Number>
    public_key: <Forward Edge Public Key Hex String>
  [tokens]: <Paying Tokens Number>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  is_payable: <Payment Is Successfully Tested Within Constraints Bool>


const {decodePaymentRequest, isDestinationPayable} = require('ln-service');
const request = 'lnbc1pvjluezpp5qqqsyq...';
const {destination, tokens} = await decodePaymentRequest({lnd, request});
const isPayable = (await isDestinationPayable({lnd, destination, tokens}))



Requires onchain:write permission

Requires LND built with walletrpc build tag

expires_at is not supported on LND 0.12.1 and below

  [expires_at]: <Lock Expires At ISO 8601 Date String>
  [id]: <Lock Identifier Hex String>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND gRPC API Object>
  transaction_id: <Unspent Transaction Id Hex String>
  transaction_vout: <Unspent Transaction Output Index Number>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  expires_at: <Lock Expires At ISO 8601 Date String>
  id: <Locking Id Hex String>


const {getUtxos, lockUtxo, sendToChainAddress} = require('ln-service');

// Assume a wallet that has only one UTXO
const [utxo] = (await getUtxos({lnd})).utxos;

const locked = await lockUtxo({
  transaction_id: utxo.transaction_id,
  transaction_vout: utxo.transaction_vout,

const futureUnlockDate = new Date(locked.expires_at);

// This call will throw an error as LND will treat the UTXO as being locked
await sendToChainAddress({address, lnd, tokens});


Open a new channel.

The capacity of the channel is set with local_tokens

If give_tokens is set, it is a gift and it does not alter the capacity

Requires offchain:write, onchain:write, peers:write permissions

  [chain_fee_tokens_per_vbyte]: <Chain Fee Tokens Per VByte Number>
  [cooperative_close_address]: <Restrict Cooperative Close To Address String>
  [give_tokens]: <Tokens to Gift To Partner Number> // Defaults to zero
  [is_private]: <Channel is Private Bool> // Defaults to false
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  local_tokens: <Local Tokens Number>
  [min_confirmations]: <Spend UTXOs With Minimum Confirmations Number>
  [min_htlc_mtokens]: <Minimum HTLC Millitokens String>
  partner_public_key: <Public Key Hex String>
  [partner_csv_delay]: <Peer Output CSV Delay Number>
  [partner_socket]: <Peer Connection Host:Port String>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  transaction_id: <Funding Transaction Id String>
  transaction_vout: <Funding Transaction Output Index Number>


const {openChannel} = require('ln-service');  
const publicKey = 'publicKeyHexString';
const tokens = 1000000;
await openChannel({lnd, local_tokens: tokens, partner_public_key: publicKey});


Open one or more channels

Requires offchain:write, onchain:write permissions

After getting the addresses and tokens to fund, use fundChannels within ten minutes to fund the channels.

If you do not fund the channels, be sure to cancelPendingChannels on each channel that was not funded.

  channels: [{
    capacity: <Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
    [cooperative_close_address]: <Restrict Coop Close To Address String>
    [give_tokens]: <Tokens to Gift To Partner Number> // Defaults to zero
    [is_private]: <Channel is Private Bool> // Defaults to false
    [min_htlc_mtokens]: <Minimum HTLC Millitokens String>
    partner_public_key: <Public Key Hex String>
    [partner_csv_delay]: <Peer Output CSV Delay Number>
    [partner_socket]: <Peer Connection Host:Port String>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  pending: [{
    address: <Address To Send To String>
    id: <Pending Channel Id Hex String>
    tokens: <Tokens to Send Number>


const {fundPendingChannels, openChannels} = require('ln-service');

const channelsToOpen = [{capacity: 1e6, partner_public_key: publicKey}];

const {pending} = await openChannels({lnd, channels: channelsToOpen});

const channels = pending.map(n => n.id);

await fundPendingChannels({lnd, channels, funding: hexEncodedPsbt});


Parse a BOLT 11 payment request into its component data

Note: either description or description_hash will be returned

  request: <BOLT 11 Payment Request String>

<ExpectedLnPrefix Error>
<ExpectedPaymentHash Error>
<ExpectedPaymentRequest Error>
<ExpectedValidHrpForPaymentRequest Error>
<FailedToParsePaymentRequestDescriptionHash Error>
<FailedToParsePaymentRequestFallbackAddress Error>
<FailedToParsePaymentRequestPaymentHash Error>
<InvalidDescriptionInPaymentRequest Error>
<InvalidOrMissingSignature Error>
<InvalidPaymentHashByteLength Error>
<InvalidPaymentRequestPrefix Error>
<UnknownCurrencyCodeInPaymentRequest Error>

  [chain_addresses]: [<Chain Address String>]
  cltv_delta: <CLTV Delta Number>
  created_at: <Invoice Creation Date ISO 8601 String>
  [description]: <Description String>
  [description_hash]: <Description Hash Hex String>
  destination: <Public Key String>
  expires_at: <ISO 8601 Date String>
  features: [{
    bit: <BOLT 09 Feature Bit Number>
    is_required: <Feature Support is Required To Pay Bool>
    type: <Feature Type String>
  id: <Payment Request Hash String>
  is_expired: <Invoice is Expired Bool>
  [mtokens]: <Requested Milli-Tokens Value String> (can exceed Number limit)
  network: <Network Name String>
  [payment]: <Payment Identifier Hex Encoded String>
  [routes]: [[{
    [base_fee_mtokens]: <Base Fee Millitokens String>
    [channel]: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
    [cltv_delta]: <Final CLTV Expiration Blocks Delta Number>
    [fee_rate]: <Fee Rate Millitokens Per Million Number>
    public_key: <Forward Edge Public Key Hex String>
  [safe_tokens]: <Requested Tokens Rounded Up Number>
  [tokens]: <Requested Chain Tokens Number> (note: can differ from mtokens)
const {parsePaymentRequest} = require('ln-service');
const requestDetails = parsePaymentRequest({request: 'paymentRequestString'});


Make a payment.

Either a payment path or a BOLT 11 payment request is required

For paying to private destinations along set paths, a public key in the route hops is required to form the route.

Requires offchain:write permission

max_path_mtokens is not supported in LND 0.12.0 or below

  [incoming_peer]: <Pay Through Specific Final Hop Public Key Hex String>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  [max_fee]: <Maximum Additional Fee Tokens To Pay Number>
  [max_fee_mtokens]: <Maximum Fee Millitokens to Pay String>
  [max_path_mtokens]: <Maximum Millitokens For A Multi-Path Path String>
  [max_paths]: <Maximum Simultaneous Paths Number>
  [max_timeout_height]: <Max CLTV Timeout Number>
  [messages]: [{
    type: <Message Type Number String>
    value: <Message Raw Value Hex Encoded String>
  [mtokens]: <Millitokens to Pay String>
  [outgoing_channel]: <Pay Through Outbound Standard Channel Id String>
  [outgoing_channels]: [<Pay Out of Outgoing Channel Ids String>]
  [path]: {
    id: <Payment Hash Hex String>
    routes: [{
      fee: <Total Fee Tokens To Pay Number>
      fee_mtokens: <Total Fee Millitokens To Pay String>
      hops: [{
        channel: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
        channel_capacity: <Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
        fee: <Fee Number>
        fee_mtokens: <Fee Millitokens String>
        forward: <Forward Tokens Number>
        forward_mtokens: <Forward Millitokens String>
        [public_key]: <Public Key Hex String>
        timeout: <Timeout Block Height Number>
      [messages]: [{
        type: <Message Type Number String>
        value: <Message Raw Value Hex Encoded String>
      mtokens: <Total Millitokens To Pay String>
      [payment]: <Payment Identifier Hex String>
      timeout: <Expiration Block Height Number>
      tokens: <Total Tokens To Pay Number>
  [pathfinding_timeout]: <Time to Spend Finding a Route Milliseconds Number>
  [request]: <BOLT 11 Payment Request String>
  [tokens]: <Total Tokens To Pay to Payment Request Number>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  fee: <Fee Paid Tokens Number>
  fee_mtokens: <Fee Paid Millitokens String>
  hops: [{
    channel: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
    channel_capacity: <Hop Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
    fee_mtokens: <Hop Forward Fee Millitokens String>
    forward_mtokens: <Hop Forwarded Millitokens String>
    timeout: <Hop CLTV Expiry Block Height Number>
  id: <Payment Hash Hex String>
  is_confirmed: <Is Confirmed Bool>
  is_outgoing: <Is Outoing Bool>
  mtokens: <Total Millitokens Sent String>
  safe_fee: <Payment Forwarding Fee Rounded Up Tokens Number>
  safe_tokens: <Payment Tokens Rounded Up Number>
  secret: <Payment Secret Preimage Hex String>
  tokens: <Total Tokens Sent Number>


const {pay} = require('ln-service');
const request = 'bolt11encodedpaymentrequest';
await pay({lnd, request});


Pay via payment details

If no id is specified, a random id will be used.

Requires offchain:write permission

payment is not supported on LND 0.11.1 and below

max_path_mtokens is not supported in LND 0.12.0 or below

  [cltv_delta]: <Final CLTV Delta Number>
  destination: <Destination Public Key String>
  [features]: [{
    bit: <Feature Bit Number>
  [id]: <Payment Request Hash Hex String>
  [incoming_peer]: <Pay Through Specific Final Hop Public Key Hex String>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  [max_fee]: <Maximum Fee Tokens To Pay Number>
  [max_fee_mtokens]: <Maximum Fee Millitokens to Pay String>
  [max_path_mtokens]: <Maximum Millitokens For A Multi-Path Path String>
  [max_paths]: <Maximum Simultaneous Paths Number>
  [max_timeout_height]: <Maximum Expiration CLTV Timeout Height Number>
  [messages]: [{
    type: <Message Type Number String>
    value: <Message Raw Value Hex Encoded String>
  [mtokens]: <Millitokens to Pay String>
  [outgoing_channel]: <Pay Out of Outgoing Channel Id String>
  [outgoing_channels]: [<Pay Out of Outgoing Channel Ids String>]
  [pathfinding_timeout]: <Time to Spend Finding a Route Milliseconds Number>
  [payment]: <Payment Identifier Hex String>
  routes: [[{
    [base_fee_mtokens]: <Base Routing Fee In Millitokens String>
    [channel]: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
    [cltv_delta]: <CLTV Blocks Delta Number>
    [fee_rate]: <Fee Rate In Millitokens Per Million Number>
    public_key: <Forward Edge Public Key Hex String>
  [tokens]: <Tokens To Pay Number>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  fee: <Total Fee Tokens Paid Rounded Down Number>
  fee_mtokens: <Total Fee Millitokens Paid String>
  hops: [{
    channel: <First Route Standard Format Channel Id String>
    channel_capacity: <First Route Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
    fee: <First Route Fee Tokens Rounded Down Number>
    fee_mtokens: <First Route Fee Millitokens String>
    forward_mtokens: <First Route Forward Millitokens String>
    public_key: <First Route Public Key Hex String>
    timeout: <First Route Timeout Block Height Number>
  id: <Payment Hash Hex String>
  mtokens: <Total Millitokens Paid String>
  paths: [{
    fee_mtokens: <Total Fee Millitokens Paid String>
    hops: [{
      channel: <First Route Standard Format Channel Id String>
      channel_capacity: <First Route Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
      fee: <First Route Fee Tokens Rounded Down Number>
      fee_mtokens: <First Route Fee Millitokens String>
      forward_mtokens: <First Route Forward Millitokens String>
      public_key: <First Route Public Key Hex String>
      timeout: <First Route Timeout Block Height Number>
    mtokens: <Total Millitokens Paid String>
  safe_fee: <Total Fee Tokens Paid Rounded Up Number>
  safe_tokens: <Total Tokens Paid, Rounded Up Number>
  secret: <Payment Preimage Hex String>
  timeout: <Expiration Block Height Number>
  tokens: <Total Tokens Paid Rounded Down Number>


const {payViaPaymentDetails} = require('ln-service');
const destination = 'invoiceDestinationNodePublicKeyHexString';
const id = 'paymentRequestPreimageHashHexString';
const tokens = 80085;
await payViaPaymentDetails({destination, id, lnd, tokens});


Pay via payment request

Requires offchain:write permission

max_path_mtokens is not supported in LND 0.12.0 or below

  [incoming_peer]: <Pay Through Specific Final Hop Public Key Hex String>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  [max_fee]: <Maximum Fee Tokens To Pay Number>
  [max_fee_mtokens]: <Maximum Fee Millitokens to Pay String>
  [max_path_mtokens]: <Maximum Millitokens For A Multi-Path Path String>
  [max_paths]: <Maximum Simultaneous Paths Number>
  [max_timeout_height]: <Maximum Height of Payment Timeout Number>
  [messages]: [{
    type: <Message Type Number String>
    value: <Message Raw Value Hex Encoded String>
  [mtokens]: <Millitokens to Pay String>
  [outgoing_channel]: <Pay Out of Outgoing Channel Id String>
  [outgoing_channels]: [<Pay Out of Outgoing Channel Ids String>]
  [pathfinding_timeout]: <Time to Spend Finding a Route Milliseconds Number>
  request: <BOLT 11 Payment Request String>
  [tokens]: <Tokens To Pay Number>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  fee: <Total Fee Tokens Paid Rounded Down Number>
  fee_mtokens: <Total Fee Millitokens Paid String>
  hops: [{
    channel: <First Route Standard Format Channel Id String>
    channel_capacity: <First Route Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
    fee: <First Route Fee Tokens Rounded Down Number>
    fee_mtokens: <First Route Fee Millitokens String>
    forward_mtokens: <First Route Forward Millitokens String>
    public_key: <First Route Public Key Hex String>
    timeout: <First Route Timeout Block Height Number>
  id: <Payment Hash Hex String>
  mtokens: <Total Millitokens Paid String>
  paths: [{
    fee_mtokens: <Total Fee Millitokens Paid String>
    hops: [{
      channel: <First Route Standard Format Channel Id String>
      channel_capacity: <First Route Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
      fee: <First Route Fee Tokens Rounded Down Number>
      fee_mtokens: <First Route Fee Millitokens String>
      forward_mtokens: <First Route Forward Millitokens String>
      public_key: <First Route Public Key Hex String>
      timeout: <First Route Timeout Block Height Number>
    mtokens: <Total Millitokens Paid String>
  safe_fee: <Total Fee Tokens Paid Rounded Up Number>
  safe_tokens: <Total Tokens Paid, Rounded Up Number>
  secret: <Payment Preimage Hex String>
  timeout: <Expiration Block Height Number>
  tokens: <Total Tokens Paid Rounded Down Number>


const {payViaPaymentRequest} = require('ln-service');
const request = 'bolt11PaymentRequestString';
await payViaPaymentRequest({lnd, request});


Make a payment via a specified route

If no id is specified, a random id will be used to send a test payment

Requires offchain:write permission

  [id]: <Payment Hash Hex String>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  [pathfinding_timeout]: <Time to Spend Finding a Route Milliseconds Number>
  routes: [{
    fee: <Total Fee Tokens To Pay Number>
    fee_mtokens: <Total Fee Millitokens To Pay String>
    hops: [{
      channel: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
      channel_capacity: <Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
      fee: <Fee Number>
      fee_mtokens: <Fee Millitokens String>
      forward: <Forward Tokens Number>
      forward_mtokens: <Forward Millitokens String>
      [public_key]: <Public Key Hex String>
      timeout: <Timeout Block Height Number>
    [messages]: [{
      type: <Message Type Number String>
      value: <Message Raw Value Hex Encoded String>
    mtokens: <Total Millitokens To Pay String>
    timeout: <Expiration Block Height Number>
    tokens: <Total Tokens To Pay Number>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  failures: [[
    <Failure Code Number>
    <Failure Code Message String>
    <Failure Code Details Object>
  fee: <Fee Paid Tokens Number>
  fee_mtokens: <Fee Paid Millitokens String>
  hops: [{
    channel: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
    channel_capacity: <Hop Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
    fee_mtokens: <Hop Forward Fee Millitokens String>
    forward_mtokens: <Hop Forwarded Millitokens String>
    timeout: <Hop CLTV Expiry Block Height Number>
  id: <Payment Hash Hex String>
  is_confirmed: <Is Confirmed Bool>
  is_outgoing: <Is Outoing Bool>
  mtokens: <Total Millitokens Sent String>
  safe_fee: <Payment Forwarding Fee Rounded Up Tokens Number>
  safe_tokens: <Payment Tokens Rounded Up Number>
  secret: <Payment Secret Preimage Hex String>
  tokens: <Total Tokens Sent Rounded Down Number>

@returns error via cbk or Promise
  <Error Classification Code Number>
  <Error Type String>
    failures: [[
      <Failure Code Number>
      <Failure Code Message String>
      <Failure Code Details Object>


const {getRouteToDestination, payViaRoutes} = require('ln-service');
const destination = 'destinationPublicKeyHexString';
const tokens = 80085;
const {route} = await getRouteToDestination({destination, lnd, tokens});
const preimage = (await payViaRoutes({lnd, routes: [route]})).secret;


Prepare for a channel proposal

Channel proposals can be made with propose_channel. Channel proposals can allow for cooperative close delays or external funding flows.

Requires offchain:write, onchain:write permissions

  [cooperative_close_delay]: <Cooperative Close Relative Delay Number>
  [id]: <Pending Id Hex String>
  key_index: <Channel Funding Output Multisig Local Key Index Number>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  remote_key: <Channel Funding Partner Multisig Public Key Hex String>
  transaction_id: <Funding Output Transaction Id Hex String>
  transaction_vout: <Funding Output Transaction Output Index Number>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  id: <Pending Channel Id Hex String>


const {getPublicKey, prepareForChannelProposal} = require('ln-service');

const {id} = await prepareForChannelProposal({
  lnd: lndAlice,
  key_index: (await getPublicKey({family: 0, lnd: lndAlice})).index,
  remote_key: (await getPublicKey({family: 0, lnd: lndBob})).public_key,
  transaction_id: transactionId, // Form an outpoint paying to 2:2 of keys
  transaction_vout: transactionVout,


Probe to find a successful route

Requires offchain:write permission

  [cltv_delta]: <Final CLTV Delta Number>
  destination: <Destination Public Key Hex String>
  [features]: [{
    bit: <Feature Bit Number>
  [ignore]: [{
    [channel]: <Channel Id String>
    from_public_key: <Public Key Hex String>
    [to_public_key]: <To Public Key Hex String>
  [incoming_peer]: <Incoming Peer Public Key Hex String>
  [is_ignoring_past_failures]: <Adjust Probe For Past Routing Failures Bool>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  [max_fee]: <Maximum Fee Tokens Number>
  [max_fee_mtokens]: <Maximum Fee Millitokens to Pay String>
  [max_timeout_height]: <Maximum Height of Payment Timeout Number>
  [messages]: [{
    type: <Message To Final Destination Type Number String>
    value: <Message To Final Destination Raw Value Hex Encoded String>
  [mtokens]: <Millitokens to Pay String>
  [outgoing_channel]: <Outgoing Channel Id String>
  [path_timeout_ms]: <Time to Spend On A Path Milliseconds Number>
  [payment]: <Payment Identifier Hex String>
  [probe_timeout_ms]: <Probe Timeout Milliseconds Number>
  [routes]: [[{
    [base_fee_mtokens]: <Base Routing Fee In Millitokens Number>
    [channel_capacity]: <Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
    [channel]: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
    [cltv_delta]: <CLTV Blocks Delta Number>
    [fee_rate]: <Fee Rate In Millitokens Per Million Number>
    public_key: <Forward Edge Public Key Hex String>
  tokens: <Tokens Number>
  [total_mtokens]: <Total Millitokens Across Paths String>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  [route]: {
    [confidence]: <Route Confidence Score Out Of One Million Number>
    fee: <Route Fee Tokens Rounded Down Number>
    fee_mtokens: <Route Fee Millitokens String>
    hops: [{
      channel: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
      channel_capacity: <Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
      fee: <Fee Number>
      fee_mtokens: <Fee Millitokens String>
      forward: <Forward Tokens Number>
      forward_mtokens: <Forward Millitokens String>
      public_key: <Forward Edge Public Key Hex String>
      timeout: <Timeout Block Height Number>
    [messages]: [{
      type: <Message Type Number String>
      value: <Message Raw Value Hex Encoded String>
    mtokens: <Total Fee-Inclusive Millitokens String>
    [payment]: <Payment Identifier Hex String>
    safe_fee: <Payment Forwarding Fee Rounded Up Tokens Number>
    safe_tokens: <Payment Tokens Rounded Up Number>
    timeout: <Timeout Block Height Number>
    tokens: <Total Fee-Inclusive Tokens Rounded Down Number>
    [total_mtokens]: <Total Millitokens String>


const {probeForRoute} = require('ln-service');
const destination = 'destinationNodePublicKeyHexString';
const tokens = 80085;
const {route} = await probeForRoute({destination, lnd, tokens});


Propose a new channel to a peer that prepared for the channel proposal

Channel proposals can allow for cooperative close delays or external funding flows.

Requires offchain:write, onchain:write permissions

Requires LND compiled with walletrpc build tag

  capacity: <Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
  [cooperative_close_address]: <Restrict Cooperative Close To Address String>
  [cooperative_close_delay]: <Cooperative Close Relative Delay Number>
  [give_tokens]: <Tokens to Gift To Partner Number> // Defaults to zero
  id: <Pending Channel Id Hex String>
  [is_private]: <Channel is Private Bool> // Defaults to false
  key_index: <Channel Funding Output MultiSig Local Key Index Number>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  partner_public_key: <Public Key Hex String>
  remote_key: <Channel Funding Partner MultiSig Public Key Hex String>
  transaction_id: <Funding Output Transaction Id Hex String>
  transaction_vout: <Funding Output Transaction Output Index Number>

@returns via cbk or Promise
const {getPublicKey, prepareForChannelProposal} = require('ln-service');
const {getIdentity, proposeChannel} = require('ln-service');

// Alice and Bob need to have keys in the 2:2 funding output:
const aliceKey = await getPublicKey({family: 0, lnd: lndAlice});
const bobKey = await getPublicKey({family: 0, lnd: lndBob});

// Prepare for a chan that the initiator cannot cooperatively close for n blocks
const {id} = await prepareForChannelProposal({
  cooperative_close_delay: 144,
  lnd: lndAlice,
  key_index: aliceKey.index,
  remote_key: bobKey.public_key,
  transaction_id: transactionId, // Form an outpoint paying to 2:2 of above keys
  transaction_vout: transactionVout,

// Propose a channel that cannot be cooperatively closed for n blocks
await proposeChannel({
  capacity: 1000000, // Outpoint value
  cooperative_close_delay: 144,
  key_index: bobKey.index,
  lnd: lndBob,
  partner_public_key: (await getIdentity({lnd: lndAlice})).public_key,
  remote_key: aliceKey.public_key,
  transaction_id: transactionId, // Form an outpoint paying to 2:2 of above keys
  transaction_vout: transactionVout,


Verify and restore a channel from a single channel backup

Requires offchain:write permission

  backup: <Backup Hex String>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise


const {getBackup, recoverFundsFromChannel} = require('ln-service');
const {backup} = await getBackup({lnd, transaction_id: id, transaction_vout: i});
await recoverFundsFromChannel({backup, lnd});


Verify and restore channels from a multi-channel backup

Requires offchain:write permission

  backup: <Backup Hex String>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise


const {getBackups, recoverFundsFromChannels} = require('ln-service');
const {backup} = await getBackups({lnd});
await recoverFundsFromChannels({backup, lnd});


Remove a peer if possible

Requires peers:remove permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  public_key: <Public Key Hex String>

@returns via cbk or Promise


const {removePeer} = require('ln-service');
const connectedPeerPublicKey = 'nodePublicKeyHexString';
await removePeer({lnd, public_key: connectedPeerPublicKey});


Request a future on-chain CPFP fee increase for an unconfirmed UTXO

Requires onchain:write permission

Requires LND built with walletrpc build tag

  [fee_tokens_per_vbyte]: <Chain Fee Tokens Per Virtual Byte Number>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  [target_confirmations]: <Confirmations To Wait Number>
  transaction_id: <Unconfirmed UTXO Transaction Id Hex String>
  transaction_vout: <Unconfirmed UTXO Transaction Index Number>

@returns via cbk or Promise


const {requestChainFeeIncrease} = require('ln-service');

await requestChainFeeIncrease({
  transaction_id: unconfirmedUtxoTxId,
  transaction_vout: unconfirmedUtxoTxOutputIndex,


Restrict an access macaroon

  [expires_at]: <Expires At ISO 8601 Date String>
  [ip]: <IP Address String>
  macaroon: <Base64 Encoded Macaroon String>


  macaroon: <Restricted Base64 Encoded Macaroon String>


const {restrictMacaroon} = require('ln-service');

// Limit a macaroon to be only usable on localhost
const restrictedMacaroon = restrictMacaroon({ip: '', macaroon}).macaroon;


Revoke an access token given out in the past

Note: this method is not supported in LND versions 0.11.0 and below

Requires macaroon:write permission

  id: <Access Token Macaroon Root Id Positive Integer String>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise


const {grantAccess, revokeAccess} = require('ln-service');

// Create a macaroon that can be used to make off-chain payments
const {macaroon} = await grantAccess({lnd, id: '1', is_ok_to_pay: true});

// Revoke the access granted to the id
await revokeAccess({lnd, id: '1'})

// The macaroon and any others on the same id can no longer be used


Get a route from a sequence of channels

Either next hop destination in channels or final destination is required

  channels: [{
    capacity: <Maximum Tokens Number>
    [destination]: <Next Node Public Key Hex String>
    id: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
    policies: [{
      base_fee_mtokens: <Base Fee Millitokens String>
      cltv_delta: <Locktime Delta Number>
      fee_rate: <Fees Charged Per Million Tokens Number>
      is_disabled: <Channel Is Disabled Bool>
      min_htlc_mtokens: <Minimum HTLC Millitokens Value String>
      public_key: <Node Public Key String>
  [cltv_delta]: <Final CLTV Delta Number>
  [destination]: <Destination Public Key Hex String>
  height: <Current Block Height Number>
  [messages]: [{
    type: <Message Type Number String>
    value: <Message Raw Value Hex Encoded String>
  mtokens: <Millitokens To Send String>
  [payment]: <Payment Identification Value Hex String>
  [total_mtokens]: <Sum of Shards Millitokens String>


  route: {
    fee: <Total Fee Tokens To Pay Number>
    fee_mtokens: <Total Fee Millitokens To Pay String>
    hops: [{
      channel: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
      channel_capacity: <Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
      fee: <Fee Number>
      fee_mtokens: <Fee Millitokens String>
      forward: <Forward Tokens Number>
      forward_mtokens: <Forward Millitokens String>
      [public_key]: <Public Key Hex String>
      timeout: <Timeout Block Height Number>
    [messages]: [{
      type: <Message Type Number String>
      value: <Message Raw Value Hex Encoded String>
    mtokens: <Total Fee-Inclusive Millitokens String>
    [payment]: <Payment Identification Value Hex String>
    timeout: <Timeout Block Height Number>
    tokens: <Total Fee-Inclusive Tokens Number>
    [total_mtokens]: <Sum of Shards Millitokens String>


const {getChannel, getChannels, routeFromChannels} = require('ln-service');
const {getHeight} = require('ln-service');
const [{id}] = await getChannels({lnd});
const channels = [(await getChannel({lnd, id}))];
const destination = 'destinationNodePublicKeyHexString';
const height = (await getHeight({lnd})).current_block_height;
const mtokens = '1000';
const res = routeFromChannels({channels, destination, height, mtokens});
const {route} = res;


Send tokens in a blockchain transaction.

Requires onchain:write permission

utxo_confirmations is not supported on LND 0.11.1 or below

  address: <Destination Chain Address String>
  [description]: <Transaction Label String>
  [fee_tokens_per_vbyte]: <Chain Fee Tokens Per Virtual Byte Number>
  [is_send_all]: <Send All Funds Bool>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  [log]: <Log Function>
  [target_confirmations]: <Confirmations To Wait Number>
  tokens: <Tokens To Send Number>
  [utxo_confirmations]: <Minimum Confirmations for UTXO Selection Number>
  [wss]: [<Web Socket Server Object>]

@returns via cbk or Promise
  confirmation_count: <Total Confirmations Number>
  id: <Transaction Id Hex String>
  is_confirmed: <Transaction Is Confirmed Bool>
  is_outgoing: <Transaction Is Outgoing Bool>
  tokens: <Transaction Tokens Number>


const {sendToChainAddress} = require('ln-service');
const address = 'regularOnChainAddress';
const tokens = 80085;
await sendToChainAddress({address, lnd, tokens});


Send tokens to multiple destinations in a blockchain transaction.

Requires onchain:write permission

utxo_confirmations is not supported on LND 0.11.1 or below

  [description]: <Transaction Label String>
  [fee_tokens_per_vbyte]: <Chain Fee Tokens Per Virtual Byte Number>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  [log]: <Log Function>
  send_to: [{
    address: <Address String>
    tokens: <Tokens Number>
  [target_confirmations]: <Confirmations To Wait Number>
  [utxo_confirmations]: <Minimum Confirmations for UTXO Selection Number>
  [wss]: [<Web Socket Server Object>]

@returns via cbk or Promise
  confirmation_count: <Total Confirmations Number>
  id: <Transaction Id Hex String>
  is_confirmed: <Transaction Is Confirmed Bool>
  is_outgoing: <Transaction Is Outgoing Bool>
  tokens: <Transaction Tokens Number>


const {sendToChainAddresses} = require('ln-service');
const sendTo = [{address: 'onChainAddress', tokens: 80085}];
await sendToChainAddresses({lnd, send_to: sendTo});


Send on-chain funds to multiple output scripts

Requires onchain:write permission

Requires LND compiled with walletrpc build tag

  [description]: <Transaction Label String>
  [fee_tokens_per_vbyte]: <Chain Fee Tokens Per Virtual Byte Number>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  send_to: [{
    script: <output Script Hex String>
    tokens: <Tokens Number>
  [utxo_confirmations]: <Minimum Confirmations for UTXO Selection Number>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  confirmation_count: <Total Confirmations Number>
  id: <Transaction Id Hex String>
  is_confirmed: <Transaction Is Confirmed Bool>
  is_outgoing: <Transaction Is Outgoing Bool>
  tokens: <Transaction Tokens Number>
  transaction: <Raw Transaction Hex String>


const {sendToChainOutputScripts} = require('ln-service');
const sendTo = [{script: 'outputScriptHex', tokens: 80085}];
await sendToChainOutputScripts({lnd, send_to: sendTo});


Configure Autopilot settings

Either candidate_nodes or is_enabled is required Candidate node scores range from 1 to 100,000,000

Permissions info:read, offchain:write, onchain:write are required

  [candidate_nodes]: [{
    public_key: <Node Public Key Hex String>
    score: <Score Number>
  [is_enabled]: <Enable Autopilot Bool>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise


const {setAutopilot} = require('ln-service');
await setAutopilot({is_enabled: false, lnd});


Settle HODL invoice

Requires LND built with invoicesrpc build tag

Requires invoices:write permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  secret: <Payment Preimage Hex String>

@returns via cbk or Promise


const {randomBytes} = require('crypto');
const {settleHodlInvoice} = require('ln-service');

const secret = randomBytes(32).toString('hex');

// Use the sha256 hash of that secret as the id of a createHodlInvoice

// Wait for the invoice to be held (subscribeToInvoice) and then settle:
await settleHodlInvoice({lnd, secret});


Sign a sha256 hash of arbitrary bytes

Requires LND built with signrpc build tag

Requires signer:generate permission

  key_family: <Key Family Number>
  key_index: <Key Index Number>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND gRPC API Object>
  preimage: <Bytes To Hash and Sign Hex Encoded String>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  signature: <Signature Hex String>


const {signBytes} = require('ln-service');

// Get signature for preimage using node identity key
const {signature} = await signBytes({
  key_family: 6,
  key_index: 0,
  preimage: '00',


Sign a message

Requires message:write permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  message: <Message String>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  signature: <Signature String>


const {signMessage} = require('ln-service');
const {signature} = await signMessage({lnd, message: 'hello world'});


Sign a PSBT to produce a finalized PSBT that is ready to broadcast

Requires onchain:write permission

Requires LND built with walletrpc tag

This method is not supported in LND 0.11.1 and below

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  psbt: <Funded PSBT Hex String>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  psbt: <Finalized PSBT Hex String>
  transaction: <Signed Raw Transaction Hex String>


const {fundPsbt, signPsbt} = require('ln-service');

const address = 'chainAddress';
const tokens = 1000000;

// Create an unsigned PSBT that sends 1mm to a chain address
const {psbt} = await fundPsbt({lnd, outputs: [{address, tokens}]});

// Get a fully signed transaction from the unsigned PSBT
const {transaction} = await signPsbt({lnd, psbt});


Sign transaction

Requires LND built with signerrpc build tag

Requires signer:generate permission

  inputs: [{
    key_family: <Key Family Number>
    key_index: <Key Index Number>
    output_script: <Output Script Hex String>
    output_tokens: <Output Tokens Number>
    sighash: <Sighash Type Number>
    vin: <Input Index To Sign Number>
    witness_script: <Witness Script Hex String>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  transaction: <Unsigned Transaction Hex String>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  signatures: [<Signature Hex String>]


const {signTransaction} = require('ln-service');
const {signatures} = await signTransaction({inputs, lnd, transaction});


Stop the Lightning daemon.

Requires info:write permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise


const {stopDaemon} = require('ln-service');
await stopDaemon({lnd});


Subscribe to backup snapshot updates

Requires offchain:read permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>


<EventEmitter Object>

@event 'backup'
  backup: <Backup Hex String>
  channels: [{
    backup: <Backup Hex String>
    transaction_id: <Funding Transaction Id Hex String>
    transaction_vout: <Funding Transaction Output Index Number>


const {subscribeToBackups} = require('ln-service');
const sub = subscribeToBackups({lnd});
let currentBackup;
sub.on('backup', ({backup}) => currentBackup = backup);


Subscribe to blocks

Requires LND built with chainrpc build tag

Requires onchain:read permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND Object>


<EventEmitter Object>

@event 'block'
  height: <Block Height Number>
  id: <Block Hash String>


const {subscribeToBlocks} = require('ln-service');
let chainTipBlockHash;
const sub = subscribeToBlocks({lnd});
sub.on('block', ({id}) => chainTipBlockHash = id);


Subscribe to confirmation details about transactions sent to an address

One and only one chain address or output script is required

Requires LND built with chainrpc build tag

Requires onchain:read permission

  [bech32_address]: <Address String>
  lnd: <Chain RPC LND gRPC API Object>
  [min_confirmations]: <Minimum Confirmations Number>
  min_height: <Minimum Transaction Inclusion Blockchain Height Number>
  [output_script]: <Output Script Hex String>
  [p2pkh_address]: <Address String>
  [p2sh_address]: <Address String>
  [transaction_id]: <Blockchain Transaction Id String>


<EventEmitter Object>

@event 'confirmation'
  block: <Block Hash Hex String>
  height: <Block Best Chain Height Number>
  transaction: <Raw Transaction Hex String>

@event 'reorg'


const {subscribeToChainAddress} = require('ln-service');
const address = 'bech32Address';
let confirmationBlockHash;
const sub = subscribeToChainAddress({lnd, bech32_address: address});
sub.on('confirmation', ({block}) => confirmationBlockHash = block);


Subscribe to confirmations of a spend

A chain address or raw output script is required

Requires LND built with chainrpc build tag

Requires onchain:read permission

  [bech32_address]: <Bech32 P2WPKH or P2WSH Address String>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  min_height: <Minimum Transaction Inclusion Blockchain Height Number>
  [output_script]: <Output Script AKA ScriptPub Hex String>
  [p2pkh_address]: <Pay to Public Key Hash Address String>
  [p2sh_address]: <Pay to Script Hash Address String>
  [transaction_id]: <Blockchain Transaction Id Hex String>
  [transaction_vout]: <Blockchain Transaction Output Index Number>


<EventEmitter Object>

@event 'confirmation'
  height: <Confirmation Block Height Number>
  transaction: <Raw Transaction Hex String>
  vin: <Spend Outpoint Index Number>

@event 'reorg'


const {subscribeToChainSpend} = require('ln-service');
const address = 'bech32Address';
let confirmationHeight;
const sub = subscribeToChainSpend({lnd, bech32_address: address});
sub.on('confirmation', ({height}) => confirmationHeight = height);


Subscribe to channel updates

Requires offchain:read permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>


<EventEmitter Object>

@event 'channel_active_changed'
  is_active: <Channel Is Active Bool>
  transaction_id: <Channel Funding Transaction Id String>
  transaction_vout: <Channel Funding Transaction Output Index Number>

@event 'channel_closed'
  capacity: <Closed Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
  [close_balance_spent_by]: <Channel Balance Output Spent By Tx Id String>
  [close_balance_vout]: <Channel Balance Close Tx Output Index Number>
  [close_confirm_height]: <Channel Close Confirmation Height Number>
  close_payments: [{
    is_outgoing: <Payment Is Outgoing Bool>
    is_paid: <Payment Is Claimed With Preimage Bool>
    is_pending: <Payment Resolution Is Pending Bool>
    is_refunded: <Payment Timed Out And Went Back To Payer Bool>
    [spent_by]: <Close Transaction Spent By Transaction Id Hex String>
    tokens: <Associated Tokens Number>
    transaction_id: <Transaction Id Hex String>
    transaction_vout: <Transaction Output Index Number>
  [close_transaction_id]: <Closing Transaction Id Hex String>
  final_local_balance: <Channel Close Final Local Balance Tokens Number>
  final_time_locked_balance: <Closed Channel Timelocked Tokens Number>
  [id]: <Closed Standard Format Channel Id String>
  is_breach_close: <Is Breach Close Bool>
  is_cooperative_close: <Is Cooperative Close Bool>
  is_funding_cancel: <Is Funding Cancelled Close Bool>
  is_local_force_close: <Is Local Force Close Bool>
  [is_partner_closed]: <Channel Was Closed By Channel Peer Bool>
  [is_partner_initiated]: <Channel Was Initiated By Channel Peer Bool>
  is_remote_force_close: <Is Remote Force Close Bool>
  partner_public_key: <Partner Public Key Hex String>
  transaction_id: <Channel Funding Transaction Id Hex String>
  transaction_vout: <Channel Funding Output Index Number>

@event 'channel_opened'
  capacity: <Channel Token Capacity Number>
  commit_transaction_fee: <Commit Transaction Fee Number>
  commit_transaction_weight: <Commit Transaction Weight Number>
  [cooperative_close_address]: <Coop Close Restricted to Address String>
  [cooperative_close_delay_height]: <Prevent Coop Close Until Height Number>
  id: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
  is_active: <Channel Active Bool>
  is_anchor: <Channel Supports Anchor Outputs Bool>
  is_closing: <Channel Is Closing Bool>
  is_opening: <Channel Is Opening Bool>
  is_partner_initiated: <Channel Partner Opened Channel Bool>
  is_private: <Channel Is Private Bool>
  is_static_remote_key: <Remote Key Is Static Bool>
  is_variable_remote_key: <Remote Key Is Variable Bool>
  local_balance: <Local Balance Tokens Number>
  [local_given]: <Local Initially Pushed Tokens Number>
  local_reserve: <Local Reserved Tokens Number>
  partner_public_key: <Channel Partner Public Key String>
  pending_payments: [{
    id: <Payment Preimage Hash Hex String>
    is_outgoing: <Payment Is Outgoing Bool>
    timeout: <Chain Height Expiration Number>
    tokens: <Payment Tokens Number>
  received: <Received Tokens Number>
  remote_balance: <Remote Balance Tokens Number>
  [remote_given]: <Remote Initially Pushed Tokens Number>
  remote_reserve: <Remote Reserved Tokens Number>
  sent: <Sent Tokens Number>
  transaction_id: <Blockchain Transaction Id String>
  transaction_vout: <Blockchain Transaction Vout Number>
  unsettled_balance: <Unsettled Balance Tokens Number>

@event 'channel_opening'
  transaction_id: <Blockchain Transaction Id Hex String>
  transaction_vout: <Blockchain Transaction Output Index Number>


const {once} = require('events');
const {subscribeToChannels} = require('ln-service');
const sub = subscribeToChannels({lnd});
const [openedChannel] = await once(sub, 'channel_opened');


Subscribe to requests to forward payments

Note that the outbound channel is only the requested channel, another may be selected internally to complete the forward.

Requires offchain:read, offchain:write permission

onion is not supported in LND 0.11.1 and below

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>


<EventEmitter Object>

@event 'forward_request`
  accept: () => {}
  cltv_delta: <Difference Between Out and In CLTV Height Number>
  fee: <Routing Fee Tokens Rounded Down Number>
  fee_mtokens: <Routing Fee Millitokens String>
  hash: <Payment Hash Hex String>
  in_channel: <Inbound Standard Format Channel Id String>
  in_payment: <Inbound Channel Payment Id Number>
  messages: [{
    type: <Message Type Number String>
    value: <Raw Value Hex String>
  mtokens: <Millitokens to Forward To Next Peer String>
  [onion]: <Hex Serialized Next-Hop Onion Packet To Forward String>
  out_channel: <Requested Outbound Channel Standard Format Id String>
  reject: <Reject Forward Function> () => {}
  settle: <Short Circuit Function> ({secret: <Preimage Hex String}) => {}
  timeout: <CLTV Timeout Height Number>
  tokens: <Tokens to Forward to Next Peer Rounded Down Number>


const {subscribeToForwardRequests} = require('ln-service');
const sub = subscribeToForwardRequests({lnd});

sub.on('forward_request', forward => {
  // Fail all forward requests
  return forward.reject();


Subscribe to HTLC events

Requires offchain:read permission

Note: LND 0.13.1 and below do not return secret for forwards

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>


<Subscription EventEmitter Object>

@event 'error'
<Error Object>

@event 'forward'
  at: <Forward Update At ISO 8601 Date String>
  [external_failure]: <Public Failure Reason String>
  [fee]: <Fee Tokens Charged Number>
  [fee_mtokens]: <Fee Millitokens Charged String>
  [in_channel]: <Inbound Standard Format Channel Id String>
  [in_payment]: <Inbound Channel Payment Id Number>
  [internal_failure]: <Private Failure Reason String>
  is_confirmed: <Forward Is Confirmed Bool>
  is_failed: <Forward Is Failed Bool>
  is_receive: <Is Receive Bool>
  is_send: <Is Send Bool>
  [mtokens]: <Sending Millitokens Number>
  [out_channel]: <Outgoing Standard Format Channel Id String>
  [out_payment]: <Outgoing Channel Payment Id Number>
  [secret]: <Settled Preimage Hex String>
  [timeout]: <Forward Timeout at Height Number>
  [tokens]: <Sending Tokens Number>


const {subscribeToForwards} = require('ln-service');
const sub = subscribeToForwards({lnd});

const confirmedForwards = [];

sub.on('forward', forward => {
  if (!forward.is_confirmed) {

  return confirmedForwards.push(forward);


Subscribe to graph updates

Requires info:read permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>


<EventEmitter Object>

@event 'channel_updated'
  base_fee_mtokens: <Channel Base Fee Millitokens String>
  capacity: <Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
  cltv_delta: <Channel CLTV Delta Number>
  fee_rate: <Channel Fee Rate In Millitokens Per Million Number>
  id: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
  is_disabled: <Channel Is Disabled Bool>
  [max_htlc_mtokens]: <Channel Maximum HTLC Millitokens String>
  min_htlc_mtokens: <Channel Minimum HTLC Millitokens String>
  public_keys: [<Announcing Public Key>, <Target Public Key String>]
  transaction_id: <Channel Transaction Id String>
  transaction_vout: <Channel Transaction Output Index Number>
  updated_at: <Update Received At ISO 8601 Date String>

@event 'channel_closed'
  [capacity]: <Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
  close_height: <Channel Close Confirmed Block Height Number>
  id: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
  [transaction_id]: <Channel Transaction Id String>
  [transaction_vout]: <Channel Transaction Output Index Number>
  updated_at: <Update Received At ISO 8601 Date String>

@event 'error'
<Subscription Error>

@event 'node_updated'
  alias: <Node Alias String>
  color: <Node Color String>
  features: [{
    bit: <BOLT 09 Feature Bit Number>
    is_known: <Feature is Known Bool>
    is_required: <Feature Support is Required Bool>
    type: <Feature Type String>
  public_key: <Node Public Key String>
  [sockets]: [<Network Host And Port String>]
  updated_at: <Update Received At ISO 8601 Date String>


const {once} = require('events');
const {subscribeToGraph} = require('ln-service');
const sub = subscribeToGraph({lnd});
const [closedChannel] = await once(sub, 'closed_channel');


Subscribe to an invoice

LND built with invoicesrpc tag is required

Requires invoices:read permission

payment is not supported on LND 0.11.1 and below

  id: <Invoice Payment Hash Hex String>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>


<EventEmitter Object>

@event `invoice_updated`
  chain_address: <Fallback Chain Address String>
  [confirmed_at]: <Settled at ISO 8601 Date String>
  created_at: <ISO 8601 Date String>
  description: <Description String>
  description_hash: <Description Hash Hex String>
  expires_at: <ISO 8601 Date String>
  features: [{
    bit: <BOLT 09 Feature Bit Number>
    is_known: <Feature is Known Bool>
    is_required: <Feature Support is Required To Pay Bool>
    type: <Feature Type String>
  id: <Payment Hash String>
  [is_canceled]: <Invoice is Canceled Bool>
  is_confirmed: <Invoice is Confirmed Bool>
  [is_held]: <HTLC is Held Bool>
  is_outgoing: <Invoice is Outgoing Bool>
  is_private: <Invoice is Private Bool>
  [is_push]: <Invoice is Push Payment Bool>
  mtokens: <Invoiced Millitokens String>
  [payment]: <Payment Identifying Secret Hex String>
  payments: [{
    [confirmed_at]: <Payment Settled At ISO 8601 Date String>
    created_at: <Payment Held Since ISO 860 Date String>
    created_height: <Payment Held Since Block Height Number>
    in_channel: <Incoming Payment Through Channel Id String>
    is_canceled: <Payment is Canceled Bool>
    is_confirmed: <Payment is Confirmed Bool>
    is_held: <Payment is Held Bool>
    messages: [{
      type: <Message Type Number String>
      value: <Raw Value Hex String>
    mtokens: <Incoming Payment Millitokens String>
    [pending_index]: <Pending Payment Channel HTLC Index Number>
    timeout: <HTLC CLTV Timeout Height Number>
    tokens: <Payment Tokens Number>
  received: <Received Tokens Number>
  received_mtokens: <Received Millitokens String>
  request: <Bolt 11 Invoice String>
  routes: [[{
    base_fee_mtokens: <Base Routing Fee In Millitokens Number>
    channel: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
    cltv_delta: <CLTV Blocks Delta Number>
    fee_rate: <Fee Rate In Millitokens Per Million Number>
    public_key: <Public Key Hex String>
  secret: <Secret Preimage Hex String>
  tokens: <Tokens Number>


const {once} = require('events');
const {subscribeToInvoice} = require('ln-service');
const 'invoiceIdHexString';
const sub = subscribeToInvoice({id, lnd});
const [invoice] = await once(sub, 'invoice_updated');


Subscribe to invoices

Requires invoices:read permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>


<EventEmitter Object>

@event 'invoice_updated'
  [chain_address]: <Fallback Chain Address String>
  cltv_delta: <Final CLTV Delta Number>
  [confirmed_at]: <Confirmed At ISO 8601 Date String>
  created_at: <Created At ISO 8601 Date String>
  description: <Description String>
  description_hash: <Description Hash Hex String>
  expires_at: <Expires At ISO 8601 Date String>
  features: [{
    bit: <Feature Bit Number>
    is_known: <Is Known Feature Bool>
    is_required: <Feature Is Required Bool>
    name: <Feature Name String>
  id: <Invoice Payment Hash Hex String>
  is_confirmed: <Invoice is Confirmed Bool>
  is_outgoing: <Invoice is Outgoing Bool>
  [is_push]: <Invoice is Push Payment Bool>
  mtokens: <Invoiced Millitokens String>
  [payment]: <Payment Identifying Secret Hex String>
  payments: [{
    [confirmed_at]: <Payment Settled At ISO 8601 Date String>
    created_at: <Payment Held Since ISO 860 Date String>
    created_height: <Payment Held Since Block Height Number>
    in_channel: <Incoming Payment Through Channel Id String>
    is_canceled: <Payment is Canceled Bool>
    is_confirmed: <Payment is Confirmed Bool>
    is_held: <Payment is Held Bool>
    messages: [{
      type: <Message Type Number String>
      value: <Raw Value Hex String>
    mtokens: <Incoming Payment Millitokens String>
    [pending_index]: <Pending Payment Channel HTLC Index Number>
    tokens: <Payment Tokens Number>
    [total_mtokens]: <Total Payment Millitokens String>
  received: <Received Tokens Number>
  received_mtokens: <Received Millitokens String>
  [request]: <BOLT 11 Payment Request String>
  secret: <Payment Secret Hex String>
  tokens: <Invoiced Tokens Number>


const {once} = require('events');
const {subscribeToInvoices} = require('ln-service');
const sub = subscribeToInvoices({lnd});
const [lastUpdatedInvoice] = await once(sub, 'invoice_updated');


Subscribe to inbound channel open requests

Requires offchain:write, onchain:write permissions

Note: listening to inbound channel requests will automatically fail all channel requests after a short delay.

To return to default behavior of accepting all channel requests, remove all listeners to channel_request

LND 0.11.1 and below do not support accept or reject arguments

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>


<EventEmitter Object>

@event 'channel_request'
  accept: <Accept Request Function> ({
    [cooperative_close_address]: <Restrict Coop Close To Address String>
    [min_confirmations]: <Required Confirmations Before Channel Open Number>
    [remote_csv]: <Peer Unilateral Balance Output CSV Delay Number>
    [remote_reserve]: <Minimum Tokens Peer Must Keep On Their Side Number>
    [remote_max_htlcs]: <Maximum Slots For Attaching HTLCs Number>
    [remote_max_pending_mtokens]: <Maximum HTLCs Value Millitokens String>
    [remote_min_htlc_mtokens]: <Minimium HTLC Value Millitokens String>
  }) -> {}
  capacity: <Capacity Tokens Number>
  chain: <Chain Id Hex String>
  commit_fee_tokens_per_vbyte: <Commitment Transaction Fee Number>
  csv_delay: <CSV Delay Blocks Number>
  id: <Request Id Hex String>
  is_private: <Incoming Channel Is Private Bool>
  local_balance: <Channel Local Tokens Balance Number>
  local_reserve: <Channel Local Reserve Tokens Number>
  max_pending_mtokens: <Maximum Millitokens Pending In Channel String>
  max_pending_payments: <Maximum Pending Payments Number>
  min_chain_output: <Minimum Chain Output Tokens Number>
  min_htlc_mtokens: <Minimum HTLC Millitokens String>
  partner_public_key: <Peer Public Key Hex String>
  reject: <Reject Request Function> ({
    [reason]: <500 Character Limited Rejection Reason String>
  }) -> {}


const {subscribeToOpenRequests} = require('ln-service');
const sub = subscribeToOpenRequests({lnd});
sub.on('channel_request', channel => {
  // Reject small channels
  return (channel.capacity < 1000000) ? request.reject() : request.accept();


Subscribe to the status of a past payment

Requires offchain:read permission

  id: <Payment Request Hash Hex String>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>


<Subscription EventEmitter Object>

@event 'confirmed'
  fee_mtokens: <Total Fee Millitokens To Pay String>
  hops: [{
    channel: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
    channel_capacity: <Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
    fee: <Routing Fee Tokens Number>
    fee_mtokens: <Fee Millitokens String>
    forward: <Forwarded Tokens Number>
    forward_mtokens: <Forward Millitokens String>
    public_key: <Public Key Hex String>
    timeout: <Timeout Block Height Number>
  id: <Payment Hash Hex String>
  mtokens: <Total Millitokens Paid String>
  safe_fee: <Payment Forwarding Fee Rounded Up Tokens Number>
  safe_tokens: <Payment Tokens Rounded Up Number>
  secret: <Payment Preimage Hex String>
  timeout: <Expiration Block Height Number>
  tokens: <Tokens Paid Number>

@event 'failed'
  is_insufficient_balance: <Failed Due To Lack of Balance Bool>
  is_invalid_payment: <Failed Due to Payment Rejected At Destination Bool>
  is_pathfinding_timeout: <Failed Due to Pathfinding Timeout Bool>
  is_route_not_found: <Failed Due to Absence of Path Through Graph Bool>

@event 'paying'


const {once} = require('events');
const {subscribeToPastPayment} = require('ln-service');
const id = 'paymentRequestHashHexString';
const sub = subscribeToPastPayment({id, lnd});
const {secret} = await once(sub, 'confirmed');


Subscribe to the flight of a payment

Requires offchain:write permission

payment is not supported on LND 0.11.1 and below

max_path_mtokens is not supported in LND 0.12.0 or below

  [cltv_delta]: <Final CLTV Delta Number>
  destination: <Destination Public Key String>
  [features]: [{
    bit: <Feature Bit Number>
  [id]: <Payment Request Hash Hex String>
  [incoming_peer]: <Pay Through Specific Final Hop Public Key Hex String>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  [max_fee]: <Maximum Fee Tokens To Pay Number>
  [max_fee_mtokens]: <Maximum Fee Millitokens to Pay String>
  [max_path_mtokens]: <Maximum Millitokens For A Multi-Path Path String>
  [max_paths]: <Maximum Simultaneous Paths Number>
  [max_timeout_height]: <Maximum Height of Payment Timeout Number>
  [messages]: [{
    type: <Message Type Number String>
    value: <Message Raw Value Hex Encoded String>
  [mtokens]: <Millitokens to Pay String>
  [outgoing_channel]: <Pay Out of Outgoing Channel Id String>
  [outgoing_channels]: [<Pay Out of Outgoing Channel Ids String>]
  [pathfinding_timeout]: <Time to Spend Finding a Route Milliseconds Number>
  [payment]: <Payment Identifier Hex String>
  [routes]: [[{
    [base_fee_mtokens]: <Base Routing Fee In Millitokens String>
    [channel]: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
    [cltv_delta]: <CLTV Blocks Delta Number>
    [fee_rate]: <Fee Rate In Millitokens Per Million Number>
    public_key: <Forward Edge Public Key Hex String>
  [tokens]: <Tokens to Pay Number>


<Subscription EventEmitter Object>

@event 'confirmed'
  fee: <Fee Tokens Paid Number>
  fee_mtokens: <Total Fee Millitokens Paid String>
  hops: [{
    channel: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
    channel_capacity: <Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
    fee_mtokens: <Fee Millitokens String>
    forward_mtokens: <Forward Millitokens String>
    public_key: <Public Key Hex String>
    timeout: <Timeout Block Height Number>
  [id]: <Payment Hash Hex String>
  mtokens: <Total Millitokens To Pay String>
  safe_fee: <Payment Forwarding Fee Rounded Up Tokens Number>
  safe_tokens: <Payment Tokens Rounded Up Number>
  secret: <Payment Preimage Hex String>
  tokens: <Total Tokens Paid Rounded Down Number>

@event 'failed'
  is_insufficient_balance: <Failed Due To Lack of Balance Bool>
  is_invalid_payment: <Failed Due to Invalid Payment Bool>
  is_pathfinding_timeout: <Failed Due to Pathfinding Timeout Bool>
  is_route_not_found: <Failed Due to Route Not Found Bool>
  [route]: {
    fee: <Route Total Fee Tokens Rounded Down Number>
    fee_mtokens: <Route Total Fee Millitokens String>
    hops: [{
      channel: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
      channel_capacity: <Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
      fee: <Hop Forwarding Fee Rounded Down Tokens Number>
      fee_mtokens: <Hop Forwarding Fee Millitokens String>
      forward: <Hop Forwarding Tokens Rounded Down Number>
      forward_mtokens: <Hop Forwarding Millitokens String>
      public_key: <Hop Sending To Public Key Hex String>
      timeout: <Hop CTLV Expiration Height Number>
    mtokens: <Payment Sending Millitokens String>
    safe_fee: <Payment Forwarding Fee Rounded Up Tokens Number>
    safe_tokens: <Payment Sending Tokens Rounded Up Number>
    timeout: <Payment CLTV Expiration Height Number>
    tokens: <Payment Sending Tokens Rounded Down Number>

@event 'paying'


const {once} = require('events');
const {subscribeToPayViaDetails} = require('ln-service');
const destination = 'destinationNodePublicKeyHexString';
const id = 'paymentRequestHashHexString';
const sub = subscribeToPayViaDetails({destination, id, lnd, tokens: 80085});
const [paid] = await once(sub, 'confirmed');


Initiate and subscribe to the outcome of a payment request

Requires offchain:write permission

max_path_mtokens is not supported in LND 0.12.0 or below

  [incoming_peer]: <Pay Through Specific Final Hop Public Key Hex String>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  [max_fee]: <Maximum Fee Tokens To Pay Number>
  [max_fee_mtokens]: <Maximum Fee Millitokens to Pay String>
  [max_path_mtokens]: <Maximum Millitokens For A Multi-Path Path String>
  [max_paths]: <Maximum Simultaneous Paths Number>
  [max_timeout_height]: <Maximum Height of Payment Timeout Number>
  [messages]: [{
    type: <Message Type Number String>
    value: <Message Raw Value Hex Encoded String>
  [mtokens]: <Millitokens to Pay String>
  [outgoing_channel]: <Pay Out of Outgoing Channel Id String>
  [outgoing_channels]: [<Pay Out of Outgoing Channel Ids String>]
  [pathfinding_timeout]: <Time to Spend Finding a Route Milliseconds Number>
  request: <BOLT 11 Payment Request String>
  [tokens]: <Tokens To Pay Number>


<Subscription EventEmitter Object>

@event 'confirmed'
  fee: <Fee Tokens Number>
  fee_mtokens: <Total Fee Millitokens To Pay String>
  hops: [{
    channel: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
    channel_capacity: <Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
    fee_mtokens: <Fee Millitokens String>
    forward_mtokens: <Forward Millitokens String>
    public_key: <Public Key Hex String>
    timeout: <Timeout Block Height Number>
  id: <Payment Hash Hex String>
  mtokens: <Total Millitokens Paid String>
  safe_fee: <Payment Forwarding Fee Rounded Up Tokens Number>
  safe_tokens: <Payment Tokens Rounded Up Number>
  secret: <Payment Preimage Hex String>
  timeout: <Expiration Block Height Number>
  tokens: <Total Tokens Paid Number>

@event 'failed'
  is_insufficient_balance: <Failed Due To Lack of Balance Bool>
  is_invalid_payment: <Failed Due to Invalid Payment Bool>
  is_pathfinding_timeout: <Failed Due to Pathfinding Timeout Bool>
  is_route_not_found: <Failed Due to Route Not Found Bool>
  [route]: {
    fee: <Route Total Fee Tokens Rounded Down Number>
    fee_mtokens: <Route Total Fee Millitokens String>
    hops: [{
      channel: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
      channel_capacity: <Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
      fee: <Hop Forwarding Fee Rounded Down Tokens Number>
      fee_mtokens: <Hop Forwarding Fee Millitokens String>
      forward: <Hop Forwarding Tokens Rounded Down Number>
      forward_mtokens: <Hop Forwarding Millitokens String>
      public_key: <Hop Sending To Public Key Hex String>
      timeout: <Hop CTLV Expiration Height Number>
    mtokens: <Payment Sending Millitokens String>
    safe_fee: <Payment Forwarding Fee Rounded Up Tokens Number>
    safe_tokens: <Payment Sending Tokens Rounded Up Number>
    timeout: <Payment CLTV Expiration Height Number>
    tokens: <Payment Sending Tokens Rounded Down Number>

@event 'paying'


const {once} = require('events');
const {subscribeToPayViaRequest} = require('ln-service');
const request = 'bolt11PaymentRequest';
const sub = subscribeToPayViaRequest({lnd, request});
const [paid] = once(sub, 'confirmed');


Subscribe to the attempts of paying via specified routes

Requires offchain:write permission

  [id]: <Payment Hash Hex String>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND gRPC API Object>
  [pathfinding_timeout]: <Time to Spend Finding a Route Milliseconds Number>
  routes: [{
    fee: <Total Fee Tokens To Pay Number>
    fee_mtokens: <Total Fee Millitokens To Pay String>
    hops: [{
      channel: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
      channel_capacity: <Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
      fee: <Fee Number>
      fee_mtokens: <Fee Millitokens String>
      forward: <Forward Tokens Number>
      forward_mtokens: <Forward Millitokens String>
      public_key: <Public Key Hex String>
      timeout: <Timeout Block Height Number>
    [messages]: [{
      type: <Message Type Number String>
      value: <Message Raw Value Hex Encoded String>
    mtokens: <Total Millitokens To Pay String>
    timeout: <Expiration Block Height Number>
    tokens: <Total Tokens To Pay Number>


<EventEmitter Object>

@event 'failure'
  failure: [
    <Code Number>
    <Failure Message String>
      channel: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
      [mtokens]: <Millitokens String>
      [policy]: {
        base_fee_mtokens: <Base Fee Millitokens String>
        cltv_delta: <Locktime Delta Number>
        fee_rate: <Fees Charged in Millitokens Per Million Number>
        [is_disabled]: <Channel is Disabled Bool>
        max_htlc_mtokens: <Maximum HLTC Millitokens value String>
        min_htlc_mtokens: <Minimum HTLC Millitokens Value String>
      public_key: <Public Key Hex String>
      [update]: {
        chain: <Chain Id Hex String>
        channel_flags: <Channel Flags Number>
        extra_opaque_data: <Extra Opaque Data Hex String>
        message_flags: <Message Flags Number>
        signature: <Channel Update Signature Hex String>

@event 'paying'
  route: {
    fee: <Total Fee Tokens To Pay Number>
    fee_mtokens: <Total Fee Millitokens To Pay String>
    hops: [{
      channel: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
      channel_capacity: <Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
      fee: <Fee Number>
      fee_mtokens: <Fee Millitokens String>
      forward: <Forward Tokens Number>
      forward_mtokens: <Forward Millitokens String>
      public_key: <Public Key Hex String>
      timeout: <Timeout Block Height Number>
    mtokens: <Total Millitokens To Pay String>
    timeout: <Expiration Block Height Number>
    tokens: <Total Tokens To Pay Number>

@event 'routing_failure'
  [channel]: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
  [index]: <Failure Hop Index Number>
  [mtokens]: <Failure Related Millitokens String>
  [policy]: {
    base_fee_mtokens: <Base Fee Millitokens String>
    cltv_delta: <Locktime Delta Number>
    fee_rate: <Fees Charged in Millitokens Per Million Number>
    [is_disabled]: <Channel is Disabled Bool>
    max_htlc_mtokens: <Maximum HLTC Millitokens value String>
    min_htlc_mtokens: <Minimum HTLC Millitokens Value String>
  public_key: <Public Key Hex String>
  reason: <Failure Reason String>
  route: {
    fee: <Total Fee Tokens To Pay Number>
    fee_mtokens: <Total Fee Millitokens To Pay String>
    hops: [{
      channel: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
      channel_capacity: <Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
      fee: <Fee Number>
      fee_mtokens: <Fee Millitokens String>
      forward: <Forward Tokens Number>
      forward_mtokens: <Forward Millitokens String>
      public_key: <Public Key Hex String>
      timeout: <Timeout Block Height Number>
    mtokens: <Total Millitokens To Pay String>
    timeout: <Expiration Block Height Number>
    tokens: <Total Tokens To Pay Number>
  safe_fee: <Payment Forwarding Fee Rounded Up Tokens Number>
  safe_tokens: <Payment Tokens Rounded Up Number>
  [timeout_height]: <Failure Related CLTV Timeout Height Number>
  [update]: {
    chain: <Chain Id Hex String>
    channel_flags: <Channel Flags Number>
    extra_opaque_data: <Extra Opaque Data Hex String>
    message_flags: <Message Flags Number>
    signature: <Channel Update Signature Hex String>

@event 'success'
  fee: <Fee Paid Tokens Number>
  fee_mtokens: <Fee Paid Millitokens String>
  hops: [{
    channel: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
    channel_capacity: <Hop Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
    fee_mtokens: <Hop Forward Fee Millitokens String>
    forward_mtokens: <Hop Forwarded Millitokens String>
    timeout: <Hop CLTV Expiry Block Height Number>
  id: <Payment Hash Hex String>
  is_confirmed: <Is Confirmed Bool>
  is_outgoing: <Is Outoing Bool>
  mtokens: <Total Millitokens Sent String>
  route: {
    fee: <Total Fee Tokens To Pay Number>
    fee_mtokens: <Total Fee Millitokens To Pay String>
    hops: [{
      channel: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
      channel_capacity: <Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
      fee: <Fee Number>
      fee_mtokens: <Fee Millitokens String>
      forward: <Forward Tokens Number>
      forward_mtokens: <Forward Millitokens String>
      public_key: <Public Key Hex String>
      timeout: <Timeout Block Height Number>
    mtokens: <Total Millitokens To Pay String>
    timeout: <Expiration Block Height Number>
    tokens: <Total Tokens To Pay Number>
  safe_fee: <Payment Forwarding Fee Rounded Up Tokens Number>
  safe_tokens: <Payment Tokens Rounded Up Number>
  secret: <Payment Secret Preimage Hex String>
  tokens: <Total Tokens Sent Number>


const {once} = require('events');
const {getRouteToDestination, subscribeToPayViaRoutes} = require('ln-service');
const {route} = getRouteToDestination({destination, lnd, tokens});
const sub = subscribeToPayViaRoutes({lnd, routes: [route]});
const [success] = await once(sub, 'success');


Subscribe to peer connectivity events

Requires peers:read permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND gRPC API Object>


<EventEmitter Object>

@event 'connected'
  public_key: <Connected Peer Public Key Hex String>

@event 'disconnected'
  public_key: <Disconnected Peer Public Key Hex String>


const {subscribeToPeers} = require('ln-service');

const sub = subscribeToPeers({lnd});

let lastConnectedPeer;

// Listen to connected peers
sub.on('connected', peer => lastConnected = peer.public_key);


Subscribe to a probe attempt

Requires offchain:write permission

  [cltv_delta]: <Final CLTV Delta Number>
  destination: <Destination Public Key Hex String>
  [features]: [{
    bit: <Feature Bit Number>
  [ignore]: [{
    from_public_key: <Public Key Hex String>
    [to_public_key]: <To Public Key Hex String>
  [incoming_peer]: <Incoming Peer Public Key Hex String>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  [max_fee]: <Maximum Fee Tokens Number>
  [max_fee_mtokens]: <Maximum Fee Millitokens to Probe String>
  [max_timeout_height]: <Maximum CLTV Timeout Height Number>
  [messages]: [{
    type: <Message To Final Destination Type Number String>
    value: <Message To Final Destination Raw Value Hex Encoded String>
  [mtokens]: <Millitokens to Probe String>
  [outgoing_channel]: <Outgoing Channel Id String>
  [path_timeout_ms]: <Skip Individual Path Attempt After Milliseconds Number>
  [payment]: <Payment Identifier Hex String>
  [probe_timeout_ms]: <Fail Entire Probe After Milliseconds Number>
  [routes]: [[{
    [base_fee_mtokens]: <Base Routing Fee In Millitokens Number>
    [channel_capacity]: <Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
    [channel]: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
    [cltv_delta]: <CLTV Blocks Delta Number>
    [fee_rate]: <Fee Rate In Millitokens Per Million Number>
    public_key: <Forward Edge Public Key Hex String>
  [tokens]: <Tokens to Probe Number>
  [total_mtokens]: <Total Millitokens Across Paths String>

<Probe Subscription Event Emitter Object>

@event 'error'
[<Failure Code Number>, <Failure Message String>]

@event 'probe_success'
  route: {
    [confidence]: <Route Confidence Score Out Of One Million Number>
    fee: <Total Fee Tokens To Pay Number>
    fee_mtokens: <Total Fee Millitokens To Pay String>
    hops: [{
      channel: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
      channel_capacity: <Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
      fee: <Fee Number>
      fee_mtokens: <Fee Millitokens String>
      forward: <Forward Tokens Number>
      forward_mtokens: <Forward Millitokens String>
      public_key: <Public Key Hex String>
      timeout: <Timeout Block Height Number>
    [messages]: [{
      type: <Message Type Number String>
      value: <Message Raw Value Hex Encoded String>
    mtokens: <Total Millitokens To Pay String>
    [payment]: <Payment Identifier Hex String>
    safe_fee: <Payment Forwarding Fee Rounded Up Tokens Number>
    safe_tokens: <Payment Sent Tokens Rounded Up Number>
    timeout: <Expiration Block Height Number>
    tokens: <Total Tokens To Pay Number>
    [total_mtokens]: <Total Millitokens String>

@event 'probing'
  route: {
    [confidence]: <Route Confidence Score Out Of One Million Number>
    fee: <Total Fee Tokens To Pay Number>
    fee_mtokens: <Total Fee Millitokens To Pay String>
    hops: [{
      channel: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
      channel_capacity: <Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
      fee: <Fee Number>
      fee_mtokens: <Fee Millitokens String>
      forward: <Forward Tokens Number>
      forward_mtokens: <Forward Millitokens String>
      public_key: <Public Key Hex String>
      timeout: <Timeout Block Height Number>
    [messages]: [{
      type: <Message Type Number String>
      value: <Message Raw Value Hex Encoded String>
    mtokens: <Total Millitokens To Pay String>
    [payment]: <Payment Identifier Hex String>
    safe_fee: <Payment Forwarding Fee Rounded Up Tokens Number>
    safe_tokens: <Payment Sent Tokens Rounded Up Number>
    timeout: <Expiration Block Height Number>
    tokens: <Total Tokens To Pay Number>
    [total_mtokens]: <Total Millitokens String>

@event 'routing_failure'
  [channel]: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
  [mtokens]: <Millitokens String>
  [policy]: {
    base_fee_mtokens: <Base Fee Millitokens String>
    cltv_delta: <Locktime Delta Number>
    fee_rate: <Fees Charged in Millitokens Per Million Number>
    [is_disabled]: <Channel is Disabled Bool>
    max_htlc_mtokens: <Maximum HLTC Millitokens Value String>
    min_htlc_mtokens: <Minimum HTLC Millitokens Value String>
  public_key: <Public Key Hex String>
  reason: <Failure Reason String>
  route: {
    [confidence]: <Route Confidence Score Out Of One Million Number>
    fee: <Total Fee Tokens To Pay Number>
    fee_mtokens: <Total Fee Millitokens To Pay String>
    hops: [{
      channel: <Standard Format Channel Id String>
      channel_capacity: <Channel Capacity Tokens Number>
      fee: <Fee Number>
      fee_mtokens: <Fee Millitokens String>
      forward: <Forward Tokens Number>
      forward_mtokens: <Forward Millitokens String>
      public_key: <Public Key Hex String>
      timeout: <Timeout Block Height Number>
    [messages]: [{
      type: <Message Type Number String>
      value: <Message Raw Value Hex Encoded String>
    mtokens: <Total Millitokens To Pay String>
    [payment]: <Payment Identifier Hex String>
    safe_fee: <Payment Forwarding Fee Rounded Up Tokens Number>
    safe_tokens: <Payment Sent Tokens Rounded Up Number>
    timeout: <Expiration Block Height Number>
    tokens: <Total Tokens To Pay Number>
    [total_mtokens]: <Total Millitokens String>
  [update]: {
    chain: <Chain Id Hex String>
    channel_flags: <Channel Flags Number>
    extra_opaque_data: <Extra Opaque Data Hex String>
    message_flags: <Message Flags Number>
    signature: <Channel Update Signature Hex String>


const {once} = require('events');
const {subscribeToProbeForRoute} = require('ln-service');
const destination = 'destinationPublicKeyHexString';
const sub = subscribeToProbeForRoute({destination, lnd, tokens: 80085});
const [{route}] = await once(sub, 'probe_success');


Subscribe to transactions

Requires onchain:read permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>


<EventEmitter Object>

@event 'chain_transaction'
  [block_id]: <Block Hash String>
  [confirmation_count]: <Confirmation Count Number>
  [confirmation_height]: <Confirmation Block Height Number>
  created_at: <Created ISO 8601 Date String>
  [fee]: <Fees Paid Tokens Number>
  id: <Transaction Id String>
  is_confirmed: <Is Confirmed Bool>
  is_outgoing: <Transaction Outbound Bool>
  output_addresses: [<Address String>]
  tokens: <Tokens Including Fee Number>
  [transaction]: <Raw Transaction Hex String>


const {subscribeToTransactions} = require('ln-service');
let lastChainTransactionId;
const sub = subscribeToTransactions({lnd});
sub.on('chain_transaction', tx => lastChainTransactionId = tx.id);


Subscribe to wallet status events

This method is not supported on LND 0.12.1 and below

  lnd: <Unauthenticated LND API Object>


<EventEmitter Object>

// The wallet has yet to be created
@event 'absent'

// The wallet is activated and ready for all requests
@event 'active'

// An error occurred
@event 'error'

// The wallet is inactive because it is locked
@event 'locked'

// The wallet is in the process of starting
@event 'starting'


const {once} = require('events');
const {subscribeToWalletStatus, unauthenticatedLndGrpc} = require('ln-service');

// No macaroon is required for this method
const {lnd} = unauthenticatedLndGrpc({cert, socket});

const sub = subscribeToWalletStatus({lnd});

// Wait for wallet to become active
await once(sub, 'active');


Unauthenticated gRPC interface to the Lightning Network Daemon (lnd).

Make sure to provide a cert when using LND with its default self-signed cert

  [cert]: <Base64 or Hex Serialized LND TLS Cert>
  [socket]: <Host:Port String>


  lnd: {
    unlocker: <Unlocker LND GRPC Api Object>


const {createSeed, unauthenticatedLndGrpc} = require('ln-service');
const {lnd} = unauthenticatedLndGrpc({});
const {seed} = await createSeed({lnd});


Unlock UTXO

Requires onchain:write permission

Requires LND built with walletrpc build tag

  id: <Lock Id Hex String>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND gRPC API Object>
  transaction_id: <Unspent Transaction Id Hex String>
  transaction_vout: <Unspent Transaction Output Index Number>

@returns via cbk or Promise


const {getUtxos, lockUtxo, sendToChainAddress, unlockUtxo} = require('ln-service');

// Assume a wallet that has only one UTXO
const [utxo] = (await getUtxos({lnd})).utxos;

const locked = await lockUtxo({
  transaction_id: utxo.transaction_id,
  transaction_vout: utxo.transaction_vout,

const futureUnlockDate = new Date(locked.expires_at);

try {
  // This call will throw an error as LND will treat the UTXO as being locked
  await sendToChainAddress({address, lnd, tokens});
} catch (err) {
  // Insufficient funds

await unlockUtxo({
  id: locked.id,
  transaction_id: utxo.transaction_id,
  transaction_vout: utxo.transaction_vout,

// This call will now succeed as LND will treat the UTXO as being unlocked
await sendToChainAddress({address, lnd, tokens});


Unlock the wallet

  lnd: <Unauthenticated LND gRPC API Object>
  password: <Wallet Password String>

@returns via cbk or Promise


const {unauthenticatedLndGrpc, unlockWallet} = require('ln-service');
const {lnd} = unauthenticatedLndGrpc({});
await unlockWallet({lnd, password: 'walletSecretPassword'});


Update an on-chain transaction record metadata

Requires LND built with walletrpc build tag

Requires onchain:write permission

  description: <Transaction Label String>
  id: <Transaction Id Hex String>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise


const {getChainTransactions} = require('ln-service');

const {transactions} = await getChainTransactions({lnd});

const [{id}] = transactions;

await updateChainTransaction({id, lnd, description: 'First transaction'});


Update a watchtower

Requires LND built with wtclientrpc build tag

  [add_socket]: <Add Socket String>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND gRPC API Object>
  public_key: <Watchtower Public Key Hex String>
  [remove_socket]: <Remove Socket String>

@returns via cbk or Promise


const {updateConnectedWatchtower} = require('ln-service');

await updateConnectedWatchtower({
  add_socket: additionalWatchtowerNetworkAddress,
  public_key: watchtowerPublicKey,


Update current pathfinding settings

Requires offchain:read, offchain:write permissions

Method not supported on LND 0.12.1 or below

  [baseline_success_rate]: <Assumed Hop Forward Chance In 1 Million Number>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  [max_payment_records]: <Maximum Historical Payment Records To Keep Number>
  [node_ignore_rate]: <Avoid Node Due to Failure Rate In 1 Million Number>
  [penalty_half_life_ms]: <Millisecs to Reduce Fail Penalty By Half Number>

@returns via cbk or Promise


const {updatePathfindingSettings} = require('ln-service');

// Change failure assumption for an untested hop to be 50/50
await updatePathfindingSettings({
  baseline_success_rate: 500000,


Update routing fees on a single channel or on all channels

Setting both base_fee_tokens and base_fee_mtokens is not supported

  [base_fee_mtokens]: <Base Fee Millitokens Charged Number>
  [base_fee_tokens]: <Base Fee Tokens Charged Number>
  [cltv_delta]: <HTLC CLTV Delta Number>
  [fee_rate]: <Fee Rate In Millitokens Per Million Number>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND gRPC API Object>
  [max_htlc_mtokens]: <Maximum HTLC Millitokens to Forward String>
  [min_htlc_mtokens]: <Minimum HTLC Millitokens to Forward String>
  [transaction_id]: <Channel Funding Transaction Id String>
  [transaction_vout]: <Channel Funding Transaction Output Index Number>

@returns via cbk or Promise


const {updateRoutingFees} = require('lnd');
await updateRoutingFees({lnd, fee_rate: 2500});


Verify a channel backup

  backup: <Individual Channel Backup Hex String>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND gRPC API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  [err]: <LND Error Object>
  is_valid: <Backup is Valid Bool>


const {getBackups, verifyBackup} = require('ln-service');
const [channelBackup] = (await getBackups({lnd})).channels;

const isValid = (await verifyBackup({lnd, backup: channelBackup.backup})).is_valid;


Verify a set of aggregated channel backups

  backup: <Multi-Backup Hex String>
  channels: [{
    transaction_id: <Funding Transaction Id Hex String>
    transaction_vout: <Funding Transaction Output Index Number>
  lnd: <Authenticated LND gRPC API Object>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  is_valid: <Backup is Valid Bool>


const {getBackups, verifyBackups} = require('ln-service');
const {backup, channels} = await getBackups({lnd});
const isValid = (await verifyBackups({backup, channels, lnd})).is_valid;


Verify signature of arbitrary bytes

Requires LND built with signrpc build tag

Requires signer:read permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  preimage: <Message Preimage Bytes Hex Encoded String>
  public_key: <Signature Valid For Public Key Hex String>
  signature: <Signature Hex String>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  is_valid: <Signature is Valid Bool>


const {getIdentity, signBytes, verifyBytesSignature} = require('ln-service');

const preimage = Buffer.from('hello world').toString('hex');

// Sign the hash of the string "hello world"
const {signature} = await signBytes({lnd, preimage, key_family: 6, key_index: 0});

// Verify that the signature is good for the public key over the preimage
const validity = await verifyBytesSignature({
  public_key: (await getIdentity({lnd})).public_key,


Verify a message was signed by a known pubkey

Requires message:read permission

  lnd: <Authenticated LND API Object>
  message: <Message String>
  signature: <Signature String>

@returns via cbk or Promise
  signed_by: <Public Key Hex String>


const {verifyMessage} = require('ln-service');
const message = 'foo';
const signature = 'badSignature';
const signedBy = (await verifyMessage({lnd, message, signature})).signed_by;


Integration tests:

BTCD and LND are required to execute the integration tests.

LND must be compiled with the relevant sub-rpc tags to complete all tests.

$ npm t