ArduWar is a WoW Pixel Reading Rotation Bot using AutoIt or an Arduino to simulate the Keyboard Clicks written in Java.
First of all, you need a Rotation Addon like TellMeWhen or AethysRotation (what I recommend). For the ArduinoBot you will need a Arduino Leonardo!
- Start ArduWar.jar
- Navigate to the Rotation Addon, best Position is on the Red Dot.
- Press F3 to Save the Addon Position
- Now cast the Rotation on a Target Dummy, if you get a new Spell press F2 to add the Skill to the Skill Window.
- The Skills need to be on Keybind 1-10.
- You can add up to 10 Skill. If you use less, add some random color. (atm you need 10, will be fixed in the future)
- Select a Profile and Press "Save"
- Press "Start AutoIt" to start the AutoIt Bot and "Stop" to stop it. The Programm will send the Inputs to the most forward Window (Most likely WoW)
- Start ArduWar.jar
- Navigate to the Rotation Addon, best Position is on the Red Dot.
- Press F3 to Save the Addon Position
- Now cast the Rotation on a Target Dummy, if you get a new Spell press F2 to add the Skill to the Skill Window.
- The Skills need to be on Keybind 1-10.
- You can add up to 10 Skill. If you use less, add some random color. (atm you need 10, will be fixed in the future)
- Select a Profile and Press "Save"
- Connect you Arduino Leonardo and upload the Code (
- Select the Port (COM1, COM2, etc) where the Arduino is connected
- Press F4 or "Start Arduino" to start and F5 or "Stop" to stop.
Keep in Mind this is a private Project of me. It is not easy to understand or to configure and it contains most likely many bugs. :)