
Tag Boosting in WoW

Primary LanguageAutoHotkey


Tag Boosting in WoW


TODO: Issues: Boostie cant get tag but has aggro. Workaround: Use screech pet


Script with WA TagBoost_classic_F12.ahk


WA can decide: is target tapped is target combatable is target attacking boostie is target attacking boostie petattack

Edit script to set default coordinates coordinates or use F10 to set square coords

Do when following boostie, requires leatrix plus

/ltp af  

set boostie name in weakaura custom options

set boostie name in macro

Bind to 1

/assist Boostiename

Bind to 2

/cast Dash
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

Keep Red/green square somewhere visible on screen!

F12 to start/stop script CTRL+F12 to exit script F10 to set square coordinates