Ray Tracer in Go

Working through Peter Shriley's Ray Tracing in a Weekend book as an exercise to learn Go. Not likely very idiomatic Go as I'm following exercises written in C and this is the first thing I've done in Go. My main goal is use this as a base to play with goroutines/channels after completion.

Image of Progress


  • I wrote tests for the vector class to get an understanding of writing tests in Go. Definitely miss Rspec and still don't think I agree with not having assertions in the standard test library but Testify seems nice.
  • Not being able to override arithmetic operators make the code for this really clunky at times.
  • I don't like the decision to not support method overloading, as having to define something like .MultiplyByVector(v Vector) and .MultiplyByFloat(t float64) is painful, but this slides into not being able to override the arthimetic operators as well.
  • Should be using pointers to reduce memory footprint, hoping to try to do profiling of this to see numerical improvements when refactoring at the end.