Overview ========= Homepage: http://analysissitus.org Follow our blog: http://quaoar.su/blog/ Analysis Situs is an open-source, extensible software which assists in the development of CAD geometric algorithms based on Boundary Representation (B-Rep) data structures. The software is coupled with OpenCascade library which is an open-source geometric modeling kernel offering a broad range of modeling operators for the development of multipurpose CAD systems and utilities. Analysis Situs serves as a framework for constructing geometric modeling algorithms. Additionally, Analysis Situs offers some advanced facilities for inspection of geometric and topological structures of existing CAD parts (hence the name "Analysis Situs") which can be imported from any popular CAD system. What's in a name? ================= Analysis Situs is the former name for Topology. Henri Poincare wrote an original paper on the subject in 1895, where he introduced the fundamental concepts of this new branch of mathematics. The topological language has appeared to be extremely useful in the Computer-Aided Design field. Tons of research papers ever published on the subject took advantage of the topological formalism to construct the mathematical models of the physical shapes. We think that Analysis Situs is the cute name for software that dives into low-level details of geometric modeling. You load a model to inquire about what is inside. You can study it face-by-face in a CAD-neutral environment. You can look at your model as a composition of surface patches trimmed by contours. Also, you can extend the software with your tools as the architecture is quite general (this is how Analysis Situs is used by its primary developer daily). In the early age of CAD, there was a system PADL served to transfer the digital design technology from academia to industry. Pioneer researchers like A. Requicha, who participated in the PADL project, brought a lot of new seminal concepts to the field (for this A. Requicha and H. Voelcker got Pierre Bezier Award). Analysis Situs has nothing to do with PADL and all these brilliant researchers. However, there is still a demand to have a rapid prototyping tool that is freely accessible to anyone. The ultimate goal is to have an open-source CAD platform that can be adapted for solving a variety of geometric design problems.